#build-harness (2023-04)
Help with the Cloud Posse build-harness https://github.com/cloudposse/build-harness

unsure if this is the right place, but I’m seeing this locally and on github actions randomly.
Cloning <https://github.com/cloudposse/build-harness.git#master>...
Cloning into 'build-harness'...
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/runner/work/infrastructure/infrastructure'
.build-harness:1: *** missing separator. Stop.

We often see this sort of failure when it’s really a failure to bootstrap - which in turn is often either rate-limiting, or not supplying good creds to not get rate-limited.
unsure if this is the right place, but I’m seeing this locally and on github actions randomly.
Cloning <https://github.com/cloudposse/build-harness.git#master>...
Cloning into 'build-harness'...
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/runner/work/infrastructure/infrastructure'
.build-harness:1: *** missing separator. Stop.

it could be rate limiting since it is random

We always supply user creds so we get the benefit of our subscription rather than hoping it goes through

A typical Makefile that bootstraps starts like this (we use -extensions extensively) :
# Bootstrap (pull) the build harness
# GITHUB_USER containing '@' char must be escaped with '%40'
GITHUB_USER := $(shell echo $(GITHUB_USER) | sed 's/@/%40/g')
-include $(shell [ -f ".build-harness-bootstrap" ] || curl -sL -o .build-harness-bootstrap -H "Authorization: token $(GITHUB_TOKEN)" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw" "<https://raw.github.com/open-cluster-management/build-harness-extensions/master/templates/Makefile.build-harness-bootstrap>"; echo .build-harness-bootstrap)

Interesting…. @Jeremy G (Cloud Posse), should we consider adding something like @David Schmidt’s answer?

@johncblandii There was some breakage to build-harness overnight, because build-harness pulls in packages which has had a few bugs introduced as we enhanced it to support packaging for arm64
, but nothing that I saw like “missing separator”. There were also 2 GitHub incidents that might have contributed to the error:
- Incident with Git Operations
- Incident with Actions and Pages
So I expect this was a transient error, but if it happens again, please see if you can track down where the missing separator actually is.
@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) We curl
the bootstrap file from <https://raw.githubusercontent.com>
- Has a generous rate limit of 5000 request per IP address per hour
- Does not accept authentication and therefore does not benefit from it
After that, we use
git clone
to download the repo, which automatically uses whatever user credentials are available. @David Schmidt Have you hit rate limits on[raw.githubusercontent.com](http://raw.githubusercontent.com)
GitHub’s Status Page - Incident with Git Operations.
GitHub’s Status Page - Incident with Actions and Pages.

We only pull build harness / build harness extensions with our own orgs, so I can’t speak to that.

So if, for example, anyone else forks and uses them locally (in their own org), they will hit this problem if they use build harness with any regularity.

@Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel

did something change with make packages/install/terraform-docs

yeah, something is off.

oh…logs tell me directly:
Package terraform-docs no longer supported. Skipping

@johncblandii Where did you see this error? terraform-docs
is still supported by Cloud Posse, now on both amd64
and arm64

in our gha run

let me add it back. 1 sec

- name: Install terraform-docs
shell: bash
INSTALL_PATH: "${{ github.workspace }}/bin"
run: |
make init
mkdir -p "${INSTALL_PATH}"
make packages/install/terraform-docs

As I said, packages
had some bugs introduced with the arm64
support, but it should all be fixed now. I just ran make packages/install/terraform-docs
and it worked for me.

Right, that was a bug
• introduced in packages PR 3503 at 2023-04-02T2327Z and
• fixed in PR 3506 at 2023-04-03T2112Z

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) FYI, for about 22 hours yesterday, make packages/install
was broken and either errored out (if run with /bin/sh
) or claimed the package was no longer supported. Anyone reporting such errors during that time period should simply be advised to try it again.