#atlantis (2023-10)
Discuss the Atlantis (<http://runatlantis.io | runatlantis.io>) |
**Archive: ** https://archive.sweetops.com/atlantis/

v0.26.0 Maintainer Notes
Atlantis has submitted its application to CNCF! cncf/sandbox#60 Please +1 the issue to show your support. Atlantis will trial a new release process to…
Maintainer Notes
ArgoCD has submitted its application to CNCF! cncf/sandbox#60 Please +1 the issue to show your support. Atlantis will trial a new release process to help stabilize the project. We…
Application contact emails [email protected] [email protected] Project Summary Terraform Pull Request Automation Project Description Atlantis is PR automation application that allows user…

v0.26.0 Maintainer Notes
Atlantis has submitted its application to CNCF! cncf/sandbox#60 Please +1 the issue to show your support. Atlantis will trial a new release process to…
Maintainer Notes
Atlantis has submitted its application to CNCF! cncf/sandbox#60 Please +1 the issue to show your support. Atlantis will trial a new release process to help stabilize the project. …
Application contact emails [email protected] [email protected] Project Summary Terraform Pull Request Automation Project Description Atlantis is PR automation application that allows user…

how cna i turn on ‘atlantis import’?

Error: unknown command "import".
> Run 'atlantis --help' for usage.
> Available commands(--allow-commands): version, plan, apply, unlock, approve_policies

no doco on trhe site about it?

or that search just doesn’t work

now what about the state command?

is not implemented

but its in the all commands doco…

Atlantis: Terraform Pull Request Automation

• comment_parser can parse subcommand
• command handles command args, so add arg count limitation by command
• add atlantis state rm ADDRESS...
• add state_rm
stage which do init
and state_rm
• state_rm
step do terraform state rm
and discard a planfile.
• not implemented in this PR
• state_requirements
like apply_requirements
terraform state rm
is required manually. If Atlantis provides this feature, we do it on GitHub PR and so on.
• Closes #273

v0.26.0 Maintainer Notes
Atlantis has submitted its application to CNCF! cncf/sandbox#60 Please +1 the issue to show your support. Atlantis will trial a new release process to…
Maintainer Notes
Atlantis has submitted its application to CNCF! cncf/sandbox#60 Please +1 the issue to show your support. Atlantis will trial a new release process to help stabilize the project. …
Application contact emails [email protected] [email protected] Project Summary Terraform Pull Request Automation Project Description Atlantis is PR automation application that allows user…