#ai (2024-04)

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Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang
I Got Access to Gemini 1.5 Pro, and It's Better Than GPT-4 and Gemini 1.0 Ultraattachment image

I finally got access to Gemini 1.5 Pro with support for 1 million tokens, so I tested out the model and found it is better than Gemini Ultra & GPT-4.


Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

SWE-agent takes a GitHub issue and tries to automatically fix it, using GPT-4, or your LM of choice. It solves 12.29% of bugs in the SWE-bench evaluation set and takes just 1.5 minutes to run.


Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

Apple released *OpenELM*, a family of open language models (270 million - 3 billion parameters), designed to run on-device. OpenELM outperforms comparable-sized existing LLMs pretrained on publicly available datasets. Apple also released *CoreNet*, a library for training deep neural networks”
