#ansible (2023-08)
Discussions related to ansible configuration management

Balazs Varga
I tried to create aws global database with https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/amazon/aws/rds_cluster_module.html module, but I could not make it. I used the following task:
- name: GLOBALDB|CREATE - Create primary
cluster_id: "test-cluster-primary"
engine: "aurora-mysql"
engine_mode: "global"
engine_version: "8.0.mysql_aurora.3.04.0"
vpc_security_group_ids: "sg-12345678976"
db_subnet_group_name: "db-subnet"
global_cluster_identifier: "global-test-ansible"
db_cluster_parameter_group_name: "param-cluster"
apply_immediately: true
master_username: test_user
master_user_password: "PASSWORD.1234!"
It creates the cluster and I can add instance into it with the instance module, but when I use the following task to add read member to the database.
- name: GLOBALDB|CREATE - Add new member to db
cluster_id: "test-cluster"
engine: "aurora-mysql"
engine_mode: "global"
engine_version: "8.0.mysql_aurora.3.04.0"
vpc_security_group_ids: "sg-12345678998"
db_subnet_group_name: "test"
replication_source_identifier: "arn:aws:rds:REGION:account:cluster:trst-cluster-primary"
apply_immediately: true
global_cluster_identifier: "global-test-ansible"
but I see it created a replica cluster and not a cluster part in global dtabase