#atlantis (2021-02)
Discuss the Atlantis (<http://runatlantis.io | runatlantis.io>) |
**Archive: ** https://archive.sweetops.com/atlantis/

woops. i posted in #terraform when I meant to post here.
how does one set the required_version
to be picked up automatically by atlantis for 0.13 or 0.14 ?

Atlantis integration for Infracost. Shows cloud cost estimates for Terraform in pull requests. - infracost/infracost-atlantis

Nice one @jose.amengual

Atlantis release is coming today or monday

do you have a changelog yet @jose.amengual would be interested in having a read as i will defo be upgrading

we will publish one

is not yet publish

so i have this atlantis.yaml
in my repo with allow repo configs enabled
version: 3
- name: iam
dir: aws_accounts/account_a/iam
terraform_version: v0.14.6
I have like 50 modules in my repo and none of them work except for aws_accounts/account_a/iam
how do i set a default workflow for all directories except for the ones specified in my atlantis.yaml

maybe this ?

Atlantis: Terraform Pull Request Automation

not for autoplan but same idea

if it comes with streaming the run to comments the devs in my company are going to love this release

hmm i have that set in my repos.yaml file
# <https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/server-configuration.html#repo-config-json>
# apply config to repos matching this regex
- id: /.*/
# allow repo level configs to override the following per project
- apply_requirements
- workflow
# `terraform apply` requires the PR to be the following.
# commented out since applies are commented out
# - approved
# # - mergeable
workflow: default

but it seems like my repo atlantis.yaml supplants the /.*/

it could

it is last match

no i mean, the repo atlantis.yaml file seems to completely supplant the repos.yaml file on the server

so if i codify aws_accounts/account_a/iam
that will use the custom atlantis.yaml
in my repo

but if i dont codify say secrets
dir in that same repo, the repos.yaml
will not use it’s /.*/
default repo workflow

does that make sense ?

so basically i have to choose betw the repos.yaml
on my server and my atlantis.yaml
in my repo instead of having a default set in atlantis.yaml
if a directory is not codified in repos.yaml

server config overwrite repo config only if is allowed in the server side

not sure i follow

you kinda have to have a default and then a specific repo setting

but don’t i already have a default set ?

what do i need to add ?

allowed_overrides: []

that will now allow repos to set those setting

what happens if you do atlantis plan -d aws_accounts/account_a/iam -d aws_accounts/account_a/sgs -d aws_accounts/account_a/pepesucks

does that work?

wait but i want repos to be able to override the workflow

(lol at your example command btw)

ya if i comment on the PR with a manual atlantis plan -d dir_path
then it works correctly

but not the best UX. I’d prefer if the default is /.*/
w/o having to run it manually

I think this is not implemented on atlantis

ahh! ok so im not crazy

i thought i was doing something wrong

and if you do *.tf it will pick every single module

you do not have !/pepe/*.tf

lol i did try that a while back and it planned EVERYTHING

you can create a pr to atlantis

my github PR was insanely commented hahaha

im go nna have to learn how to locally dev atlantis

do you folks have docs on that ?

not really

ah please add them cause i am so confused how to dev it

I use dlv to run atlantis and ngrok for the webhook

if you work with me on setting up a local dev env, id write up the tech docs for it and contrib to atlantis

im not free this week but ill be free next week if youre down

go 1.15 DLV VScode

Description Few improvements and a number of bug fixes Features/Improvements Add –gh-app-slug which allows fetching of gh app user. (#1334 by @nishkrishnan) (Also fixes #1161) Add –disable-repo-…


Anyone know/recommend a terraform module for deploying atlantis to GCP

Hi everybody, I’d like to use Terraform cross-account, without having the assume_role block in provider and backend. With terragrunt that was easily solved by using –terragrunt-iam-role in the cmdline of the apply/plan steps.
I have state buckets in every account seperately.
What would now be the best way forward ?

We deploy an Atlantis into each AWS account and each atlantis is configured to only listen to certain repos. There is a cost to this in both maintaining a service and $$ for running it. If you have a lot of accounts this can add up, but it is more secure. But it is probably still cheaper than paying for one of those SaaS options

Can still use Terragrunt with Atlantis…

i can dream

i’ll try and use aws sts to assume , see if that works

I use terragrunt + a single atlantis server that assumes roles cross-account and it works great. If done with fine-grained IAM roles the security model is still quite nice.
If you just want to not assume roles locally though you can set up different profiles using aws-vault
and run commands like aws-vault exec some_profile -- terraform apply

terragrunt + a single atlantis server < snap

assumes roles into other accounts

what atlantis runs is exactly what users from from local

I have a solution now, but what you are suggesting can be done without terragrunt.hcl ?

It’s a project which I need to dumb down a bit for the target group, flat structures, no workspaces, no tricks, so duplicated vars. Also the reason that I’m not using terragrunt as it’s another thing..

@jose.amengual Are ya’ll gonna cut a release of Atlantis since merging the OPA stuff?

The policy checks will be released as a pre-release for people to try

Awesome! Any idea when that will be?


Awesome, thanks man

Feature release. Due to a sizeable refactor and the number of configuration settings supported in Atlantis, this is a pre-release and should not be considered fully stable. Features Add –enable-p…

@joshmyers ^