#community-projects (2020-03)

Projects built by our community member. Promote your projects by sharing your github repos!


Gabe avatar

Hey everyone, I created a GitHub application that will check Terraform Formatting (0.12) and allows you to fix any issues by clicking a button in the GitHub UI. My goal was to not have to set this up on multiple repos and avoid the manual work of having to fix formatting when something slips through the cracks. In case this might help you as well, check it out: https://github.com/apps/terraform-format-0-12


carthewd avatar

Recently moved over to AWS CodeCommit for a lot of internal work - I find the CodeCommit console a little cumbersome and as a long time hub / Github cli user I decide to start building a CodeCommit CLI - early stages and all that: https://github.com/carthewd/c3


AWS CodeCommit CLI. Contribute to carthewd/c3 development by creating an account on GitHub.

loren avatar



AWS CodeCommit CLI. Contribute to carthewd/c3 development by creating an account on GitHub.

loren avatar

i also miss branch protection every time i start a new code commit project

carthewd avatar

I hear you… I’ve been slowly building back lost functionality via CloudWatch Events+Lambda

loren avatar

would definitely be interested if you figure out branch protection (that does not rely on iam roles/policies…)

loren avatar

we have this project, which at least gets us pr/merge/tag integration with codebuild: https://github.com/plus3it/terraform-aws-codecommit-flow-ci


Implement an event-based CI workflow on a CodeCommit repository - plus3it/terraform-aws-codecommit-flow-ci

carthewd avatar

Thanks, that looks great… I’m not sure I see a way around IAM for branch protection at this point

loren avatar

if you get the wild idea of using CodePipeline to orchestrate the pr/merge/tag events, know that CodePipeline does not get much information about the git repo, it just gets the tar bundle of the repo files. Makes it a bit hard to work on commits, branches, tags, and really any git ref

loren avatar

hence, we also leaned on CloudWatch Events + Lambda as the way to go



Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

Saw this one pop up in my github feed. May be useful to some (not certain if it was already posted in one of these threads, sorry if so): https://github.com/binxio/datadog-exporter


command line utility for exporting datadog metrics - binxio/datadog-exporter


Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

This isn’t my project or anything but I ran across sail (https://sail.dev/) and it looks like it could be promising for some use cases. Gist is that it encapsulates a full development environment in a Dockerfile and uses the vscode-server project (from the same company) which can also be self-hosted from my understanding.

Sail - Reproducible and consistent dev environments

Sail allows projects to define their own development environment via a single Dockerfile, allowing for consistent, reproducible, and instant environments. Contribute sooner and debug faster.

sheldonh avatar

I used before it renamed. I loved it. Coder.

Sail - Reproducible and consistent dev environments

Sail allows projects to define their own development environment via a single Dockerfile, allowing for consistent, reproducible, and instant environments. Contribute sooner and debug faster.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

nice!! geodesic for developers

sheldonh avatar

I need to go look but I didn’t think this was even close to same purpose. Coder/sail is like gitpod ….spun up web IDE on demand to edit code. I didn’t think that’s what geodesic is for

Jason Walsh avatar
Jason Walsh

Hey everyone! Erik mentioned that I should post here from my post in #packer. I recently started a new project that is a web user interface for creating Packer templates. The project is still really new but has the potential to grow. I was hoping to get some feedback from the community!

The name of the project is Punk and the source code can be found here: https://github.com/jasonwalsh/punk

There’s also a Heroku app if you’re interested in checking out the app via your web browser: https://murmuring-forest-55290.herokuapp.com/


Punk is a GUI for generating Packer templates. Contribute to jasonwalsh/punk development by creating an account on GitHub.



Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Adding @discourse_forum bot

discourse_forum avatar
10:03:32 PM

@discourse_forum has joined the channel


David avatar

I just wrote and released https://github.com/transcend-io/terragrunt-atlantis-config if anyone is interested. It generates atlantis.yaml content for terragrunt repos by analyzing the dependency blocks (and some other stuff)

Hopefully someone else finds it useful, I’ll gladly take feature requests


Generates Atlantis repo level config yaml content for Terragrunt projects - transcend-io/terragrunt-atlantis-config
