#atmos-dev (2024-10)
Discuss atmos core development (golang). If you want to help out, reach out to <@UB2EH889X>

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set the channel topic: Discuss atmos core development (golang)

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@haitham911eg lets move discussion here. @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) can you help answer some questions to unblock him?

@Sahadat Hossain has joined the channel

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) it is related to the part func LogError log_utils.go line 85
func LogError(cliConfig schema.CliConfiguration, err error)
the cliConfig has value cliConfig.Logs.Level on many cases on call func they pass empty value that force me to add global value branch https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/tree/DEV-340

the LogError functions are called in many diff places

eirlier in the pipline (before atmos.yaml
is parsed), we don’t have cliConfig
yet, so in those cases we use just an empty struct
u.LogError(schema.CliConfiguration{}, err)

later in the pipeline, we have already parsed atmos.yaml
and have cliConfig
in all functions, so we use it
u.LogError(cliConfig, err)

(no globals please, they will create a lot of issues)

yes I know that globals value causes issues but we have to keep tracking cliConfig.Logs.Level value

because we need to handle print logs according to lvl of log

I think we should use struct methods instead of normal functions so we can add schema.CliConfiguration{} to struct alternative we pass it on function args

on that case no need to global variable

we already passing cliConfig
as func argument to all functions. In your new code, you can pass cliConfig
using any method, including passing as func arg or as struct method

Lets keep a list of improvements we can make. But stick with existing conventions so as not to increase the scope.

Yes sure we have not increase the scope I just put points to be clear what we should to improve

Please @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) review my code on logerror func You will see that I use the args on it

Anyway no need to worry about the global value that I added later we can improve But please think on how we can keep tracking log lvl value for all cases

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hello! I’m just curious to know whether the examples of quick-start-advanced/vendor.yaml
file is synced with latest codebase?
because I was checking this issue: https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/issues/487 but with current codebase, example and issue they seems mis-synced, in the vendor_component_util.go
file where we check the component source uri (it has this checking vendorComponentSpec.Source.Uri
) whereas in the example the source
field of the component spec seems an string type! have I misunderstood anything? thank you!

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

is a string type

and we have source: "[github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-components.git//modules/vpc?ref={{.Version}}](http://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-components.git//modules/vpc?ref={{.Version}})"
in vendor.yaml

@Sahadat Hossain please provide more details on your question

oh, i see what you are asking

those are two diff things

we have two types of vendoring in Atmos

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) basically I wanted to check/recreate the issue https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/issues/487

Use Atmos vendoring to make copies of 3rd-party components, stacks, and other artifacts in your own repo.

and these two types of vendoring use diff Go
struct in pkg/schema/schema.go

regarding the issue https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/issues/487
Describe the Bug
Specs for component.yml say it supports anything from HashiCorp/go-getter but I am unable to use a local path.
spec: source: uri: ./
kevin@Kevins-Laptop aurora-postgres % atmos vendor pull -c spacelift Pulling sources for the component ‘spacelift’ from ‘file:///Users/kevin/code/sts-devops/components/github-repositories’ into ‘/Users/kevin/code/sts-devops/components/spacelift’
error downloading ‘file:///Users/kevin/code/sts-devops/components/github-repositories’: destination exists and is not a symlink
Expected Behavior
I would like to use a local file path because we are using Atmos features like mixin but we are not using a remotely hosted module/component.
Steps to Reproduce
spec: source: uri: ./
No response
No response
Additional Context
No response

we already support both absolute and relative paths in both component.yaml
and vndor.yaml

please skip this issue for now, we’ll review it later

btw, in this page that you shared both vendoring type referencing to the same page, just letting know incase it may need to update

please update it to https://atmos.tools/core-concepts/vendor/component-manifest in your PR
Use Component manifests to make copies of 3rd-party components in your own repo.

please skip this issue for now, we’ll review it later
okay I’ll move to others then, thank you!

@melynda.hunter has joined the channel

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) for this issue https://linear.app/cloudposse/issue/DEV-2362/atmos-validate-should-not-error-on-empty-files
Running atmos validate
on an empty YAML file does not validate
what file it refers by the empty yaml? is this atmos.yaml file or the stacks files? I tried with empty yaml having on the stacks folder’s files but it seems validate with success for those!

I see, okay will make it closed/done (else it will create confusions) and switch to other one!

If we run atmos validate on and empty stack directory it should also not error

no for empty stack directory it shows error

i explained you in DM how to fix it

I’m checking the current imple of the validate_stacks code

also please add the check for an empty directory, and don’t show any errors if it’s empty

in the current codebase it’s hardcodedly using all the paths in the stacks folder but excluding nothing:
// Include (process and validate) all YAML files in the `stacks` folder in all subfolders
includedPaths := []string{"**/*"}
// Don't exclude any YAML files for validation
excludedPaths := []string{}
includeStackAbsPaths, err := u.JoinAbsolutePathWithPaths(cliConfig.StacksBaseAbsolutePath, includedPaths)
if err != nil {
return err
but in the atmos.yaml it requires to provide stacks.included_paths
if we’re not using those values why to take?

please provide more context, that code is from what file and function?

// Don’t exclude any YAML files for validation

this means we validate ALL YAML files in stacks

in atmos.yaml
, we can exclude the file that are NOT top-level stacks so Atmos does not try to process them as stacks (those can be catalog files, or mixins, or other YAML manifests, but they are not topo-level stacks)

in short, we validate ALL YAML files in stacks

okay, that means for our problem we just need to check whether the stacks.base_path
is empty or not?


if it’s empty, just show the Atmos logo and exit w/o any errors

or maybe show a warning message after the logo: “The path pointed to by ‘stacks.base_path’ is empty, there are no stacks defined”

yes I thought so, need to show a message that the stack path is empty nothing to validate, like this

we already have that ^

try to delete/rename the stacks
directory and you should have the message above

thanks for the infos, I’ll make update of this!

hello! hope you guys are good, which person should I ask review in my PR’s?

https://linear.app/cloudposse/issue/DEV-2333/atmos-workflows-segfaults cannot reproduce this issue now, I guess its fixed?

Yes, sorry about that. I confirmed it’s also working for me in the latest release.

no worries, thank you for confirm

@johncblandii has joined the channel

Hey team, I was looking into some Atmos issues and wanted to take a crack at supporting component.yaml|.yml
files for vendoring, and I opened a PR here (https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/pull/725), but I was curious if the team had any preferences or recommendations on how to accomplish it. Feel free to disregard, close, or add another approach and I can take a crack at it

@suzuki-shunsuke has joined the channel

@Cheng JunKai has joined the channel

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) hello, would you pls provide give more context for this issue: https://linear.app/cloudposse/issue/DEV-2347/atmos-helmfile-commands-should-not-require-eks? I didn’t fully got the points there!
because I’m seeing the pkg/schema/schema.go file and we’ve only Terraform
and Helmfile
support in the Component struct, do can’t link with aws thing as this issue is describing!
I assumed few things (clarify if I’m wrong or add further if needed pls):
• in the internal/exec/helmfile.go:
◦ we check this if len(cliConfig.Components.Helmfile.ClusterNamePattern) < 1 {
condition and if yes then return an error as we’re making this clusterNamePattern required => so according to the issue I assumed this we need to remove to make this field optional, right?
• in the internal/exec/aws_eks_update_kubeconfig.go:
◦ in line 182 we’re checking this:
// `clusterName` can be overridden on the command line
if clusterName == "" {
clusterName = cfg.ReplaceContextTokens(context, cliConfig.Components.Helmfile.ClusterNamePattern)
▪︎ means now as we want to make this ClusterNamePattern optional so we also need to make sure this is provided before checking this condition, right?
• also as the issue saying the helmfile doesn’t require eks, what does that mean? don’t we gonna keep the UseEKS
bool field of helmfile? or clusterNamePatten these things won’t we keep?

previously posted in a wrong thread, so posting here again!

To reproduce the problem, use this demo

Start the composition in this file https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/blob/main/examples/demo-helmfile/docker-compose.yml
# to run define K3S_TOKEN, K3S_VERSION is optional, eg:
# K3S_TOKEN=${RANDOM}${RANDOM}${RANDOM} docker-compose up
x-environment: &default-env
K3S_TOKEN: ${K3S_TOKEN:-test}
image: "rancher/k3s:${K3S_VERSION:-latest}"
- 'server'
- /run
- /var/run
nproc: 65535
soft: 65535
hard: 65535
privileged: true
restart: always
<<: *default-env
K3S_KUBECONFIG_OUTPUT: /output/kubeconfig.yaml
- k3s-server:/var/lib/rancher/k3s
# Output is where the `kubeconfig.yaml` file will be written
- .:/output
- 6443:6443 # Kubernetes API Server
- 80:80 # Ingress controller port 80, localhost:8000
- 443:443 # Ingress controller port 443, localhost:8443
- k3s
image: "rancher/k3s:${K3S_VERSION:-latest}"
- /run
- /var/run
nproc: 65535
soft: 65535
hard: 65535
privileged: true
restart: always
<<: *default-env
K3S_URL: <https://server:6443>
- k3s-agent:/var/lib/rancher/k3s
- k3s
k3s-server: {}
k3s-agent: {}
driver: bridge

(which brings up k3s)

Then run:

atmos helmfile apply demo -s dev

It will give an error, because it expects EKS, despite EKS not being a requirement.

The current workaround is to do this manually:
atmos helmfile generate varfile demo -s dev
helmfile -f components/helmfile/nginx/helmfile.yaml apply --values dev-demo.helmfile.vars.yaml

The commands I’m referencing are in the workflow file: https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/blob/main/examples/demo-helmfile/atmos.yaml
base_path: "./"
manifest: "schemas/atmos-manifest.json"
base_path: "components/helmfile"
kubeconfig_path: "{{ .Env.KUBECONFIG }}"
helm_aws_profile_pattern: default
cluster_name_pattern: 'demo'
base_path: "stacks"
- "**/*"
- "**/_defaults.yaml"
name_pattern: "{stage}"
file: "/dev/stderr"
level: Info
# Custom CLI commands
# No arguments or flags are required
- name: "test"
description: "Run all tests"
- atmos validate stacks
# FIXME: `atmos helmfile apply` assumes EKS
#- atmos helmfile apply demo -s dev
- atmos helmfile generate varfile demo -s dev
- helmfile -f components/helmfile/nginx/helmfile.yaml apply --values dev-demo.helmfile.vars.yaml
# Use Nested Custom Commands to provide easier interface for Docker Compose
- name: "k3s"
- name: "up"
description: Start k3s in the background
- |
container_running=$(docker ps -q -f "name=k3s")
if [ -n "$container_running" ]; then
echo "k3s is already running; run \`atmos k3s down\` to stop it"
docker compose up -d --wait
- name: "down"
description: Stop k3s
- docker compose down
- name: "restart"
description: Restart k3s
- docker compose restart
- name: "reset"
description: Reset k3s (delete all data)
- docker compose down --volumes
- name: "status"
description: Show the status of k3s
- |
container_running=$(docker ps -q -f "name=k3s")
if [ -n "$container_running" ]; then
docker compose ps --format "{{`{{.Service}} is {{.State}}`}}"
echo "k3s is not running; run \`atmos k3s up\` to start it"
- name: "terraform"
- name: "reset"
description: Delete all local state files
- find . -type f -name "*.tfstate" -delete
- echo "Deleted all state files"

I found that getting this issue is because of the region
field was not provided and then after researching find out that in the config we’re by default initializing (in the code) with true
value for use_eks
Run cd examples/demo-helmfile
Invalid endpoint: amazonaws.com
exit status 255

so, I’ve update that part

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) cc: @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) made the PR, would you pls check? thanks!
- atmos helmfile commands should not require EKS
- cluster_name_pattern should only use for EKS
- website url link fixing

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) I guess we need to define the struct of this vendor yaml before hand? if yes can you give a sample please? https://linear.app/cloudposse/issue/DEV-2378/vendor-path-setting-in-atmosyaml-to-specify-vendoryaml-path

currently, Atmos searches for vendor.yaml
file in the root of the repo

we can add a separate section to atmos.yaml
vendor_config_path: <path to vendor.yaml>

and add a new struct to pkg/schema/schema.go

aham I was think about that

// CliConfiguration structure represents schema for `atmos.yaml` CLI config
type CliConfiguration struct {

// CliConfiguration structure represents schema for `atmos.yaml` CLI config
type CliConfiguration struct {
Vendor ...

then, Atmos should check the path to vendor.yaml
from the atmos.yaml
first, and use it if it exists

if the path is defined in atmos.yaml
, but vendor.yaml
file is not there, print an error

if the path is not defined in atmos.yaml
, go back to the existing logic - search for vendor.yaml
in the root of the repo

ok so dont need to define in pkg/config/utils.go the vendor struct ? before we load the vendorconfig?

just need this
// CliConfiguration structure represents schema for `atmos.yaml` CLI config
type CliConfiguration struct {
Vendor ...

we already have the vendor structure in pkg/schema/schema.go

ok thanks for detailed explanation, def makes things faster to me

// Atmos vendoring (`vendor.yaml` file)
type AtmosVendorSource struct {
Component string `yaml:"component" json:"component" mapstructure:"component"`
Source string `yaml:"source" json:"source" mapstructure:"source"`
Version string `yaml:"version" json:"version" mapstructure:"version"`
File string `yaml:"file" json:"file" mapstructure:"file"`
Targets []string `yaml:"targets" json:"targets" mapstructure:"targets"`
IncludedPaths []string `yaml:"included_paths,omitempty" json:"included_paths,omitempty" mapstructure:"included_paths"`
ExcludedPaths []string `yaml:"excluded_paths,omitempty" json:"excluded_paths,omitempty" mapstructure:"excluded_paths"`
Tags []string `yaml:"tags" json:"tags" mapstructure:"tags"`

type AtmosVendorConfig struct {
ApiVersion string `yaml:"apiVersion" json:"apiVersion" mapstructure:"apiVersion"`
Kind string `yaml:"kind" json:"kind" mapstructure:"kind"`
Metadata AtmosVendorMetadata
Spec AtmosVendorSpec `yaml:"spec" json:"spec" mapstructure:"spec"`

what is the best examples folder to test the env variables outputs from terraform?

the <https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/tree/main/examples/tests>
folder has all the tests that we execute

you can update the base-path
here https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/blob/main/atmos.yaml#L18
base_path: "./examples/tests"
base_path: "./examples/quick-start-advanced"

and test any new features. You can also add any new components/stacks for the tests

then execute make testacc
to run all the tests

testacc: get

env variables outputs from terraform
Don’t understand this relationship between env variables and terraform outputs

i guess @Vinny meant how to check that the configured ENV vars are used

for that, use
ATMOS_LOGS_LEVEL=Trace atmos terraform ....

in the output, before the terraform command is executed, you will see
Using ENV variables:

yes just want to see the outputs

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/pull/731#issuecomment-2425354614
@aknysh what do you think about making this the default location for the schema? That way atmos validate
always works, even if no schema installed locally.

@aknysh what do you think about making this the default location for the schema? That way atmos validate
always works, even if no schema installed locally.

Hey, to use a dynamic version in the config.go file, we would need to restructure the version package, as it is currently creating a circular dependency, appreciate any suggestions

what do you mean by restructure the version package?

creating new pkg/version and importing it back into cmd, that way we can remove the circular dependency


note that many modules from pkg
are used by https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-provider-utils (it uses the same Atmos code)
The Cloud Posse Terraform Provider for various utilities (e.g. deep merging, stack configuration management)

if you change anything in pkg
, please make sure that the provider does not get broken

@Vinny let me know if you need access to the terraform-provider-utils
repo. We always need to make sure that it compiles

ok I have access to that, I’ll check it out thank you

https://linear.app/cloudposse/issue/DEV-1880/filter-out-empty-results-from-describe-stacks Do we have any naming requirements for the filter option (e.g., grep or filter), and should it default to filtering out empty results unless explicitly included by a flag? If no filters are applied, what should the default behavior be? Also, can you provide a example folder to test, otherwise I will create one

this is the test folder where all the tests go https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/tree/main/examples/tests

it has a lot of diff tests, including for bad/invalid configurations

you can add your config and tests for the config

Do we have any naming requirements for the filter option (e.g., grep or filter), and should it default to filtering out empty results unless explicitly included by a flag?
If no filters are applied, what should the default behavior be?

let’s just not show the stacks that don’t have any components defined in them


@Charles has joined the channel

my life would change if I had found this earlier

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) one question for https://linear.app/cloudposse/issue/DEV-2337/set-custom-user-agent-for-terraform-aws-provider are we going to let users also add an user agent and overwrite the atmos default value or not?

Hey team, The PR #729 for Atmos is ready for review. Please keep the following points in mind:
• The version package has been migrated. This is a bit out of scope for the task, but it was necessary to get the it done. Please review it carefully. I’ve tested everything and ensured it works correctly. I’ve also confirmed there’s no impact on terraform-provider-utils, but I’m not certain if there are other repos that could be affected.
• We might want to inform users about the version package migration.
• I’ve omitted TF_APPEND_USER_AGENT from atmos.yaml since it’s already set by default in the code. However, we might want to add it to all yaml files for better user transparency and guidance on how to use it.
• Rabbit’s comments have been reviewed and replied to, and I’ve closed the remaining ones.
• New test images have been provided in the PR. Please mark addressed comments as resolved, Cheers.

Did you update the docs?

@Vinny I commented on the PR

ok I will cover that !

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) please check if location makes sense to you not sure about that https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/pull/729/commits/9a7886d1cd9bbdb26347e3914c3ddc7231b16acb

I don’t see where we document its usage in atmos.yml

atmos.yaml is ignored, see comment in
I've omitted TF_APPEND_USER_AGENT from atmos.yaml since it's already set by default in the code. However, we might want to add it to all yaml files for better user transparency and guidance on how to use it.

Didn’t you originally add it to the atmos.yaml before adding support for the ENV?

correct, but I ended up removing because of dynamic version change

Note, most things in atmos are controllable via both. The atmos.yaml
provides a configurable way, and the ENVs are an alternative.

but it’s possible to implement

But the dynamic version change is just a dynamic default

I prefer we keep it how we had it, and preserving the dynamic default

ok I will add that, and default for what we had in the code

default for what we had in the code
Default to the dynamic version

And update docs

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) append_user_agent: "Atmos/<version> (Cloud Posse; +<https://atmos.tools>)"
its good or specify a version? 1.0.0 as example

No, we do not need to add to all examples

We only need in documentaiton

This is an advanced feature, for a specific use-case. 99% of people do not need to change the default.

The reason to expose it in the atmos.yaml is to make disabling it easier. The user can just override it.


Close… left a few nit picks

Also, I was expecting to see the option for atmos.yaml
documented here https://atmos.tools/core-concepts/projects/configuration/terraform
Atmos natively supports opinionated workflows for Terraform and OpenTofu.

Ok, I made a big mistake regarding that. In my previous comment, I was referring to the atmos.yaml file, where I intended to omit the variable for that exact purpose.


just to clarify here that empty stack means no components right like this example bellow https://linear.app/cloudposse/issue/DEV-1880/filter-out-empty-results-from-describe-stacks
stage: dev
- catalog/myapp
# terraform:
# myapp:
# vars:
# location: Stockholm
# lang: se

yes, no components

atmos describe stacks - use this as a start

if you are working on a PR and have addressed PR comments, please ping me here for re-review
cc @Vinny @haitham911eg

• Running atmos in demo-context folder causes the code to process all stack configurations, including the catalog stacks
• catalogs is a abstract config file, should be excluded to avoid processing that file and output error.
Summary by CodeRabbit
• New Features
• Updated configuration to exclude files and directories matching the path "catalog/**/*"
from processing in the stack context.
This change enhances the flexibility of the configuration by allowing users to manage which files are included in the stack operations.

@Vinny did you check that it’s working?

yes that works also, in fact is just top level push, same behavior

you can check this also https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/pull/737
• Added new support for vendor under atmos yaml • Refactored logic that does check the presence of vendor file
• It will allow users to pass new variables that does support the vendor now under atmos config
CleanShot 2024-10-22 at 23 34 50@2x
Summary by CodeRabbit
• New Features
• Introduced a vendor
section in the configuration settings, allowing users to specify a path for vendor-specific settings.
• Added support for both absolute and relative paths for the vendor configuration file.
• Added a new command-line flag for specifying the vendor YAML path.
• Enabled dynamic configuration of the vendor YAML path through an environment variable.
• Expanded the CLI configuration to include detailed settings for terraform
and helmfile
• Introduced aliases
for creating shortcuts for CLI commands and enhanced templates
settings for advanced templating capabilities.
• Bug Fixes
• Enhanced error handling for vendor configuration file retrieval, ensuring clearer messaging when files are not found.
• Documentation
• Updated schema to include a new optional Vendor
field in the CLI configuration, facilitating vendor-specific configurations.
• Clarified logging behavior and refined paths for validation schemas in the documentation.

this also please https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/pull/729

• Do not process stack configs when executing command atmos vendor pull
and the --stack
flag is not specified
• Add AtomsValidateOption to checkAtmosConfig to disable or enable check stack
• Atmos vendor should not require stack configs if the stack
flag is not provided
• DEV-2689
• https://linear.app/cloudposse/issue/DEV-2689/atmos-vendor-should-not-require-stack-configs
image (1)
image (2)
Summary by CodeRabbit
• New Features
• Enhanced command functionality to handle the “stack” flag, improving CLI configuration initialization.
• Introduced a new configuration structure for more flexible Atmos configuration checks.
• Bug Fixes
• Updated error handling to prevent simultaneous processing of conflicting flags (“component” with “stack” and “component” with “tags”).
• Improved clarity of error messages related to CLI configuration initialization failures.

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) we don’t use the _yaml_path
convention elsewhere, I don’t think we should introduce it here.
Also, since it’s nested underneath vendor, no need to prefix it. It’s also inconsistent with other conventions, see helmfile and terraform, which use base_path
cc @Vinny

• Added new support for vendor under atmos yaml • Refactored logic that does check the presence of vendor file
• It will allow users to pass new variables that does support the vendor now under atmos config
CleanShot 2024-10-22 at 23 34 50@2x
Summary by CodeRabbit
• New Features
• Introduced a vendor
section in the configuration settings, allowing users to specify a path for vendor-specific settings.
• Added support for both absolute and relative paths for the vendor configuration file.
• Added a new command-line flag for specifying the vendor YAML path.
• Enabled dynamic configuration of the vendor YAML path through an environment variable.
• Expanded the CLI configuration to include detailed settings for terraform
and helmfile
• Introduced aliases
for creating shortcuts for CLI commands and enhanced templates
settings for advanced templating capabilities.
• Bug Fixes
• Enhanced error handling for vendor configuration file retrieval, ensuring clearer messaging when files are not found.
• Documentation
• Updated documentation to reflect the new vendor.vendor_yaml_path
key and other configuration changes.
• Clarified logging behavior and refined paths for validation schemas in the documentation.

For helmfile and terraform, it represents a directory. For vendor, we only support a file right now. However, maybe we modify it to support both. If it’s a directory, it processes the directory. If it’s a file, it processes the file.

yes, let’s do it

ok, @Vinny can you update this so it supports either a file or a directory, and rename vendor_yaml_path
to base_path

ok will work on it

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) I think this is ready for merge. You can ignore the failing demo-helmfile
cc @haitham911eg
• Do not process stack configs when executing command atmos vendor pull
and the --stack
flag is not specified
• Add AtomsValidateOption to checkAtmosConfig to disable or enable check stack
• Atmos vendor should not require stack configs if the stack
flag is not provided
• DEV-2689
• https://linear.app/cloudposse/issue/DEV-2689/atmos-vendor-should-not-require-stack-configs
image (1)
image (2)
Summary by CodeRabbit
• New Features
• Enhanced command functionality to handle the “stack” flag, improving CLI configuration initialization.
• Introduced a new configuration structure for more flexible Atmos configuration checks.
• Bug Fixes
• Updated error handling to prevent simultaneous processing of conflicting flags (“component” with “stack” and “component” with “tags”).
• Improved clarity of error messages related to CLI configuration initialization failures.

This works for me in my tests in demo-vendoring
• Do not process stack configs when executing command atmos vendor pull
and the --stack
flag is not specified
• Add AtomsValidateOption to checkAtmosConfig to disable or enable check stack
• Atmos vendor should not require stack configs if the stack
flag is not provided
• DEV-2689
• https://linear.app/cloudposse/issue/DEV-2689/atmos-vendor-should-not-require-stack-configs
image (1)
image (2)
Summary by CodeRabbit
• New Features
• Enhanced command functionality to handle the “stack” flag, improving CLI configuration initialization.
• Introduced a new configuration structure for more flexible Atmos configuration checks.
• Bug Fixes
• Updated error handling to prevent simultaneous processing of conflicting flags (“component” with “stack” and “component” with “tags”).
• Improved clarity of error messages related to CLI configuration initialization failures.

let me review it

before we merge it, @Vinny I think this PR https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/pull/729 brole the build GH action
• The Atmos command now sets the TF_APPEND_USER_AGENT
environment variable, which Terraform uses when interacting with the AWS provider.
• Users can also append custom values to TF_APPEND_USER_AGENT
, allowing further flexibility in monitoring or tracking specific operations.
• The value has been omitted from atmos.yaml
as it is already set by default within the code.
• If no user-defined value is provided, the system will automatically set atmos {currentVersion}
as the default.
• A new package, version
, has been created and migrated out of the cmd
package. This change was necessary to avoid dependency cycles that would have blocked usage in other components.
• No dependencies on the version
package were identified in the following repository: terraform-provider-utils.
• The current implementation lacks a customer-specific user agent for Terraform operations. This enhancement ensures that Atmos-driven actions are identifiable and distinct from other operations. • Users will be able to differentiate and monitor Atmos-initiated actions within AWS, facilitating better tracking, logging, and troubleshooting.
Proof of working code
New tests created after the requested changes
CleanShot 2024-10-24 at 11 35 21
CleanShot 2024-10-24 at 12 01 49
Summary by CodeRabbit
Release Notes
• New Features
• Introduced --append-user-agent
flag for customizing User-Agent strings in Terraform requests.
• Added append_user_agent
configuration option in atmos.yaml
for user agent specification.
• New commands for backend configuration and variable file generation added to the Atmos CLI.
• Enhanced help documentation and installation instructions for improved user experience.
• Support for --skip-init
, --deploy-run-init
, and --from-plan
flags in Terraform commands.
• Bug Fixes
• Improved error handling for command-line arguments related to the new flag.
• Documentation
• Updated installation guide and command usage documentation for clarity and new features.

Describe the Bug
After installing atmos via brew (homebrew) on linux it shows outdated version (0.0.1):
❯ brew install atmos
==> Auto-updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 4 taps (anchore/grype, chainguard-dev/tap, homebrew/core and homebrew/cask).
==> New Formulae
fcft foot node@22
You have 7 outdated formulae installed.
==> Downloading <https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/atmos/manifests/1.96.0>
############################################################################################################ 100.0%
==> Fetching atmos
==> Downloading <https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/atmos/blobs/sha256:00eb498b6999c3efa7b3943822968dcd780a097db92cdfe>
############################################################################################################ 100.0%
==> Pouring atmos--1.96.0.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
zsh completions have been installed to:
==> Summary
🍺 /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/atmos/1.96.0: 10 files, 76.8MB
==> Running `brew cleanup atmos`...
❯ atmos version
█████ ████████ ███ ███ ██████ ███████
██ ██ ██ ████ ████ ██ ██ ██
███████ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██ ██ ███████
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ███████
👽 Atmos 0.0.1 on linux/amd64
Your version of Atmos is out of date. The latest version is 1.96.0
To upgrade Atmos, refer to the following links and documents:
Atmos Releases:
Install Atmos:
❯ which atmos
❯ file $(which atmos)
/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/atmos: symbolic link to ../Cellar/atmos/1.96.0/bin/atmos
Maybe wrong version was added to binary?
Expected Behavior
Showing latest version, eg. 1.96.0.
Steps to Reproduce
brew install atmos
No response
• OS: Ubuntu 22.04 (WSL) • Homebrew: 4.4.3
Additional Context
No response

can you please review it

something related to https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/blob/main/.goreleaser.yml#L26
- '-s -w -X "github.com/cloudposse/atmos/pkg/version.Version={{.Version}}"'

@Vinny this probably relates to https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/pull/729

but 0.0.1 is default version, will be overwrite if you pass the right params during the build process

who that works @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)? we need to check that first

before, the GH action was working and inserting the corerct version from the release

@Vinny I think I would start here: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/03a0815cf66715b489261065482fefba60702b38/Formula/a/atmos.rb#L22
system "go", "build", *std_go_args(ldflags: "-s -w -X 'github.com/cloudposse/atmos/cmd.Version=#{version}'")

env GOOS=${GOOS} GOARCH=${GOARCH} go build -o build/atmos -v -ldflags "-X 'github.com/cloudposse/atmos/cmd.Version=${VERSION}'"

ldflags = [ "-s" "-w" "-X github.com/cloudposse/atmos/cmd.Version=v${version}" ];

checking that

We need to update all these other repos

of course I forgot to update the brew

what’s the process for homebrew? create a fork and pray for they approve fast?

i think @RB did it before

if you need changes in their repo, fork it and open a PR

yes looks like best option now then we have to wait I will explain urgency

it works after uninstall my atmos and recreate it using my formulae

sending PR

Update breaking change in atmos pkg version
• Have you followed the guidelines for contributing?
• Have you ensured that your commits follow the commit style guide?
• Have you checked that there aren’t other open pull requests for the same formula update/change?
• Have you built your formula locally with HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew install --build-from-source <formula>
, where <formula>
is the name of the formula you’re submitting?
• Is your test running fine brew test <formula>
, where <formula>
is the name of the formula you’re submitting?
• Does your build pass brew audit --strict <formula>
(after doing HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew install --build-from-source <formula>
)? If this is a new formula, does it pass brew audit --new <formula>

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) please grant write access https://github.com/cloudposse/test-helpers

granted you write access to the repo, please accept the invitation

sorry the typo, thx

https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/195962 @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) PR building
Update breaking change in atmos pkg version
• Have you followed the guidelines for contributing?
• Have you ensured that your commits follow the commit style guide?
• Have you checked that there aren’t other open pull requests for the same formula update/change?
• Have you built your formula locally with HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew install --build-from-source <formula>
, where <formula>
is the name of the formula you’re submitting?
• Is your test running fine brew test <formula>
, where <formula>
is the name of the formula you’re submitting?
• Does your build pass brew audit --strict <formula>
(after doing HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew install --build-from-source <formula>
)? If this is a new formula, does it pass brew audit --new <formula>

@RB has joined the channel

https://github.com/cloudposse/test-helpers/pull/31 @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) for review please
• Fix breaking change in atmos version
• version pkg has been moved under version folder

does it mean we can cut new releases now?

I guess we can use revisions to update formula, build instructions, docs

@Pulak Kanti Bhowmick has joined the channel

@Vitalii has joined the channel

Hello Team, I need one clarification on this Default value for demo argument should not cause an error
Where there is multiple arguments are required, if user doesn’t provide one, in that case, it is hard to identify the order of argument given by user. What should we do in this case?
My opinion: For flags, we have that option to keep flag optional with default value. It seems, arguments are always required and users have to pass those. But if user doesn’t give any arguments, only then we can use the default arguments for any command. But If they pass some and skip some, there is no way to identify which arguments are missing and which are given.
Please share your thoughts! Thank you so much!

Cobra does all of that and shows the error message and usage if any argument is missing, or a required flag is not provided

looks like you are talking abou Atmos custom commands

does this PR address it https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/pull/752?
• improved custom command error message for missing arguments including the name of argument for better user’s understanding.
• If a custom command expects an argument, it should say so with the arguments name.
After fix:
• DEV-2324
Summary by CodeRabbit
Summary by CodeRabbit
• New Features
• Enhanced error messages for invalid argument counts in command processing, providing clearer guidance on required arguments.
• Bug Fixes
• Improved error handling for empty argument names, ensuring better logging and visibility of issues.

in custom commands, we have the required
feild for flags
type CommandFlag struct {
Name string `yaml:"name" json:"name" mapstructure:"name"`
Shorthand string `yaml:"shorthand" json:"shorthand" mapstructure:"shorthand"`
Type string `yaml:"type" json:"type" mapstructure:"type"`
Description string `yaml:"description" json:"description" mapstructure:"description"`
Usage string `yaml:"usage" json:"usage" mapstructure:"usage"`
Required bool `yaml:"required" json:"required" mapstructure:"required"`

we can add the same for the arguments here
type CommandArgument struct {
Name string `yaml:"name" json:"name" mapstructure:"name"`
Description string `yaml:"description" json:"description" mapstructure:"description"`

and add default
field to both arguments and flags

type CommandFlag struct {
Name string `yaml:"name" json:"name" mapstructure:"name"`
Shorthand string `yaml:"shorthand" json:"shorthand" mapstructure:"shorthand"`
Type string `yaml:"type" json:"type" mapstructure:"type"`
Description string `yaml:"description" json:"description" mapstructure:"description"`
Usage string `yaml:"usage" json:"usage" mapstructure:"usage"`
Required bool `yaml:"required" json:"required" mapstructure:"required"`
Default any `yaml:"default" json:"default" mapstructure:"default"`

type CommandArgument struct {
Name string `yaml:"name" json:"name" mapstructure:"name"`
Description string `yaml:"description" json:"description" mapstructure:"description"`
Required bool `yaml:"required" json:"required" mapstructure:"required"`
Default any `yaml:"default" json:"default" mapstructure:"default"`

this way, the user would control what is required and provide the default values

the default
and required
need to be sent to Cobra (as we do for the other fields of the commands), and Cobra will take care of missing arguments and flags and show the message and the usage

• DEV-2327

Hi @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)
I have tried to implement in this way. But while working on this, one more question come to my mind: let’s assume for one custom command, we have two args and user provide only one arg. In this case how we can figure out the arg order i.e. how to determind the user arg is the first arg or the second one?

thank you @Pulak Kanti Bhowmick let me review the PR

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) this is good to review please https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/pull/737

@Vinny is the PR ready for review? I know it was ready a few days ago, but maybe you got comments that need to be addressed

I don’t see any unresolved comments

(or new commits since I said LGTM)

will check in few min