#codefresh (2020-05)
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/codefresh/

Restrict Codefresh to specific namespace - documentation () (Feed generated with FetchRSS)

anyone know of a way to have a shared build pipeline with dynamic build args?

and by build args I believe you’re referring to docker build args…?

yep docker build args

(instead of needing to create a separate pipeline per project that has different build arg variables)

Codefresh SaaS Platform Unavailable May 14, 20:21 UTC Investigating - Engineering is already looking into the issue we should have updates shortly.
Codefresh’s Status Page - Codefresh SaaS Platform Unavailable.

Codefresh SaaS Platform Unavailable May 14, 22:13 UTC Resolved - We have identified the issue in our system. The incident is solved now.May 14, 20:21 UTC Investigating - Engineering is already looking into the issue we should have updates shortly.
Codefresh’s Status Page - Codefresh SaaS Platform Unavailable.

Deploy with Kustomize - documentation () (Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Masking encrypted variables in logs - documentation () (Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Installing the Codefresh Runner on a multi AZ GKE cluster - documentation () (Feed generated with FetchRSS)

We are online with Coffee with Codefreh - https://codefresh.zoom.us/w/92888710843?tk=hGmqdhRhxmrXCfjwl45YEDabvpqB6Veq-DzLrfuwY0s.DQIAAAAVoJk-uxZjYVVmbDVYQ1JfdTRlbmlKZFpnR0VBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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