#atlantis (2021-05)
Discuss the Atlantis (<http://runatlantis.io | runatlantis.io>) |
**Archive: ** https://archive.sweetops.com/atlantis/

If there is a repo level atlantis.yaml
file containing directories dir1
and dir2
and a PR comes in that affects the terraform module dir3
, atlantis will show a 0 / 0
approval check for the PR. This seems like a bug, no ?

The repo level atlantis.yaml for dir1 and dir2 version: 3 projects: - dir: dir1 - dir: dir2 A PR for only dir3 and I see this atlantis/apply — 0/0 projects applied successfully. atlantis/plan — 0/0…

and if you run atlantis plan manually it says no plans?

it says no plans

oh, not sure how to run atlantis manually. ill have to check that


does anyone know (or have ideas) how to fix atlantis (using the upstream fargate module) taking a long time when a lot of PRs are being executed from different repositories

like how to debug on the server, or how to redeploy?

at present we have quite a few PRs currently being planned/applied across a number of repos

when this happens we find that Atlantis slows down massively

not sure if increasing https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-atlantis/blob/master/variables.tf#L284-L288 would help?

Nope, don’t do that.

Atlantis uses a local BoltDB, more tasks isn’t what you want.

i thought that might be the case

Terraform configurations for running Atlantis on AWS Fargate. Github, Gitlab and BitBucket are supported - terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-atlantis

Beef up the Fargate task size CPU/mem

Makes a big difference

yeh makes sense

any recommendations?

ecs_task_memory = 4096
ecs_task_cpu = 2048

Depends how many concurrent plan/apply you expect to run, how long is a piece of string

to 50

what does that do?

I run on a m5.2xlarge (8 vCPU, 32gb mem) EC2 instance and often have hundreds of plans run in parallel.


i thought that only works when using workspaces?

There is a difference I believe between Atlantis workspaces and Terraform workspaces, if that is what you are thinking of

changes applied, lets see what this does to the speed, fingers crossed

:wave: Hi all, quick question, do env vars set with the env
step persist between runs? For example if I run atlantis plan
which sets FOO=BAR, will $FOO be there if I run atlantis plan


hey :wave: I’m trying to modify a resource that does not have support with Terraform yet - updating cognito user pool with custom email sender. I can do this with null_resource
command aws cognito-idp update-user-pool --user-pool-id …
. I have added awscli to atlantis image, that’s done, however what would be the best way of passing aws credentials without baking them into the image? Atlantis runs on Fargate at the moment

instance profile

the fargate task execution role

add the permissions there

if you are running TF already then you probably have the permissions

I’ve been running terraform without issues however, aws cli requires credentials and profile to be configured , doesn’t it?


if it runs on an instance or task

Configure the AWS CLI to use a role defined in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).

[profile marketingadmin]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/marketingadminrole
credential_source = Ec2InstanceMetadata

Perfect, thank you @jose.amengual


This is a problem we encounter in certain places too, can’t pass Terraform cred providers down into null_resources, so turn your one liner command into a script and that script needs to assume the correct role.

- nishkrishnan
- name: null_resource_warning
path: <CODE_DIRECTORY>/policies/null_resource_warning
source: local

^^ Looking at the conftest/OPA stuff in Atlantis, what can source be there? Does it need to be local

Hmm, looks like these need to be local for now…

is anyone else experiencing Atlantis being unable to auto-merge gitlab PRs to master
which the gitlab API moved to the default branch of main
earlier this week?

Bah, looks like you can’t use the inbuilt Atlantis policy checks if using Terragrunt. Anyone else hit this or got it working? Failing when trying to run terraform show
which works when running terragrunt show

{"level":"error","ts":1622220562.7195866,"caller":"terraform/terraform_client.go:277","msg":"running \"/usr/local/bin/terraform show -no-color -json /home/atlantis/.atlantis/repos/userservices/userservices-infrastructure/806/default/terraform/prod/prod/us-west-2/platform-dependencies/prod::prod::us-west-2::platform-dependencies-default.tfplan\" in \"/home/atlantis/.atlantis/repos/userservices/userservices-infrastructure/806/default/terraform/prod/prod/us-west-2/platform-dependencies\": exit status 1","json":{"repo":"userservices/userservices-infrastructure","pull":"806"},"stacktrace":"github.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events/terraform.(*DefaultClient).RunCommandWithVersion\n\t/home/circleci/project/server/events/terraform/terraform_client.go:277\ngithub.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events/runtime.(*ShowStepRunner).Run\n\t/home/circleci/project/server/events/runtime/show_step_runner.go:42\ngithub.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events/runtime.(*PlanTypeStepRunnerDelegate).Run\n\t/home/circleci/project/server/events/runtime/plan_type_step_runner_delegate.go:64\ngithub.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events/runtime.(*MinimumVersionStepRunnerDelegate).Run\n\t/home/circleci/project/server/events/runtime/minimum_version_step_runner_delegate.go:43\ngithub.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events.(*DefaultProjectCommandRunner).runSteps\n\t/home/circleci/project/server/events/project_command_runner.go:381\ngithub.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events.(*DefaultProjectCommandRunner).doPolicyCheck\n\t/home/circleci/project/server/events/project_command_runner.go:246\ngithub.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events.(*DefaultProjectCommandRunner).PolicyCheck\n\t/home/circleci/project/server/events/project_command_runner.go:145\ngithub.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events.runProjectCmds\n\t/home/circleci/project/server/events/project_command_pool_executor.go:47\ngithub.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events.(*PolicyCheckCommandRunner).Run\n\t/home/circleci/project/server/events/policy_check_command_runner.go:59\ngithub.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events.(*PlanCommandRunner).runAutoplan\n\t/home/circleci/project/server/events/plan_command_runner.go:144\ngithub.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events.(*PlanCommandRunner).Run\n\t/home/circleci/project/server/events/plan_command_runner.go:221\ngithub.com/runatlantis/atlantis/server/events.(*DefaultCommandRunner).RunAutoplanCommand\n\t/home/circleci/project/server/events/command_runner.go:160"}

This policy set in /etc/atlantis/repos.yaml policies: owners: users: - cscott policy_sets: - name: terraform_version path: policies/terraform_version source: local appears to be failing since a ter…