#announcements (2019-08)

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03:03:41 PM

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03:08:33 PM

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GreetBot avatar
04:59:36 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @roger! Good to have you here

davidvasandani avatar

@roger wave

roger avatar


davidvasandani avatar

#announcements Are there any good examples of how to use bats I see it referenced everywhere but can’t find anything online or in the documentation.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

which we use in every one of our 0.12 modules

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

in the tests/ folder

davidvasandani avatar

Thanks @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)


GreetBot avatar
08:55:59 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Yevhenii Demchenko! Good to have you here

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02:44:26 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @James Bebey! Good to have you here

davidvasandani avatar

wave hi @Yevhenii Demchenko and @James Bebey

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03:31:11 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @William Fish! Good to have you here

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09:21:24 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Eduardo! Good to have you here


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01:01:30 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Eduardo! Good to have you here

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03:39:26 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Matthew Feinberg! Good to have you here


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11:09:18 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Ahmad Hamade! Good to have you here


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10:02:20 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @simon.berda! Good to have you here

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11:28:02 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Shikhar Goel! Good to have you here

Shikhar Goel avatar
Shikhar Goel

Hi Everyone….

Shikhar Goel avatar
Shikhar Goel

I want to override my complete values.yaml of a helm chart defined in the helmfile with the new values.yaml…

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Let’s move to #helmfile

Shikhar Goel avatar
Shikhar Goel

how can i do that…

GreetBot avatar
12:34:53 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @James Ryan! Good to have you here

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01:18:51 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @halevy.roey! Good to have you here

SweetOps avatar
04:00:08 PM

There is 1 event this week

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07:02:30 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @sri! Good to have you here

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

btw, there are a few #jobs posted. if you’re looking for work, check ‘em out!

GreetBot avatar
08:26:58 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Jakub Korzeniowski! Good to have you here

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10:58:01 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Leony Kaikov! Good to have you here

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03:33:51 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Bosen! Good to have you here

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05:37:56 AM

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06:23:50 AM

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11:53:14 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @tgroth! Good to have you here

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12:34:34 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Wes Parsons! Good to have you here

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04:29:39 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Hetal S! Good to have you here

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01:04:09 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Mehedi Kamal! Good to have you here


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10:50:28 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Prasanth! Good to have you here

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11:55:12 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Sam! Good to have you here

SweetOps avatar
06:04:20 PM

Have we helped you in some way? We’d love to know! If you could leave us a testimonial it would make our day.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

#office-hours hours starting in 15m

GreetBot avatar
06:35:16 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Jonathan Bus! Good to have you here

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07:06:49 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Chase Pierce! Good to have you here

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09:36:45 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Allen Gooch! Good to have you here

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03:40:52 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Edward Yu! Good to have you here

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05:25:56 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @CYS! Good to have you here


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07:34:09 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Njegos Railic! Good to have you here

Sam avatar

Are those zoom sessions recorded? It would be great if you have some archives Thanks

loren avatar

We’ve been inconsistent about recording them

Sam avatar

Thanks for the response I looked but couldn’t find the recordings I’ll try to catch the next one

loren avatar

they may have been aged out of the active slack messages, check the sweetops archive, https://archive.sweetops.com/

SweetOps Slack Archive

SweetOps is a collaborative DevOps community. We welcome engineers from around the world of all skill levels, backgrounds, and experience to join us! This is the best place to talk shop, ask questions, solicit feedback, and work together as a community to build sweet infrastructure.

GreetBot avatar
06:26:41 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Madhukar! Good to have you here

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08:25:17 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @B. Reda! Good to have you here

B. Reda avatar
B. Reda

Heeey! Great to be here!

GreetBot avatar
08:30:04 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Hossameldin Shahin! Good to have you here

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10:38:39 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Leonard Wood! Good to have you here

Leonard Wood avatar
Leonard Wood

Hello everyone!

Leonard Wood avatar
Leonard Wood

Is it possible to use the output from one module, as input to another? Similar to interpolation of resources

Ruan Arcega avatar
Ruan Arcega

hi @Leonard Wood , you should send these question in #terraform but, yes, it’s possible! ex:

module "xyz" {
  source = "../modules/resource-xyz"

module "XXX" {
  source = "../modules/resource-xxx"
  var = "${module.xyz.variable}"
Ruan Arcega avatar
Ruan Arcega

in the module you must create outputs to use in another module

Leonard Wood avatar
Leonard Wood

ah thank you so much

Leonard Wood avatar
Leonard Wood

exactly what I needed!

Ruan Arcega avatar
Ruan Arcega

nice!!! u’re welcome

GreetBot avatar
11:06:55 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @rrajamani! Good to have you here

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12:08:35 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Nick Chow! Good to have you here


GreetBot avatar
10:01:39 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @adugouchet! Good to have you here

adugouchet avatar

hello guys, I’m setting up helmfile for our production at tripadivisor. But I need some help from you for a specific need. Each of our project have a /tmpl dir containing secrets tmpl and we generate secrets with consul-template. the /tmpl is packaged with the chart and pushed into chrtmuseum repository. With helmfile, I want to apply a command to apply the command


to generate secrets values and apply it with others values. To do that I did with hooks :

{{ if eq .Environment.Name "staging" }}
- name: grafana
  chart: chartmuseum/grafana
  version: "0.1.0"
  namespace: grafana
  missingFileHandler: Error
    - events: ["presync"]
      showlogs: true
      command: "consul-template -vault-retry-attempts=1 -log-level=debug -vault-renew-token=false -template grafana/tmpl/secrets.yaml.tmpl:secrets.yaml -once"
{{ end }}

but it seems the presync does’t download the chart to have access to it, isn’t it ? I have a no such file or directory error … Do you have an idea how to manage it ? thank you in advance

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov
Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

You can try to run helmfile with --log-level=debug to examine the output. Like helmfile --environment=staging --log-level=debug apply

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

I didn’t get what you meant by “presync does’t download the chart to have access to it”, but consul-template should exist on the host from which you run helmfile ... apply as well as files you want to use in the presync hook (or they should be accessible from that host).

adugouchet avatar

thanks @Andrew Nazarov for you response. log debug didn’t give me much information. I meant I want to have access to my chart in command line before helmfile apply my chart, because I want to template it before. Si I tried to use hook : presync but I can’t templte the chart anyway ..

GreetBot avatar
06:51:06 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @SP! Good to have you here

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08:34:48 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Brandon! Good to have you here

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02:33:28 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Chris Montes! Good to have you here



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09:17:55 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Antoine Dao! Good to have you here

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11:00:56 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @caron.wills! Good to have you here

SweetOps avatar
04:02:57 PM

• Are you hiring? Post a link to your job ad in our #jobs channel.

• Looking for work? Let everyone know by promoting what you do in the #jobs channel by sharing your LinkedIn profile and GitHub links.

• Are you a freelancer/consultant? Feel free to engage in self-promotion in the #jobs channel by sharing a link to your website and a tidbit about what you do.


GreetBot avatar
11:07:52 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Vitaliy Lobachev! Good to have you here

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01:56:30 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Hari Krishna Ganji! Good to have you here

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03:16:58 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Gennady Trafimenkov! Good to have you here

SweetOps avatar
04:00:05 PM

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GreetBot avatar
08:05:40 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Vikram Yerneni! Good to have you here

Vikram Yerneni avatar
Vikram Yerneni

Fellas, quick question here… We have a Terraform RDS module (typical base build format) for the build deployments to use to setup RDS instances in our AWS Setups. Now I am tying to enable alerting (SNS topics with Cloudwatch) within the existing RDS module but not sure how to enable the alerting within an existing RDS module. I found out eh cloud posse GitHub repo (https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-rds-cloudwatch-sns-alarms) will give the ability to create the sns topics (please do correct me if I am wrong here), but what I need is to enable the alerting within the RDS module so that the users will create the required sns topics based on their needs.

Vikram Yerneni avatar
Vikram Yerneni

Anyone worked on this kind of typical setups before? Any input helps me for my cause here

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

please use #terraform.

Vikram Yerneni avatar
Vikram Yerneni

aah thanks Erik

Vikram Yerneni avatar
Vikram Yerneni

This is my first time here and I didn’t saw this group before

Vikram Yerneni avatar
Vikram Yerneni

Appreciate the help here

GreetBot avatar
08:47:40 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @marcosangomes! Good to have you here


Dmitry K avatar
Dmitry K

Hi all

Dmitry K avatar
Dmitry K

I need you help! i can’t activate autoreload django in my docker box. I use docker-compose up but the code won’t refresh

Maciek Strömich avatar
Maciek Strömich

if we’re talking about builtin django dev server then the easiest is to mount your code directory in the same place where you’re normally copy it

Dmitry K avatar
Dmitry K

Maciek hi ! can u send some example ?

Maciek Strömich avatar
Maciek Strömich

Quickstart manuals for docker-compose have plenty of them, including django application example.

GreetBot avatar
02:53:31 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @guigo2k! Good to have you here

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04:11:49 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Shaun! Good to have you here

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05:25:55 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Ryan! Good to have you here

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08:30:24 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @hagridaaron.services! Good to have you here


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07:09:59 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Andy Gatsenko! Good to have you here

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08:53:51 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Esa Arima! Good to have you here

Partha avatar

Any one have idea on Magento. I have one problem on it.

GreetBot avatar
02:47:38 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @ira.shumacher! Good to have you here

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Our public weekly #office-hours is starting now! Join https://zoom.us/j/508587304

hundaga avatar

Is there list of #channels

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

click on Channels

GreetBot avatar
08:33:53 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Van Johnson! Good to have you here

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12:28:18 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Patrick Beam! Good to have you here


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12:54:19 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Kevin Folinus! Good to have you here

Kevin Folinus avatar
Kevin Folinus

Hi All - I was checking your public repos and was curious if you have one for CloudFront to serve a Static Website Hosted on Amazon S3. I see terraform-aws-cloudfront-s3-cdn and terraform-aws-cloudfront-cdn but am not sure if they can set the S3 bucket as a static site. If not, I could customize one of these . Would you want those changes pushed upstream? Which repo should I start with?

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

@Kevin Folinus look at this complete solution https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-root-modules/blob/master/aws/docs/main.tf (S3 website + CloudFront CDN)


Example Terraform service catalog of “root module” blueprints for provisioning reference architectures - cloudposse/terraform-root-modules

Kevin Folinus avatar
Kevin Folinus

Thanks for the link. This is exactly what I was looking for.


Example Terraform service catalog of “root module” blueprints for provisioning reference architectures - cloudposse/terraform-root-modules

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

that’s how we deploy https://docs.cloudposse.com/

GreetBot avatar
04:14:06 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Sami! Good to have you here

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04:27:07 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Addison Higham! Good to have you here

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04:47:25 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Shiva Gopal! Good to have you here

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09:59:48 PM

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06:11:11 AM

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08:40:53 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Souradeep Nanda! Good to have you here

Souradeep Nanda avatar
Souradeep Nanda

Wow, thats an impressive amount of terraform.

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12:47:08 PM

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03:15:24 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @DW! Good to have you here

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07:03:03 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Rob Patrick! Good to have you here

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05:23:10 AM

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07:28:04 AM

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03:22:21 PM

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09:16:22 PM

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06:53:30 PM

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02:32:40 AM

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Abhilash Gopidas avatar
Abhilash Gopidas

greetBot is cool


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10:40:14 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Tony! Good to have you here

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11:20:26 AM

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03:17:50 PM

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03:31:48 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Paul Omeally! Good to have you here

SweetOps avatar
04:00:04 PM

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03:24:27 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @krishnakishoreaws! Good to have you here

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03:52:54 PM

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04:09:07 PM

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07:32:18 AM

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Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
GreetBot avatar
06:54:39 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @dre.santos! Good to have you here

davidvasandani avatar

wave Hi @dre.santos!

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10:05:36 PM

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02:09:09 PM

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04:13:27 PM

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06:23:48 PM

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08:38:18 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Jaimi Becker! Good to have you here

Jaimi Becker avatar
Jaimi Becker

Howdy… happy to have arrived.

davidvasandani avatar

wave hi @Jaimi Becker

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06:13:49 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Andrew Drob! Good to have you here


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07:53:03 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @slamet kristanto! Good to have you here

Michael Cram avatar
Michael Cram

Hi everyone. My name is Michael Cram and I am a data engineer for Walmart Chile. I am interested in Data Governance, Multi Domain Models, Data Pipelines and GitOPS.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Rock on! Welcome. Explore the channels and pm me if you have any other questions.

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04:12:40 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Iiro Niinikoski! Good to have you here

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07:16:34 PM

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08:09:07 PM

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10:27:19 PM

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09:21:09 AM

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04:27:06 AM

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09:04:37 AM

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02:38:00 PM

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SweetOps avatar
04:00:08 PM

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06:09:16 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Andy! Good to have you here

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01:38:13 PM

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02:34:13 PM

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Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

everyone in Los Angeles, make sure you join #lax

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

we have an upcoming meetup at West LA DevOps

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

hope to see ya’ll there.

GreetBot avatar
08:03:42 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Martin Ting! Good to have you here

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10:15:03 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Lakshmi Kallam! Good to have you here

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12:14:39 AM

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03:36:11 AM

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03:37:06 AM

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03:51:44 AM

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02:07:22 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Yusley Orea! Good to have you here

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03:13:07 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Daniel Johansson! Good to have you here

Daniel Johansson avatar
Daniel Johansson

Hi, I have a set of helmfiles in helmfiles.d and a values.gotmpl created by other people. I get an error complaining about .Values.clusterRegion not being set, even though it looks to me that it should be set. Is there a way to render the .gotmpl-file to see that that is ok and/or see what helmfile thinks should be in the .Values variable ?

davidvasandani avatar

Head over to #helmfile

Daniel Johansson avatar
Daniel Johansson

I’ve tried with: helmfile –log-level debug template

GreetBot avatar
04:17:22 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @ASHISH KUMAR! Good to have you here

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

#office-hours starting now! join us here https://zoom.us/s/508587304

GreetBot avatar
07:06:25 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Joshua Snider! Good to have you here

Joshua Snider avatar
Joshua Snider

Hi everyone! We are currently using the terraform-null-label module for labels in Terraform but we are running into an issue when updating our code to v0.12

Joshua Snider avatar
Joshua Snider

We pass “context” between modules so we have a variable defined in the module called “tags_context” and type: map

Joshua Snider avatar
Joshua Snider

This was upgraded to type: map(string) by Terraform but then the plan doesn’t work

Joshua Snider avatar
Joshua Snider

What type should the context variable be in v0.12?

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

Terraform Module to define a consistent naming convention by (namespace, stage, name, [attributes]) - cloudposse/terraform-null-label

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

the module is already upgraded to TF 0.12

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

Terraform module to provision an Elastic MapReduce (EMR) cluster on AWS - cloudposse/terraform-aws-emr-cluster

Joshua Snider avatar
Joshua Snider

Thank you!

GreetBot avatar
07:29:27 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Kevin Wern! Good to have you here

Sharanya avatar

Did anyone Come across NPM memory Issues ?

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

not enough context… what issues? how and when do you run npm?

Ruan Arcega avatar
Ruan Arcega

i had some trouble in the past i ran with this environment variable

export NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=4096"

Sharanya avatar

I m supposed to “. Upgrade Node and NPM on CI/CD server. Observe the npm memory issue.

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

i suppose you need to upgrade nodejs and npm to the latest versions, then monitor the build server on CI/CD for memory consumption when it builds/tests the node project with npm

Sharanya avatar

Thankq So Much @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

Ruan Arcega avatar
Ruan Arcega

good points @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) !!!

GreetBot avatar
08:05:38 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Ed Kim! Good to have you here

GreetBot avatar
08:05:39 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @gerard.bartolome! Good to have you here

GreetBot avatar
09:51:07 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Herbeus! Good to have you here

GreetBot avatar
09:59:50 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Daniel! Good to have you here


GreetBot avatar
02:44:16 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Konrad Obal! Good to have you here

GreetBot avatar
04:55:21 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Evan Stoddard! Good to have you here

GreetBot avatar
05:44:08 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Fernando Torresan! Good to have you here

GreetBot avatar
05:53:25 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Diego Pinheiro! Good to have you here

GreetBot avatar
06:23:29 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @serkan! Good to have you here

GreetBot avatar
07:05:11 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Robert! Good to have you here

rms1000watt avatar

@Robert w0000

Robert avatar

1200 members and I got @Robert!

Robert avatar

Thanks for letting me know about this Slack.

rms1000watt avatar

For sure man

rms1000watt avatar

added you to some good channels. I’m sure there are plenty I haven’t found yet

rms1000watt avatar

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) brought in another assassin of devops into the community! ^^^

rms1000watt avatar

@Robert bash god honestly

Robert avatar

I am not sure about that.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Robert welcome to the team. join us maybe for office hours some time? every wednesday at 11:30 PST

Robert avatar

Right on I will have to check that out when I don’t have meetings during that time. To be honest most of my good shell scripting practices I have just learned from shellcheck over the years - https://shellcheck.net

ShellCheck – shell script analysis tool

ShellCheck finds bugs in your shell scripts

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

yes, shellcheck is great

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

we use it to validate our checkins

GreetBot avatar
08:30:41 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Jordan Hurwitz! Good to have you here


GreetBot avatar
10:51:33 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Dmytro Petryk! Good to have you here

antonbabenko avatar

Hi there!

GreetBot avatar
11:47:35 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @briancabbott! Good to have you here

GreetBot avatar
12:49:54 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Anton Ustyuzhanin! Good to have you here

GreetBot avatar
01:03:24 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Mourad Maatoug! Good to have you here

GreetBot avatar
02:22:07 PM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Taylor! Good to have you here


Zapier avatar
06:07:52 PM

@sweetops created a new channel #heroku. Join if this sounds interesting!

GreetBot avatar
05:40:46 AM

hey everyone give a warm welcome to @Gerg Kervokian! Good to have you here
