#bash (2020-04)
A channel for bash scripting
Shawn Petersen
Hi all, hoping for some help. I need a regex to pull only the second occurence of the result of this expression.. grep -Po ‘(?<=<version>)(\d.+.+?)(?=</version>)’ file.xml
so far nothing is working and I get all 17 results from the file.
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
One quick way:
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
grep -Po '(?<=<version>)(\d.+.+?)(?=</version>)' file.xml | head -2 | tail -1
Shawn Petersen
lol yep that works
Shawn Petersen
sometimes have to think outside the box
Shawn Petersen
thanks man!
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
no prob!
How do i jq only the values of the Name, if the json is like this
"Name": "AB"
"Name": "BA"
"Name": "CD"