#atlantis (2018-10)
Discuss the Atlantis (<http://runatlantis.io | runatlantis.io>) |
**Archive: ** https://archive.sweetops.com/atlantis/
@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel
set the channel description: Discuss the Atlantis (runatlantis.io)
@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel
@antonbabenko has joined the channel
@maarten has joined the channel
@sprutner has joined the channel
Our experimental hard-fork is here: https://github.com/cloudposse/atlantis
GitOps for Teams (experimental hard fork of atlantis) - cloudposse/atlantis
Goal is to upstream these changes, but due to some bigger plans by Luke (current maintainer), looks like it will be difficult to get some of these accepted quickly.
@daveyu has joined the channel
@Vi has joined the channel
@ndobbs has joined the channel
@Wes has joined the channel
Atlantis Maintainer joins HashiCorp
HashiCorp announces improved configuration language, remote operations, and new, free collaboration features for HashiCorp Terraform….
@sarkis has joined the channel
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“We’ve just started using Atlantis here at PagerDuty and this is totally exciting news. Also I’ll keep an eye out for you at HashiConf :”
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@Steven has joined the channel
came here to post that
exciting news, curious to see how it is implemented. there were some thing in Enterprise 1.0 I didn’t like
yea, we’re cautiously optimistic
we’ve just started investing in atlantis 1 month ago and in that time a few big things happened
1) luke goes to hashicorp
2) github releases actions
3) hashicorp announces a free tier
i guess if anything we using this as an opportunity to refine the workflow
the tooling matters a little bit less
our atlantis fork supports permissions
…uses github teams
granular control down to plan
, apply
and destroy
(we added destroy
And custom wake word
@joshmyers has joined the channel
@s.p.i has joined the channel
@Dombo has joined the channel
@rohit.verma has joined the channel
@Kenny Inggs has joined the channel
@nukepuppy has joined the channel