#azure (2020-03)
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/azure/

hello, if you don’t want to upgrade yet to the 2.0.0 azurerm provider. one can prevent the upgrade by setting the following:
# Configure the Azure Provider
provider "azurerm" {
# whilst the `version` attribute is optional, we recommend pinning to a given version of the Provider
version = "= 1.44.0"

In the last year I’ve seen the azurerm provider go up from 1.21 up to 2.00 and dealt with all the crazy changes therein. I highly recommend pinning the version of all providers for anything production level or that doesn’t change very often, regardless of the provider being used. Version pinning is soooo important in devops

also in helmfile btw.

Of course there are those that would say that one should actually know the differences between different azurerm terraform provider versions for interviews… https://www.whizlabs.com/blog/terraform-interview-questions/ <– WTF?
Preparing for terraform interview? Check out these top 25 terraform interview questions with detailed answers to crack the interview!

That’s ridiculous! Perfect example of a bad interview question
Preparing for terraform interview? Check out these top 25 terraform interview questions with detailed answers to crack the interview!

I know right? I’d laugh right in the interviewer’s face

I suppose I should cross-post my azure devops tomfoolery to this channel as well: https://zacharyloeber.com/blog/2020/3/23/ado_automated_variable_groups/

Azure Devops Automated Variable Groups - Zachary Loeber’s Personal Site

Hello, I have successfully setup azure devops pipeline and template with vault storing Terraform credential . All was done by following the example below: https://github.com/jtiala/azure-devops-terraform-template If you have the same use case I might be of some help
Azure DevOps Terraform Template. Contribute to jtiala/azure-devops-terraform-template development by creating an account on GitHub.

Adding @discourse_forum bot

@discourse_forum has joined the channel

Azure VMSS are very much not like AWS AutoScaling Groups — anyone here know if VMSS are supposed to be self-healing? i.e. if I define a VMSS with 3 VMs and power one off - I’m not seeing it be replaced. I think it has to do with poweroff … maybe I need to deallocate

you need to apply extensions to do the health checks I believe

Ah nice! Thanks for this Zachary… https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machine-scale-sets/virtual-machine-scale-sets-health-extension
Learn how to use the Application Health extension to monitor the health of your applications deployed on virtual machine scale sets.

Azure dumb trick of the day, az cli one-liner to give a console list of subscriptions to choose from to set as your current default subscription: OLD_IFS=${IFS}; IFS=$'\n';select subscription in $(az account list --query "[].name" -o tsv) cancel; do if [ "$${subscription}" != "cancel" ]; then echo "Setting
Subscription: ${subscription}"; az account set --subscription "${subscription}"; fi; break; done; IFS=${OLD_IFS}

This is handy - now to untrain my muscle memory from doing: az logout az account clear az login