#atlantis (2024-04)


Discuss the Atlantis (<http://runatlantis.iorunatlantis.io>)

**Archive: ** https://archive.sweetops.com/atlantis/


Release notes from atlantis avatar
Release notes from atlantis
04:48:37 PM

v0.27.3 Maintainer Notes

The Core Atlantis Team has created an anonymous survey for Atlantis users to help us understand the community needs and prioritize our roadmap. If you have the time, please take 5 minutes to fill it out https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1fOGWkdinDV2_46CZvzQRdz8401ypZR8Z-iwkNNt3EX0 Atlantis has submitted its application to CNCF! <a class=”issue-link js-issue-link”…

Release v0.27.3 · runatlantis/atlantis

Maintainer Notes

The Core Atlantis Team has created an anonymous survey for Atlantis users to help us understand the community needs and prioritize our roadmap. If you have the time, please take 5…

Release notes from atlantis avatar
Release notes from atlantis
05:08:39 PM

v0.27.3 Maintainer Notes

The Core Atlantis Team has created an anonymous survey for Atlantis users to help us understand the community needs and prioritize our roadmap. If you have the time, please take 5 minutes to fill it out https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1fOGWkdinDV2_46CZvzQRdz8401ypZR8Z-iwkNNt3EX0 Atlantis has submitted its application to CNCF! <a class=”issue-link js-issue-link”…

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Hi! As some of you know, I’m one of the run Atlantis(runatlantis.io) maintainers, and we are seeking input from our users. The Core Atlantis Team has created an anonymous survey for Atlantis users to help us understand the community needs and prioritize our roadmap. If you have the time, please take 5 minutes to fill it out https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1fOGWkdinDV2_46CZvzQRdz8401ypZR8Z-iwkNNt3EX0
