#airship (2018-12)
Home of Airship ECS Modules ( https://github.com/blinkist/terraform-aws-airship-ecs-service / https://github.com/blinkist/terraform-aws-airship-ecs-cluster )
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/airship/
yea, it’s like pulling teeth
Pulling teeth is short and intense, documenting is more like a week long back pain.
good point
Hi Everyone, I’ve started documenting the ecs cluster module here: https://airship.tf/guide/ecs_cluster/. For ‘better’ English I’ll find someone to take a look, but would love to have input from you guys on the structure itself.
Home of Terraform Airship
The codeblocks are currently json, very soon hcl https://github.com/PrismJS/prism/pull/1594
Supporting HCL(HashiCorp Configuration Language). Close #1252
i think you definitely made the right choice for this project
going to take a closer look at some of the UI/UX elements and have our guy incorporate that into our docs
nice ::: warning
how does this handle multi-line?
you mean, within the ::: warning block
let me see
not really
with <br/> it works
https://airship.tf/guide/ecs_cluster/?refresh go to the end
Home of Terraform Airship
this is not br/ just 2 enters by markdown
“2 enters”?
2 returns
that’s not really multiline..
ah got it
so you do it by putting two spaces at the end of the line
oh, that’s cool
the writing on this page is exceptional
@john294 you might want to talk with @maarten about airship for what you guys are doing. It’s a great turnkey solution for ECS used by Blinkist, among others.
@john294 has joined the channel
Hi @john294! I’m afk very soon, but happy to talk any time.
Basically they’ve built a very easy turnkey solution for using ECS with Terraform. Cloud Posse has our own modules, but @maarten is going above and beyond with airship.
He’s specifically trying to make it easier for smaller startups to get up and running quickly
@i5okie has joined the channel
moved here from general. im trying to implement and automagical experience for our devs to create review apps, after we move from heroku to aws.
I’m imagining it being almost like circle-ci. by that i mean have “service images” like postgresdb, and other normal images, like ruby-2.3-8-node-browsers kind. most likely only have a single ecs instance, or cluster of 1, and devs would launch review apps from command line (i’m working on a gem, have a bunch of heroku cli - like features already implemented, this would be next). to either deploy from PR, or from local staged files.
came here for some inspiration / suggestions / opinions
looks like traefik will be pretty important
@joshmyers has joined the channel
@i5okie Is this an unsolved problems that needs code written or is there something you could take off the shelf?
Traefik is
Airship looks nice!
yeah i was looking at airship too.
i still don’t really understand how airship can help
Hu @i5okie I’m not really online now, but tomorrow I’ll have plenty of time to show you around what airship is about. I just started documenting ( work in progress ) https://airship.tf . Its guide is only covering the cluster at the moment, the ecs service module which is 99% of the logic isn’t covered yet, just a little bit in the (unfinished) getting started section. You can take a look here: github.com/blinkist/terraform-aws-airship-ecs-service . Maybe you can explain your use-case a bit and let’s discuss tomorrow !
Home of Terraform Airship
Hmm if i were to use airship, which looks great.. Looking at your guide (great work so far!!!) I think in my use case I’ll need to replace nginx with Traefik
i think that’d be a killer combo
Cunning use of the data lambda for bootstrap
@i5okie Have done similar with Traefik and the ECS backend. Worked nicely
josh, the only ecs+traefik tutorials I’ve found out there so far. are somewhat useless / not well documented.
I’m trying to hack together the airship moduel some of the cloud-posse modules, into a nice ecs stack. then try to figure out how to make a service module to bring-up a traefik service.. one thing at a time i guess
So is the plan with Airship to bring it into Cloud-Posse family?
For the time being , I think this is an independent project. But honestly, we just want people doing cool stuff to be part of the community.
I totally endorse what @maarten is building with airship + blinkist
I know @jamie is contributing to it among others
i like that
@i5okie I’d love to know how you see your setup working. In my documentation I will have to work-out a few common use-cases. So I’d love to hear yours.
Im thinking to just use terraform to document the infrastructure for the ecs. So I’d like to have a small ecs cluster, and some docker images in ecr. like our usual ruby image, then a postgresql / redis service.. I’m still a bit new to this, so im not sure if ruby would be a task or not?
right now we’re primarily on heroku, and have review apps that can get spun up from github PRs. So in my case, I’d want to write some code that devs would run in their command line to spin up a ‘review app’ (ruby + postgresql + redis images) responding to <app>-<hash>.mydomain.com as per traefik.. then when QA is done verifying or whatever, we can kill the review app afterwords.
Hi @i5okie I’ve done something similar with Airship, but less dynamic than your idea. For a QA environment I’ve created multiple services of the same application, let’s call it app
running on the same ECS cluster. The 5 different services were preconfigured by terraform and had planet names, earth, mars, uranus etc.
At PR, or however the deployment was configured, the developer creates a branch named app-mars-[JIRA-TICKET] and the application was then deployed to the app-mars ECS Service.
Route53 and a single Application Load Balancer takes care of routing the traffic to the Planet QA ECS Service. A who-is-blocking-what-service-app on Slack takes care of not having developers deploying at the same planet at the time, what never was a problem really.
@maarten do you have any config you can share regarding this setup? I’m debating between what you’ve described and the Kubernetes namespace per PR that CloudPosse uses.
Hi David, I will add more stuff to the documentation this week!
The setup I just described are nothing more than multiple ECS Services configured by terraform together with the resources they are configured to. It’s less dynamic than kubernetes, but you can configure a services from top to bottom, redis, db, access to IAM, other AWS resources, kinesis etc.
How multiple services then connect to each other is then configured by the environment variables configured within SSM which are turned into ENV variables by the chamber application.
Internally applications can talk to each other through an internal application load balancer, and soon, the service registry, which is something I’m building in at the moment.
So the moment I have the service registry setup, only then namespaces can become a reality.
yeah that kind of sounds similar. So i guess in my case, the LB would point to traefik. then traefik would point to one of the deployed apps..
What is the need for traefik here, if the ALB already does the routing ?
auto discovery i guess
rather uhm reverse proxy
i have wildcard *.apps.mydomain.com pointing to traefik. so anything i type in myapp-v3344.apps.mydomain.com traefik would then say ah okay this goes here..
kinda like this: https://netbears.com/blog/traefik-cluster-ecs/
This is a tutorial on how to deploy a Traefik Load Balancer in AWS to create hosts (FQDN) for development applications launched in ECS based on application name and tags.
except someone who wrote this has incomplete documentation and i can’t get that to work.
so im trying to do basically the same, but starting with terraform, the airship module, and going from there.
I’m seeing where you’re getting at now. It’s a little different idea from what I’m used to and that makes it interesting. The question is how you want to deploy your others services then. Running terraform at PR ? Or are you ok with pre-configuring a set of services to which you can deploy after.
so lets forget about PRs for now
i want to have this in terraform so its documented, in case we need to tear down the stack and bring it up in the future. or on another aws account.. etc.
so for other services.. I was thinking if it’d be possible to do something like how CircleCi config file has the main -image ruby:2.5
for example, and then below you specify -image postgresql:9.6-alpine
for example..
so i think that when ‘deploy command’ is triggered, i’l have to spin up the ruby image, and the postgresql/ redis images and then associate those three together. (this probably has nothing to do with terraform at this point)
I’ve used RDS in a shared tenancy model for that as production is also using RDS and I like to have production more or less in sync with everything else
what i’ve described above would be insane for production. its for ephemeral apps with like short life-spans of a couple minutes to a couple days tops.
it’s quite a challenge lol. i’ve never done anything like this before
Let me know if if you struggle with something on the way! The mindset behind the airship modules is slightly different from your use-case but we’re engineers, so we can make everything work
yep, i have to run out for a bit. but i have a question about your config example
tty soon
sure, just post!
I use airship and cloudposse combined. I like to add the null_label into airship, so i can cascade the conststant labeling and tagging down through all the modules via context.
I have used Traefik, and it is easy to add into the mix
@Ryan Ryke has joined the channel
0.8.4: Task scheduler fix (#27) What
Rewrite of the javascript Task scheduler, it wasn’t working properly with AWSVPC networking. Limited the name of the jobs to 32 chars. Fixed a bug which effected ecs services without a load balancer as the condition was still set to match NONE instead of none
Terraform module which creates an ECS Service, IAM roles, Scaling, ALB listener rules.. Fargate & AWSVPC compatible - blinkist/terraform-aws-airship-ecs-service
I fell off the earth.. looks like my project has been scrapped for the foreseeable future ;(. But now I’ll be playing with Airship the way it was designed haha
The question I had was… vpc_security_group_ids = ["${module.ecs_instance_sg.this_security_group_id}","${module.admin_sg.this_security_group_id}"]
What is the intent with these SGs? Or what are the suggested rules?
The Autoscaling Group of instances needs to allow incoming traffic from the Load Balancer. I’m describing it here //airship.tf/guide/ecs_cluster/#security-groups>
Home of Terraform Airship
have you taken a look at the new blue/green deployment feature?
Hi Erik, I don’t think so, do you have more info’s for me ?
This is the public roadmap for AWS container services (ECS, ECR, Fargate, and EKS). - aws/containers-roadmap
Not much
see the “Just Shipped” column
Ahh! CodeDeploy I’m less interested in, but the roadmap stuff is great
yea, I was really surprised they made this public
How to spend a weekend. My start on the ECS service documentation.. https://airship.tf/guide/ecs_service/ Would love to have input on anything guys!
Home of Terraform Airship
love these diagrams
Love them too If you have time please tell me what you don’t like!
this is the most documented terraform module on the internet
I’ll have to wear sunglasses outside now.
because your future is so bright?
@Steven has joined the channel
@jamie https://github.com/blinkist/terraform-aws-airship-ecs-service/blob/service_discovery/modules/ecs_service/main.tf With SRV record as DNS type the Service doesn’t get registered, do you have any idea ?
Terraform module which creates an ECS Service, IAM roles, Scaling, ALB listener rules.. Fargate & AWSVPC compatible - blinkist/terraform-aws-airship-ecs-service
Do you have an example set up using it currently?
that you can make a change to and test?
resource "aws_service_discovery_private_dns_namespace" "example" {
name = "example.terraform.local"
description = "example"
vpc = "${module.vpc.vpc_id}"
module {
enable_service_discovery = true
service_discovery_namespace_id = "${aws_service_discovery_private_dns_namespace.example.id}"
Terraform module which creates an ECS Service, IAM roles, Scaling, ALB listener rules.. Fargate & AWSVPC compatible - blinkist/terraform-aws-airship-ecs-service
can you comment out the port line
Isn’t the port needed for SRV ?
# port = "${var.container_port}"
No. I’ve just read through my code and my collegues code where we ahve used srv records.
and never actually added the port
value tehre
I just want to see if that is doing anything funny
even though it is mentioned in the tf documentation
So it should work. I have also been reviewing the api https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/servicediscovery/create-service.html
The Service Discovery instance could not be registered.
Task comes up, is healthy
But is it working with A records?
then gets killed
can try again
maybe MULTIVALUE routing with SRV is the problem ?
no, it can do it
But try toggling that… andthen also try commenting out
# Needed for private namespaces
health_check_custom_config {
failure_threshold = "${var.service_discovery_healthcheck_custom_failure_threshold}"
Since it may also be the helth check modifiers that do it
ok, now also have the same with A records, not sure what changed then.
ok good. At least we know its not srv now
You didn’t accedentally create a terraform.local
route53 zone did you?
as well as the example.terraform.local
no, they make it
the borg
no change
Can you do a destroy and apply?
just the service or also the namespace ?
namespace too
if you can easily do it
Also, what network mode are you using?
awsvpc? or host/bridge
same shit, i give up for now
@jamie @jonboulle If you want to have another avatar or introduction next to your name, let me know
Also, if you can write better than me, let me know
Home of Terraform Airship
@niek has joined the channel
@niek is also an author of ECS modules, happy to have you here
@maarten thx
0.8.5: Changed the lambda to be dependent of the policy which belongs to the… … (#30) lambda lookup policy dependency fix
Terraform module which creates an ECS Service, IAM roles, Scaling, ALB listener rules.. Fargate & AWSVPC compatible - blinkist/terraform-aws-airship-ecs-service
What A dependency for the lambda iam role policy adding.. the This to make sure that the datasource lookup is not crashing at invoke because the policy was not there yet.. Never happened to me befo…
welcome @niek!
@timo has joined the channel
Hi everyone. First, thanks for your ECS terraform modules! I was following the instructions https://airship.tf/getting_started/ to set up a fargate cluster but i am getting 6 value of 'count' cannot be computed
errors as soon as I add the ecs_service module:
* module.ecs_service_nginx.module.alb_handling.aws_lb_listener_rule.host_based_routing_ssl_custom_listen_host: aws_lb_listener_rule.host_based_routing_ssl_custom_listen_host: value of 'count' cannot be computed
* module.ecs_service_nginx.module.alb_handling.aws_lb_listener_rule.host_based_routing_custom_listen_host: aws_lb_listener_rule.host_based_routing_custom_listen_host: value of 'count' cannot be computed
* module.ecs_service_nginx.module.alb_handling.aws_lb_listener_rule.host_based_routing_ssl_custom_listen_host_cognito_auth: aws_lb_listener_rule.host_based_routing_ssl_custom_listen_host_cognito_auth: value of 'count' cannot be computed
* module.ecs_service_nginx.module.alb_handling.aws_route53_record.record_alias_a: aws_route53_record.record_alias_a: value of 'count' cannot be computed
* module.ecs_service_nginx.module.alb_handling.aws_lb_listener_rule.host_based_routing_custom_listen_host_redirect_to_https: aws_lb_listener_rule.host_based_routing_custom_listen_host_redirect_to_https: value of 'count' cannot be computed
* module.ecs_service_nginx.module.alb_handling.aws_route53_record.record: aws_route53_record.record: value of 'count' cannot be computed
I am using terraform 0.11.11 and I was able to provision all resources, once I add the ecs_service module it fails
Flexible Terraform templates help setting up your Docker Orchestration platform, 100% supported by Amazon
Hi @timo thnks, That’s a lot of errors, and they don’t make much sense to me. Could you post a GIST of your sample code & terraform plan. Tomorrow I have some time, but I’m traveling as well.
Hey, sorry, busy christmas days I created a gist: https://gist.github.com/ulich/3ec5ee0d25df3a5451b7350a932ba8ac
- You’re not really using the getting started code 1:1 so always best to just start of there and make changes after :pray:
is not an attribute of theaws_vpc
datasource. if you changevpc_id
it will most likely work.
lb_vpc_id = "${data.aws_vpc.vpc.id}"
ah damn, that was it, thanks a lot. Now it works!
Alright! If you feel documentation is lacking somewhere let me know!
Oh cool, I’m not even subscribed, do you want to fwd that to me ?
let’s see if I can get it if I subscribe now
I subscribed but not getting the old one I think, can’t find any active archives.
Close to finishing service discovery, @jamie do you have time to take a look ? branch:service_discovery
service_discovery_enabled = true
service_discovery_properties {
namespace_id = "${aws_service_discovery_private_dns_namespace.test.id}"
dns_ttl = "60"
dns_type = "A"
routing_policy = "MULTIVALUE"
healthcheck_custom_failure_threshold = "1"
Hi merry Xmas - did you manage to fix the weird issue with it?
merry xmas!
yes, i don’t have it anymore, also I found a way to disable container_port now for A type records but setting it to false ..
Terraform module which creates an ECS Service, IAM roles, Scaling, ALB listener rules.. Fargate & AWSVPC compatible - blinkist/terraform-aws-airship-ecs-service
That is such a weird fix.
Terraform module which creates an ECS Service, IAM roles, Scaling, ALB listener rules.. Fargate & AWSVPC compatible - blinkist/terraform-aws-airship-ecs-service
I lolled when it worked out. If this ist the real fix of me problem earlier I don’t know. Lost track at one moment.
Ah good. I can’t do the pr right now as I’m out of my hotel. But I can within 24 hours!
I’m at schiphol this video is loading very slowly
nice one
Reviewed the changes. There is one instance of var.tags when it should be local.tags
Apart from that, approved!
0.8.6: Service discovery (#28) Added service discovery.. service_discovery_enabled = true service_discovery_properties { namespace_id = “${aws_service_discovery_private_dns_namespace.test.id}” dns_ttl = “60” dns_type = “A” routing_policy = “MULTIVALUE” healthcheck_custom_failure_threshold = “1” }
Terraform module which creates an ECS Service, IAM roles, Scaling, ALB listener rules.. Fargate & AWSVPC compatible - blinkist/terraform-aws-airship-ecs-service
@github140 has joined the channel
Welcome aboard @jbye and @github140! I’m off for new years partying in Belgrade until the 2nd of January, most likely afk. If there’s anything I can help you with, let me know and I’ll get back to you when I can.