#codefresh (2019-11)
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/codefresh/

I would be interested to get a cost benefit analysis of continuing our current codefresh-managed vs doing the on-prem solution…?

In my situation, on-prem was not cheaper. They still bill you a LOT for basically a license to use a runner. So, just because you have a giant kube cluster with lots of availability, you’re still paying more for increased concurrency. This was as of about 6 months ago, maybe they’ve changed, but it’s how I understood it when I chatted to my sales rep about it.

And further, how does the on prem solution differ from the hosted…?

I noticed in https://github.com/cloudposse/helmfiles/ all the on-prem codefresh bootstrap files
Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles. Works with helmfile.d
- cloudposse/helmfiles

The only difference is the release cycle is delayed as we need to do additional testing of features before we can send them out to on premise customers.
You deploy with the same Helm chart we do with some minor tweaks to a couple images.
All in all you’ll have about ~29 micro-services running on your cluster deployed via Helm Chart.

We wrote this module: https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-codefresh-backing-services
Terraform module to provision AWS backing services necessary to run Codefresh Enterprise - cloudposse/terraform-aws-codefresh-backing-services

Which deploys all the backing services we needed for codefresh onprem using AWS managed services

unfortunately, codefresh is incompatible with DocumentDB

And to be covered by support we couldn’t use EFS or Redis

I would have really preferred operating Codefresh on-prem using the AWS managed backing services rather than in cluster services.

Docker Hub has reported an ongoing incident Nov 5, 14:42 UTC Investigating - Investigating - Currently investigating increase in queue backlogs affecting Pages builds and some webhooks deliveries. More info: https://www.githubstatus.com/incidents/42hkbtl63nmn
Codefresh’s Status Page - Docker Hub has reported an ongoing incident.

GitHub has reported an ongoing incident Nov 5, 14:42 UTC Investigating - Investigating - Currently investigating increase in queue backlogs affecting Pages builds and some webhooks deliveries. More info: https://www.githubstatus.com/incidents/42hkbtl63nmn
Codefresh’s Status Page - GitHub has reported an ongoing incident.

Do we have examples of pipelines that use this plugin? https://github.com/cloudposse/slack-notifier
Command line utility to send messages with attachments to Slack channels via Incoming Webhooks - cloudposse/slack-notifier

but not the way codefresh might want to publish it

It’s a bit convoluted because we call slack-notifier
from our build-harness

Example application for CI/CD demonstrations of Codefresh - cloudposse/example-app

Collection of Makefiles to facilitate building Golang projects, Dockerfiles, Helm charts, and more - cloudposse/build-harness

There are just so many derived environment variables

Collection of Makefiles to facilitate building Golang projects, Dockerfiles, Helm charts, and more - cloudposse/build-harness

GitHub has reported an ongoing incident Nov 5, 21:17 UTC Resolved - Github reports all systems operational. Webhooks are back to normal time deliveries.Nov 5, 14:42 UTC Investigating - Investigating - Currently investigating increase in queue backlogs affecting Pages builds and some webhooks deliveries. More info: https://www.githubstatus.com/incidents/42hkbtl63nmn
Codefresh’s Status Page - GitHub has reported an ongoing incident.

We’re having an issue where pipelines are getting stuck after the approval step. The step after ask for approval is to clone the app repo. It starts that but quickly goes back to Initializing Process. I entered a support issue but thought I’d post here to see if anyone can help. It’s blocking some important work for us. Issue number is 1992.

Could it be related to maxing out the number of concurrent steps for the size of builder?

I don’t think so. One has been fine on small for a while now and it’s having the problem. I’ll try it on a large to see if it makes a difference.

To clarify, we’re seeing this across multiple projects/pipelines, and it’s been repeatable the last couple of hours

The builds are showing up as green and red in the builds screen but still blue in the build details screen. I wondered if they were finishing and the UI was not updating so I pulled the logs for the build with the codefresh CLI and it didn’t have any more info than the build detail screen in the UI.

This is a bug we’ve seen in a few builds. I believe it’s being activity worked on but worth opening a ticket if you have a minute to increase attention.

does anyone know if https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/configure-ci-cd-pipeline/debugging-pipelines/ is an enterprise feature? if not, how can we turn on the debugger
How to pause and inspect pipelines

Note: This feature is currently available only to select customers. If you want to use debugging in your own pipelines please contact us.
How to pause and inspect pipelines

Codefresh’s continuous integration and delivery platform for Docker and Kubernetes empowers teams of all sizes to build and release pipelines faster at scale.


no problem

debugger in codefresh is awesome!!

Did someone get you access so you could try it out?

@Dan Garfield yes I reached out to Oriel

Awesome, would you mind if I screenshot and share this note publicly?

@Dan Garfield go for it!


Anyone having issues with CF notifying GitHub for status updates?

I’m having issues with some unlisted quota trying to build and push a docker image to my codefresh repository.
The push refers to repository [r.cfcr.io/myaccount/myimage]
error parsing HTTP 429 response body: invalid character 'Q' looking for beginning of value: "Quota Exceeded."
The docs here: https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/docker-registries/codefresh-registry/#remove-images-from-codefresh-registry Quite specifically say that I shouldn’t have any kind of space issues, it’s “fully managed”
The Codefresh Registry is fully managed for you and the amount of space it consumes does not affect you in any way (Codefresh pricing does not depend on the space you consume for Docker images). Anyone run in to this? It kind of has ground a bunch of work to a halt.
In fact, I can’t even find the word “quota” in all of their documentation.
I’ll file a support ticket, but maybe someone else has a quick win on this I’m hoping.
How to use the integrated Docker registry of your account

Docker Pull from GCR not working (Quota Exceeded) Nov 26, 05:57 UTC Identified - Issue is currently under investigation by Codefresh Engineering.
Codefresh’s Status Page - Docker Pull from GCR not working (Quota Exceeded).

Docker Pull from GCR not working (Quota Exceeded) Nov 26, 07:18 UTC Resolved - This incident has been resolved.Nov 26, 07:18 UTC Update - We are continuing to work on a fix for this issue.Nov 26, 07:17 UTC Update - We are continuing to work on a fix for this issue.Nov 26, 05:57 UTC Identified - Issue is currently under investigation by Codefresh Engineering.
Codefresh’s Status Page - Docker Pull from GCR not working (Quota Exceeded).

GitLab has reported an ongoing incident Nov 28, 12:46 UTC Investigating - GitLab Incident Status: Service Disruption Components Website, API, Git (ssh and https), Pages, Registry, CI/CD, Background Processing, Support Services, packages.gitlab.com, customers.gitlab.com, version.gitlab.com, forum.gitlab.com
This could affect your Codefresh builds.
More information here: https://status.gitlab.com/
Codefresh’s Status Page - GitLab has reported an ongoing incident.
We continuously monitor gitlab.com and all its services. If there are any performance or service interruptions, an update will be posted here.

GitLab has reported an ongoing incident Nov 28, 13:00 UTC Resolved - This incident has been resolved.Nov 28, 12:46 UTC Investigating - GitLab Incident Status: Service Disruption Components Website, API, Git (ssh and https), Pages, Registry, CI/CD, Background Processing, Support Services, packages.gitlab.com, customers.gitlab.com, version.gitlab.com, forum.gitlab.com
This could affect your Codefresh builds.
More information here: https://status.gitlab.com/