#codefresh (2019-07)
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/codefresh/

Dockerhub registry issue - Impact on your Codefresh builds Jul 2, 14:09 UTC Investigating - We are currently investigating an issue with pulling images from dockerhub (502 errors). This seems like an overall issue in Dockerhub and may affect your builds in Codefresh even if your own images aren’t hosted in Dockerhub. We’ll provide more updates.
Codefresh’s Status Page - Dockerhub registry issue - Impact on your Codefresh builds.

Dockerhub registry issue - Impact on your Codefresh builds Jul 2, 14:42 UTC Monitoring - Issue seems to be resolved, it was related to an issue on cloudflare that impacted services like dockerhub, npm and others. We’re currently monitoring the system to make sure everything is up.Jul 2, 14:09 UTC Investigating - We are currently investigating an issue with pulling images from dockerhub (502 errors). This seems like an overall issue in Dockerhub and may affect your builds in Codefresh even if your own images aren’t hosted in Dockerhub. We’ll provide…

Dockerhub registry issue - Impact on your Codefresh builds Jul 2, 19:20 UTC Resolved - According to Cloudflare’s Status Page, the issue is now resolved. Thus, all indirectly impacted services (DockerHub, NPM, among others) should be functional as well.
More info here: https://www.cloudflarestatus.com/incidents/9wjyx63y2xsyJul 2, 14:42 UTC Monitoring - Issue seems to be resolved, it was related to an issue on cloudflare that impacted services like dockerhub, npm and others. We’re currently monitoring the system to make sure everything is up.Jul 2,…
Codefresh’s Status Page - Dockerhub registry issue - Impact on your Codefresh builds.
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@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) Do you have details on use of the iam auth in a Codefresh pipeline? I am in a pairing call discussing the use and wondered if you have steps somewhere as an example of this in a pipeline. I am looking through your GitHub now.

I don’t have an example of using “STS” tokens

I can show you how it works, but not a codefresh pipeline

Mind helping me out on a call real fast with customer and talk me through how it would look in a pipeline and I’ll put the steps together post call?


I believe it will be a freestyle step with the auth

is this for terraform by any chance?

Terraform module to provision an Elasticsearch cluster with built-in integrations with Kibana and Logstash. - cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticsearch

(here’s how we’re running terratest

we have 40+ repos updated so far

No this is using aws authenticator to pass in the ARN for use during the annotation creation for the ingress around the Amazon ALB.

Maybe I am not understanding this but the ARN is needed in the Kube config for the role to be able to use alb annotations.

oh, we haven’t tried using aws-iam-authenticator
with codefresh.

Okay that’s cool. Then never mind the request. I think I’ll just need to write the steps.

yea, we’ve taken a different approach for deploying the ALB ingress.

we provision backing services with terraform under atlantis

Terraform module to provision an IAM role for aws-alb-ingress-controller running in a Kops cluster, and attach an IAM policy to the role with permissions to manage Application Load Balancers. - clo…

then we write the arn to SSM

when we deploy the ALB ingress chart, then we pull the ARN out of SSM using chamber.

Thanks think they’re going with a different approach will gather more information but right now per example they have alb annotations defined in the values of a Helm chart that they pass to the ingress of the service to update alb.

and we deploy the alb ingress chart with helmfile

Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles. Works with helmfile.d
- cloudposse/helmfiles

that said, I’m not keen on the ALB ingress.

it’s lame. it creates a new ALB for every ingress.

provisioning ALBs is slow (and they are expensive) relatively speaking.

you’ll quickly run out of ALBs (per the limits) and need to request a limit increase

per https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws_service_limits.html isn’t the limit the same for ELBs? In regards to pricing, ELBs and ALBs are about the same price
See the default limits for AWS services for an AWS account.

You could create a single ingress for all services running in a single namespace

In our case, we setup environments for every pull request. Every pull request is in a new namespace.

It’s so nice how nginx-ingress can just reuse the load balancer

yes/no, it means that you need to rearchitect how the ingresses are defined. I think it’s nicer to define the ingress rules along side the service than globally in the namespace.

yeah I agree. Decoupling the services from the ingress is just an added PITA for whoever is configuring the service

are you able to limit which pipelines/projects have access to which k8s clusters?

i.e. only prod pipelines have access to the prod cluster or only pipelines in a specific project can have access to a project specific cluster

How to restrict resources in a company environment

ah enterprise feature

Docker Hub has reported an incident Jul 18, 17:37 UTC Investigating - Docker Hub has reported an incident affecting their Docker Hub Registry and Docker Hub Web components. This could affect Codefresh builds.
More information here: https://status.docker.com/pages/incident/533c6539221ae15e3f000031/5d30ac0eca873b5c9dfe7768
Codefresh’s Status Page - Docker Hub has reported an incident.
Our system status page is a real-time view of the performance and uptime of Docker products and services.

Docker Hub has reported an incident Jul 18, 17:47 UTC Monitoring - Docker Hub has reported the affected components as operational.
More information here: https://status.docker.com/pages/incident/533c6539221ae15e3f000031/5d30ac0eca873b5c9dfe7768Jul 18, 17:37 UTC Investigating - Docker Hub has reported an incident affecting their Docker Hub Registry and Docker Hub Web components. This could affect Codefresh builds.
More information here: https://status.docker.com/pages/incident/533c6539221ae15e3f000031/5d30ac0eca873b5c9dfe7768

GitHub has reported an incident Jul 18, 18:07 UTC Investigating - GitHub has reported an incident affecting Web and API requests.
More information here: https://www.githubstatus.com/ / https://www.githubstatus.com/incidents/jzcjznsv759m
Codefresh’s Status Page - GitHub has reported an incident.
Welcome to GitHub’s home for real-time and historical data on system performance.
GitHub’s Status Page - Incident on 2019-07-18 18:00 UTC.

Docker Hub has reported an incident Jul 18, 18:11 UTC Resolved - Incident reported as fully Resolved.
More information here: https://status.docker.com/pages/incident/533c6539221ae15e3f000031/5d30ac0eca873b5c9dfe7768Jul 18, 17:47 UTC Monitoring - Docker Hub has reported the affected components as operational.
More information here: https://status.docker.com/pages/incident/533c6539221ae15e3f000031/5d30ac0eca873b5c9dfe7768Jul 18, 17:37 UTC Investigating - Docker Hub has reported an incident affecting their Docker Hub Registry…

GitHub has reported an incident Jul 18, 18:54 UTC Monitoring - GitHub has reported that Web and API error rates are back to normal levels.Jul 18, 18:07 UTC Investigating - GitHub has reported an incident affecting Web and API requests.
More information here: https://www.githubstatus.com/ / https://www.githubstatus.com/incidents/jzcjznsv759m

GitHub has reported an incident Jul 18, 19:26 UTC Resolved - GitHub has reported this incident as ResolvedJul 18, 18:54 UTC Monitoring - GitHub has reported that Web and API error rates are back to normal levels.Jul 18, 18:07 UTC Investigating - GitHub has reported an incident affecting Web and API requests.
More information here: https://www.githubstatus.com/ / https://www.githubstatus.com/incidents/jzcjznsv759m
Codefresh’s Status Page - GitHub has reported an incident.
Welcome to GitHub’s home for real-time and historical data on system performance.
GitHub’s Status Page - Incident on 2019-07-18 18:00 UTC.

Codefresh issue affecting r.cfcr.io registry Jul 18, 22:03 UTC Investigating - We are investigating an issue affecting our r.cfcr.io registry component
Codefresh’s Status Page - Codefresh issue affecting r.cfcr.io registry.

Codefresh issue affecting r.cfcr.io registry Jul 18, 22:29 UTC Monitoring - There was a temporary network issue. The r.cfcr.io registry is operational again. We’ll keep monitoring it.Jul 18, 22:03 UTC Investigating - We are investigating an issue affecting our r.cfcr.io registry component

Codefresh issue affecting r.cfcr.io registry Jul 18, 23:25 UTC Resolved - This incident has been resolved.Jul 18, 22:29 UTC Monitoring - There was a temporary network issue. The r.cfcr.io registry is operational again. We’ll keep monitoring it.Jul 18, 22:03 UTC Investigating - We are investigating an issue affecting our r.cfcr.io registry component
Codefresh’s Status Page - Codefresh issue affecting r.cfcr.io registry.

GitHub has reported an incident Jul 22, 15:58 UTC Investigating - GitHub has reported an incident This might impact your builds.
More information here: https://www.githubstatus.com/incidents/tq7pm7mn9b1k
Codefresh’s Status Page - GitHub has reported an incident.
GitHub’s Status Page - Incident on 2019-07-22 15:46 UTC.

GitHub has reported an incident Jul 22, 22:54 UTC Resolved - GH has reported this incident is now resolved.Jul 22, 15:58 UTC Investigating - GitHub has reported an incident This might impact your builds.
More information here: https://www.githubstatus.com/incidents/tq7pm7mn9b1k
Codefresh’s Status Page - GitHub has reported an incident.
GitHub’s Status Page - Incident on 2019-07-22 15:46 UTC.

Internal Incident Jul 23, 03:20 UTC Investigating - We’re experiencing an intermittent issue with our API. We’re still trying to identify the root cause.
Codefresh’s Status Page - Internal Incident.

Internal Incident Jul 23, 06:00 UTC Resolved - We have resolved the issue which caused intermediate network issues in CodefreshJul 23, 03:20 UTC Investigating - We’re experiencing an intermittent issue with our API. We’re still trying to identify the root cause.
Codefresh’s Status Page - Internal Incident.

Codefresh UI outage Jul 23, 12:32 UTC Resolved - This incident has been resolved.Jul 23, 12:30 UTC Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Codefresh’s Status Page - Codefresh UI outage.

anyone use pipelines to create new projects/pipelines w/codefresh cli

see http://github.com/cloudposse/codefresh for example
Codefresh repos and pipelines in code. Contribute to cloudposse/codefresh development by creating an account on GitHub.

thanks Erik you guys always have an example for everything I need to start looking there first

they might not always be the “latest” (since usually it percolates from customer engagements)

Platform Latency Jul 26, 03:10 UTC Update - We are continuing to investigate this issue.Jul 26, 03:09 UTC Investigating - Engineering is investigating reports of latency in platform.
Codefresh’s Status Page - Platform Latency.

Platform Latency Jul 26, 04:45 UTC Resolved - We resolved the issue and the platform performance is back to normalJul 26, 03:10 UTC Update - We are continuing to investigate this issue.Jul 26, 03:09 UTC Investigating - Engineering is investigating reports of latency in platform.
Codefresh’s Status Page - Platform Latency.

@dustinvb have you seen any “auto discovery” feature for codefresh?

e.g. a repo could just define something like this:

version: "1.0"
kind: "pipeline"
name: foobar/tests
isPublic: false
tags: []
applicationPort: '8080'
repoPipeline: true
project: foobar
- branchRegex: /.*/gi
branchRegexInput: regex
commentRegex: /.*/gi
context: github-webhooks
- push
provider: github
pullRequestAllowForkEvents: false
repo: foobar
type: git
- terraform modules
variables: []
location: url
url: >-
stages: []
steps: {}

it would automatically see a new foobar
repo was created, detect the config above, and execute it.

this would tie in to org webhooks (not repo webhooks)

No I haven’t seen anything like this in use. I had a request just today to have a codefresh terraform module to perform something similar. Can you ping our shared channel and double check with Amir and Kostis there?


thatd be awesome

this would be great with github templates

Wow, interesting idea

I hadn’t considered that