#community-projects (2020-09)

Projects built by our community member. Promote your projects by sharing your github repos!


David avatar

I wrote a blog on making frontends, and happened to mention a few cloudposse modules in examples: https://transcend.io/blog/hassle-free-frontends-in-aws

Hassle-free frontends in AWS with Terraform 0.13 and GitHub Actionsattachment image

At Transcend, we create our frontends using cutting-edge open-source Terraform modules. In this post, learn how to create production-ready frontends with continuous delivery in minutes.

Chris Fowles avatar
Chris Fowles

oh wow thank goodness it’s Terraform for deploying frontends - i was worried for a moment someone had written a terraform-js frontend library

Chris Fowles avatar
Chris Fowles

nice blogpost

David avatar

