#azure (2021-04)
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/azure/

Earners of the OpenHack: Containers badge have a fundamental understanding of leveraging Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service to containerize an application and move it to the cloud. They know and have demonstrated the correct application of the principal features of these Azure technologies by preparing a cluster for production.

Has anybody gone the “official” MS way with CAF and this terraform module?

Base terraform module for the landing zones on Terraform part of Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure - aztfmod/terraform-azurerm-caf

If not - how are you going about the “admin repo ring” vs the “application repo rings” (subscription management, preparing tf state backends?) in your case?

I have a feeling that CAF in general and / or the the terraform module implementing it might be “overengineering” even for bigger orgs.

Any thoughts?

sorry but your question is not very clear, does your question is about single repos vs multiple repos to manage azure resources and terraform state ?

Hi there - not really - it’s more about CAF

and if anyone is following Microsoft’s best practices there.

Especially as there are terraform modules for it.

Terraform Module for Cloud Adoption Framework Enterprise-scale - Azure/terraform-azurerm-caf-enterprise-scale

Essentially I’m just curious if anyone is using these modules and how it went so far.

I just discovered them when you posted them ! it’s a great source of inspiration ;)

not sure how to use it as it is by example the service_health_alerts use a provider azurecaf
terraform {
required_providers {
azurecaf = {
source = "aztfmod/azurecaf"
and then has dedicated resource resource “azurecaf_name” “ag1_name” {} https://github.com/aztfmod/terraform-azurerm-caf/blob/master/modules/monitoring/service_health_alerts/main.tf
I have found azure_caf on the terraform registry and it has 129k download … https://registry.terraform.io/providers/aztfmod/azurecaf/latest
Base terraform module for the landing zones on Terraform part of Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure - aztfmod/terraform-azurerm-caf

Hello, did one of you use https://promitor.io/ ? it’s a gateway to send azure monitor metrics to prometheus ..
Bringing Azure Monitor metrics where you need them.

Bringing Azure Monitor metrics where you need them.

Just implemented a Proof of Concept with it.

nice !! , what was your though about it ?

I want to monitor my azure loadbalancer, vault etc with it

I was troublesome to get it working, documentation seems out of date and is inconsistent. I’m using the discovery agent as well.

But now it’s working I’m happy with it.

I’m monitoring AKS, API management and AKS Load Balancer with it

it discover Azure monitor probes ? or resources ? how does it get the prometheus port
i use prometheus azure_sd to discover resource to monitor based on tag with by example:
• node_exporter=true
• windows_exporter=true
• haproxy_exporter =true

ha I see promitor resource discovery is only for Kub !

The RD discovers Azure resources based on filters, eg:
- name: aks_vmss
type: VirtualMachineScaleSet
- westeurope
- name: apimanagement
type: ApiManagement
- westeurope
- northeurope

ok I see

And then you configure Promitor to query that RD group, eg:
- name: aks_vmss_cpuload
description: "Percentage CPU"
resourceType: VirtualMachineScaleSet
metricName: "Percentage CPU"
type: Average
- name: aks_vmss


Some things I don’t like:
• By default the pods run as root (need to fix that before it is promoted beyond a poc)
• You need to explicitly specify which metric you want to scrape, it doesn’t discover all metrics available
• Log settings seem to be buggy
• Error / warnings are not descriptive

well first I will use the “Promitor Scraper” but not the discovery

Good luck! Let me know if you get stuck