#atlantis (2021-10)
Discuss the Atlantis (<http://runatlantis.io | runatlantis.io>) |
**Archive: ** https://archive.sweetops.com/atlantis/

Hi guys, just wondering how do you manage redundancy and scale with Atlantis?

You can’t have multiple atlantis servers

so you basically can have a big instance for all your tf runs

or have multiple atlantis servers but using multiple repos

it is possible to have one repo and multiple server but there is some scripts needed to avoid some issues

Can you elaborate on that?

It’s MK. I logged in with with my private gmail account.


join the atlantis slack, we just went trough this two days ago

the TLDR if you use one repo

you will have N many webhook pointing to different altantis servers

and ALL atlantis servers will comment on commands back to the PR

can we please get https://github.com/runatlantis/helm-charts/pull/85 approve and merged in?
This change updates the maximum apiVersion for ingress if the Kubernetes cluster Atlantis is running on supports it.

that org isn’t part of cloudposse unfortunately :(
This change updates the maximum apiVersion for ingress if the Kubernetes cluster Atlantis is running on supports it.

post it on the Atlantis Slack
