#bash (2020-03)
A channel for bash scripting
@Jann Speyer has joined the channel
@David Lozano has joined the channel
@Mark Henneman has joined the channel
@Takan has joined the channel
Hi guys
Do you guys know how to write a script to call for a service to run ( i am using a tool and need to call it for launching in CI pipeline)
That’s a really broad question, could you give more details on what you’re trying to do?
I have a tool that need to call out to run within a pipeline like : CircleCI or GitlabCI So how can i write a bash script to call it ?
learnshell.org is a free interactive Shell tutorial for people who want to learn Shell, fast.
it sounds like you need to start with the fundamentals @Takan - this channel isn’t a resource to get people to write scripts for you
thank @Chris Fowles for the link
@Joe Bagdon has joined the channel
@Jillian Rowe has joined the channel
This is great! All those damn kids can get off my lawn and we can all just run everything with bash and ssh!!
Adding @discourse_forum bot
@discourse_forum has joined the channel