#aws (2024-03)

aws Discussion related to Amazon Web Services (AWS)

aws Discussion related to Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/aws/


Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

I was kinda surprised to see that there wasn’t a #mysql channel, so I guess I’ll ask in here. With the upgrade to MySQL 8.0, the float/double syntax Double(M,D) is being replaced just Double. Since it doesn’t allow you to specify precision anymore, we’ve noticed some problems with this change. Does this mean the app code should handle precision now?

Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse) avatar
Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse)

@Dan Miller (Cloud Posse)

Dan Miller (Cloud Posse) avatar
Dan Miller (Cloud Posse)

I’m not the person to ask about this, sorry

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

All good y’all, thank you for taking a look

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

We’re trying to support 5.7 and 8.0 at the same time during the transition, but it doesn’t look like that’s possible

Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse) avatar
Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse)

@Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) @Jeremy White (Cloud Posse) @matt



joey jensen avatar
joey jensen

What do you think of AWS/GCP certifications? Is there ANY meaning for experienced staff?

Darren Cunningham avatar
Darren Cunningham

there is no right answer for this. some people find structured learning essential to grow their skillset. in regards to career growth/opportunities; it’s going to come down to the org/hiring manager and their biases. orgs that value them will require them to hold higher level positions.



Hans D avatar

Q regarding shared resources, eg a transit gateway. I see that the shared resources gets listed in the right place, but that names/tags are not available. besides looking at the owner is, is there a way to provide at least a name (may be different from the original) ?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Dan Miller (Cloud Posse) @Ben Smith (Cloud Posse)

Darren Cunningham avatar
Darren Cunningham

I kept hoping that AWS would fix this, but eventually gave up and ending up writing a small utility service that replicates tags, it’s purpose built so not OSS available but it was only a few days of investment…heck there probably is something out there that does this

Dan Miller (Cloud Posse) avatar
Dan Miller (Cloud Posse)

I’ve seen this issue too. It’s quite annoying to not have the name and tags associated with the shared TGW attachment

Based on the responses in this issue, we might be able to use aws_ec2_tag to tag the resource in the second account after-the-fact. I haven’t tried it yet, and this (closed) issue claims it doesnt work. But that’s a few years old. Might be worth trying out

#21055 Tags for AWS resources created implicitly by other resources II

Community Note

• Please vote on this issue by adding a :+1: reaction to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request • Please do not leave “+1” or other comments that do not add relevant new information or questions, they generate extra noise for issue followers and do not help prioritize the request • If you are interested in working on this issue or have submitted a pull request, please leave a comment


Like #9061 but with different resource (aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment):

I have a TGW in account 1:

resource "aws_ec2_transit_gateway" "the_tgw" {
  amazon_side_asn                 = "65501"
  auto_accept_shared_attachments  = "enable"
  default_route_table_association = "disable"
  default_route_table_propagation = "disable"
  description                     = "My TGW in account 1"
  dns_support                     = "enable"
  vpn_ecmp_support                = "enable"
  tags = tomap({
    Name = "TGW"

And share it via RAM with account 2.

Now I create a aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment in account 2 (different terraform-run) for the shared TGW:

data "aws_ec2_transit_gateway" "the_tgw" {
  filter {
    name = "options.amazon-side-asn"
    values = ["65501"]

# <snip>create a VPC in account 2 with subnets </snip>

resource "aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" "vpc_attachment_to_tgw" {

  transit_gateway_id = data.aws_ec2_transit_gateway.the_tgw.id
  vpc_id             = ... # my vpc.ID
  subnet_ids         = ... # my subnet.IDs
  tags =tomap({
      "Name" = "TGW attachment for VPC in account 2"

Terraform CLI and Terraform AWS Provider Version

> terraform -v
Terraform v1.0.3
on windows_amd64
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws v3.59.0

Affected Resource(s)

• aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment,

Expected Behavior

Within account 1 the TGW attachment’s tags are visible

Actual Behavior

Attachment’s tags not visible in account 1 (empty), only the tgw attachment itself.



Dan Miller (Cloud Posse) avatar
Dan Miller (Cloud Posse)

if that does work, I can imagine it wouldn’t be too difficult to pass module.this.tags to new shared resource in the same transit gateway module (for cloud posse terraform use cases for example)

Darren Cunningham avatar
Darren Cunningham

ohh man if that works I’ll be 80% relieved, 20% angry — going to add that to my TODO list. thanks

Dan Miller (Cloud Posse) avatar
Dan Miller (Cloud Posse)

np! if it does work lmk too please! That’d be a great QoL addition to our module

Darren Cunningham avatar
Darren Cunningham

I’m not holding my breath though, the issue was closed due to age not explicitly because it was no longer needed.

Hans D avatar

looks quite interesting!


leonkatz avatar

I’ve run into an issue creating a autoscaling group with a launch template that has an ami in another account. I’ve setup permission and tried creatigng a grant for the service account, and can create an instance from the launch template but the autoscaler always fails with

Status Reason: Instance became unhealthy while waiting for instance to be in InService state. Termination Reason: Client.InvalidKMSKey.InvalidState: The KMS key provided is in an incorrect state
Fizz avatar

where is the kms key? the asg account or the ami account? is the kms key active? what is the kms key being used for?

leonkatz avatar

ami account and yes its active to encrypt EBS volumes

Fizz avatar

ok, have you created a resource policy for the kms key to allow the asg account to use it? I also think you need to create a kms grant for the autoscaling service linnked role to use the kms key

leonkatz avatar

I tried that but still kept getting the same error

Dexter Cariño avatar
Dexter Cariño

Hello im using elastic beanstalk and my loadbalancer is application load balancer, is there a possible way to have a static/elast IP of application balancer?

msharma24 avatar

You can’t assign a static IP address to an Application Load Balancer. If your Application Load Balancer requires a static IP address, then it’s a best practice to register it behind a Network Load Balancer. The static IP address that’s assigned to a Network Load Balancer doesn’t change and provides a fixed entry point for your Application Load Balancer.

msharma24 avatar
Add an accelerator when you create a load balancer - AWS Global Accelerator

When you create an Application Load Balancer or Network Load Balancer in the AWS Management Console, you can optionally add an accelerator at the same time . Elastic Load Balancing and Global Accelerator work together to transparently add the accelerator for you. The accelerator is created in your account, with the load balancer as an endpoint. Using an accelerator provides static IP addresses and improves the availability and performance of your applications. (Learn more about accelerators by reading



bessey avatar

Hello, we encounter an issue with the CloudPosse AWS backup vault module. During the destruction of a backup vault, the process trying to remove the backup vault before the recovery points, and due to this sequence, the deployment failed. Do we need to update the module to be able to remove the recovery points before the backup vault ? Thanks in advance for your help Rgds

bessey avatar

Regarding the Cloudposse aws backup module, could we add a lifecycle in this one ? I would like adding a lifecycle depends_on a null_resource who delete the recovery points before the backup vault

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Ben Smith (Cloud Posse)

Ben Smith (Cloud Posse) avatar
Ben Smith (Cloud Posse)

Yeah based on the other threads, I agree with Jeremy, that we should have a force_destroy flag that will destroy backups on destroy.

bessey avatar

Is this option implemented in the module ?

Ben Smith (Cloud Posse) avatar
Ben Smith (Cloud Posse)

not yet, but I think that’s the appropriate place for this

bessey avatar


Ben Smith (Cloud Posse) avatar
Ben Smith (Cloud Posse)

@bessey not sure how fast I’ll be able to get to this, is this something you could open a PR for?

bessey avatar

What’s PR ?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Pull Request


Dexter Cariño avatar
Dexter Cariño

Hello Fellow DevOps, I want a insights about BigQuery.

I’m using AWS RDS Serverless V2 and I’m planning to migrate/clone the data to BigQuery because all reports we are using is in google. now do you have any idea/insights for that? Thank you.

I tried in aws export in s3 but it seems not sync or it will be a duplicate data if I do it again.. what you think?

Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse) avatar
Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse)

@Jeremy White (Cloud Posse) @Dan Miller (Cloud Posse)



Jonathan Eunice avatar
Jonathan Eunice

If anyone notices AWS VPN Client suddenly not connecting (with SAML/SSO authentication), let me save you a support ticket. It’s likely related to Chrome v123. Apparently it’s breaking SAML SSO workflow. (At least temporarily) set Firefox as your default browser. AWS says they’re working on a VPN Client update that works with Chome again, but for now…Firefox.

Jeremy White (Cloud Posse) avatar
Jeremy White (Cloud Posse)

It’s been reported internally that safari is also suitable. It’d be appreciated if you could confirm the same

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
Dan Miller (Cloud Posse) avatar
Dan Miller (Cloud Posse)

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) can you add me to that Slack group please?

Dan Miller (Cloud Posse) avatar
Dan Miller (Cloud Posse)

(probably needs some others removed as well)



Mannan Bhuiyan avatar
Mannan Bhuiyan

Hello Every one can any one help me out by providing AWS Solutions Architect Associate SAA C03 exam dumps please



Nat Williams avatar
Nat Williams

If my ec2 instances are truly ephemeral and I have no expectations of disk persistence across even a reboot, is there any reason to use EBS volumes over instance store?

Darren Cunningham avatar
Darren Cunningham

• if you have any performance requirements

• encryption requirements

• you want to share volumes

Nat Williams avatar
Nat Williams

what kind of performance requirements are you thinking of? Are there cases where an EBS volume might outperform instance storage?

Darren Cunningham avatar
Darren Cunningham

instance store verifies by class, so you might want to use EBS to have consistent performance if that’s something you need

Darren Cunningham avatar
Darren Cunningham

sorry my bullet point was unclear

Nat Williams avatar
Nat Williams

ah, makes sense, thanks

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Yes so as Darren alludes to, we have multiple times run into this that instance store volumes are too slow. Other times we needed a lot of scratch space.

Nat Williams avatar
Nat Williams

it’s a little hard to believe that a local SSD would ever be slower than something over the network, but I guess if anyone could crack that nut, it’d be AWS…

Darren Cunningham avatar
Darren Cunningham

you cannot provide your own encryption key

Moritz avatar

The encryption keys are destroyed when the instance is stopped or terminated and cannot be recovered
Doesn’t really make a difference as the data is ephemeral and you delegate trust to AWS anyway.

Darren Cunningham avatar
Darren Cunningham

to some orgs, very much

Darren Cunningham avatar
Darren Cunningham

I’m not petitioning either way, I’m just calling out what factors you’d consider when choosing EBS vs instance



krishan-software-deve avatar

Hello Everyone, I’m new to this group and just joined this channel online. As I’m a beginner in Aws and my goal is to become a cloud engineer so as a beginner I want to take a cloud practitioner exam any advice on that ?

krishan-software-deve avatar

Thank you @Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse) for sharing this with me :)

krishan-software-deve avatar

Do I need to take any further course on YouTube or udemy to pass this exam? Or shall I just follow along with Aws official website?

Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse) avatar
Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse)

I think you can follow along with AWS website: https://aws.amazon.com/certification/certification-prep/?ch=cta&cta=header&p=2

@Dan Miller (Cloud Posse) @Ben Smith (Cloud Posse) please confirm

Prepare for your AWS Certification Exam | Training and Certification | AWS

Learn how to prepare for your AWS Certification exam. Find recommended resources for specific exams, including free digital training, classroom training, and exam readiness training from experts at AWS.

Dan Miller (Cloud Posse) avatar
Dan Miller (Cloud Posse)

The cloud practitioner exam is a great starting point. That will give you a general idea of how AWS works, but from there I’d recommending getting an Associate certificate as well. For example, the Solutions Architect exam

Dan Miller (Cloud Posse) avatar
Dan Miller (Cloud Posse)

When I was learning AWS originally, I liked the courses on ACloudGuru and Linux Academy. Ultimately it’s up-to-you whichever you prefer. They will all be good

Dan Miller (Cloud Posse) avatar
Dan Miller (Cloud Posse)
krishan-software-deve avatar

Thank you guys, this helped me to choose a path that I want to go for. I will deffo prepare for the associate level as well the sooner I complete my cloud practitioner.



Mannan Bhuiyan avatar
Mannan Bhuiyan

Hello everyone I am trying to pay the exam fee of SAA-C03 in Pearson Vue, but failing to pay its showing “the credit card payment option is not available for this order” how can I pay the exam fee

bradym avatar

This is not a question we can answer. You need to contact Pearson Vue.

