#docker (2018-08)
All things docker
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/docker/
@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel
set the channel description: All things docker
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So for everyone who is dealing with docker signalling issues, I had some pain with it today with sidekiq not stopping gracefully inside docker. Docker stop sends a SIGTERM to docker pid. In most cases, with /bin/sh -c being the entrypoint, the SIGTERM will only reach the pid of /bin/sh and not the child processes of it. Inside my bash script I was already using exec, but I had to use exec in the CMD line of the Dockerfile to make it to work.
Note the exec.
CMD exec /$APP_DIR/bin/dispatch.sh
And note the exec Inside dispatch.sh
SIDEKIQ_COUNT=3 SIDEKIQ_MAXMEM_MB=2000 SIDEKIQ_PRELOAD=sidekiq_swarm exec sidekiqswarm -t 25 -C config/sidekiq.yml
Aha… so basically, it’s running /bin/sh -c 'exec /$APP_DIR/bin/dispatch.sh'
, which then replaces PID1
with dispatch.sh
I’ve also run into problems with signal handling and shell scripts with docker.
@tamsky has joined the channel
it feels like the format of shell commands can convey a lot of meaning:
exec sidekiqswarm \
-t 25 \
-C config/sidekiq.yml
it’s running /bin/sh ...
does CMD (and hence RUN) always pick /bin/sh, or does it use the named shebang #!
shell at the top of:/$APP_DIR/bin/dispatch.sh
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@Igor Rodionov would this be nice for our local dev harness stuff? https://github.com/bcicen/ctop
ctop - Top-like interface for container metrics
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