#build-harness (2020-04)

Help with the Cloud Posse build-harness https://github.com/cloudposse/build-harness


Chris Barlock avatar
Chris Barlock

I’m stumped.  I have a little make file:

GO ?= $(shell which go 2>/dev/null)
GOEXT_TMP_DIR := $(shell pwd -P)/tmp

.PHONY: test
	export GOPATH=$(GOEXT_TMP_DIR) && \
	$(GO) get -u github.com/securego/gosec/cmd/gosec

This go get command is supposed to get the source files for this gosec tool, build it and install the binary to $GOPATH/bin.  It works fine:

romulus:cicd-test cbarlock$ make -f test.mak
export GOPATH=/Users/cbarlock/vscode/cicd-test/tmp && \
	/usr/local/go/bin/go get -u github.com/securego/gosec/cmd/gosec
romulus:cicd-test cbarlock$ ls tmp
bin	src
romulus:cicd-test cbarlock$ ls tmp/bin

But when I run the same target as a build harness extension:

romulus:cicd-test cbarlock$ make test
export GOPATH=/Users/cbarlock/vscode/cicd-test/tmp && \
	/usr/local/go/bin/go get -u github.com/securego/gosec/cmd/gosec
romulus:cicd-test cbarlock$ ls tmp

Only the source files are downloaded and the binary is not created.  Any ideas why this is happening?

David Schmidt avatar
David Schmidt

Are you actually using the build-harness-extensions function? There’s a few things that can get confusing about paths and so on if you’re doing things like installing vendor executables and so on.

Chris Barlock avatar
Chris Barlock

Yes. I didn’t do the work to hook our extensions to the build harness, but our stuff is “installed” in build-harness-extensions/modules/....

Chris Barlock avatar
Chris Barlock

For this gosec command, I am literally setting the GOPATH to a temp dir, downloading gosec , running it and deleting it.

Chris Barlock avatar
Chris Barlock

Found it! My top-level Makefile was exporting GOBIN.


