#codefresh (2020-08)
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/codefresh/
Is it possible to get user input when doing an approval step? Ideally, I would like to duplicate what I do in Jenkins right now, which is to say to the user “The change has been deployed to the test environment. If you would like to deploy to Production please choose whether this is a new Major, Minor, or Patch version, and click approve”
no - but this would be rad.
They put in a feature request for me.
the other thing I don’t like approval steps is that there’s no way to change the message. E.g. “Are you sure you would like to deploy v.1.2.3 to production”
nice! @Vidhya Vijayakumar +1 from us
@roth.andy the way I’m planning on solving it for cloudposse is a little bit different: https://github.com/release-drafter/release-drafter
Drafts your next release notes as pull requests are merged into master. - release-drafter/release-drafter
label the PR before merging whether it’s a patch/minor/major. Use that to do the auto semver on merge.
@roth.andy see this? https://github.com/codefresh-io/terraform-provider-codefresh
Terraform provider for Codefresh API - https://g.codefresh.io/api/ - codefresh-io/terraform-provider-codefresh
I’ve glanced at it. Will eventually start using it. Still in PoC mode just hand-jamming stuff
Terraform provider for Codefresh API - https://g.codefresh.io/api/ - codefresh-io/terraform-provider-codefresh
Concurrency limits per branch - documentation () (Feed generated with FetchRSS)
Pipeline templates - documentation () (Feed generated with FetchRSS)
Login to Codefresh is currently unavailable Aug 12, 07:46 UTC Resolved - This incident has been resolved.Aug 12, 07:39 UTC Update - We are continuing to investigate this issue.Aug 12, 07:38 UTC Investigating - Login to Codefresh is currently unavailable
Codefresh’s Status Page - Login to Codefresh is currently unavailable.
Pipeline/step hooks - documentation () (Feed generated with FetchRSS)
Custom pipeline variables for Helm promotion - documentation () (Feed generated with FetchRSS)
Pipeline definition restrictions - documentation () (Feed generated with FetchRSS)
Codefresh UI Outage Aug 21, 10:08 UTC Investigating - We are currently investigating UI outage.
Codefresh’s Status Page - Codefresh UI Outage.
Codefresh UI Outage Aug 21, 10:25 UTC Resolved - This incident has been resolved.Aug 21, 10:08 UTC Investigating - We are currently investigating UI outage.
anyone know how to make the codefresh type: helmfile
pick up env variables?
we have helmfile with {{ requiredEnv "SITE" }}
and codefresh step:
type: helmfile
- SITE=test
and that fails with
in ./helmfile.yaml: error during helmfile.yaml.part.0 parsing: template: stringTemplate:7:27: executing “stringTemplate” at <requiredEnv “SITE”>: error calling requiredEnv: required env var SITE
is not set
Building apps guide - documentation () (Feed generated with FetchRSS)
Seems I’m starting to get a bunch of failures in codefresh due to the new docker rate limiting
Pulling image cloudposse/geodesic:0.116.0
error pulling image configuration: toomanyrequests: Too Many Requests. Please see <https://docs.docker.com/docker-hub/download-rate-limit/>
Likely whatever NAT IPs Codefresh’s SaaS workers go out of are just getting hammered with rate limiting
@Alex Siegman I believe there was a workaround for this while we try to work on this. I just checked and it looks like you have not reported it to Codefresh yet. I will push this in and get you the workaround.
I had not. Appreciate it
@Alex Siegman I had this issue a few days ago, have you already added your Docker Hub login to your account? I did that and the issue went away for me
GitHub has reported an Incident. Aug 31, 14:32 UTC Investigating - Incident description from GitHub: We are investigating reports of degraded performance for Webhooks. View full incident details http://stspg.io/51kyzb5dtcnc
Codefresh’s Status Page - GitHub has reported an Incident..
GitHub’s Status Page - Incident on 2020-08-31 14:13 UTC.
GitHub has reported an Incident. Aug 31, 15:08 UTC Resolved - This incident has been resolved.Aug 31, 14:32 UTC Investigating - Incident description from GitHub: We are investigating reports of degraded performance for Webhooks. View full incident details http://stspg.io/51kyzb5dtcnc
GitHub has reported an Incident. Aug 31, 15:29 UTC Update - An update has been posted Issues, Pull Requests, Projects is experiencing degraded performance. We are continuing to investigate. An update has been posted GitHub Packages is experiencing degraded performance. We are still investigating and will provide an update when we have one.Aug 31, 15:26 UTC Update - Message from GH: An update has been posted API Requests is experiencing degraded performance. We are still investigating and will provide an update when we have…
Codefresh’s Status Page - GitHub has reported an Incident..
GitHub has reported an Incident. Aug 31, 17:46 UTC Resolved - Message from GH: Incident resolved This incident has been resolved.Aug 31, 15:29 UTC Update - An update has been posted Issues, Pull Requests, Projects is experiencing degraded performance. We are continuing to investigate. An update has been posted GitHub Packages is experiencing degraded performance. We are still investigating and will provide an update when we have one.Aug 31, 15:26 UTC Update - Message from GH: An update has been posted API Requests is…
Codefresh’s Status Page - GitHub has reported an Incident..