#docker (2020-03)
All things docker
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/docker/

This looks pretty sweet: https://github.com/wagoodman/dive
A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image. Contribute to wagoodman/dive development by creating an account on GitHub.

@johncblandii It is sweet, I used it to reverse engineer an image once.

Just tried it. Quite nice. Going to use it for sure.

Dive is awesome, use it frequently to better understand images.

If you enjoyed my 1st blog post about reducing Docker image size, here is the 2nd part!
We dive deeper into Alpine and talk about Go, Java, Python, Rust…
In English with @ardanlabs: https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog/2020/02/docker-images-part2-details-specific-to-different-languages.html
In French with @enixsas: https://enix.io/fr/blog/cherie-j-ai-retreci-docker-part2/
Enjoy! https://twitter.com/enixsas/status/1235884077464670208

“Chérie, j’ai rétréci Docker !” Comme promis, le 2ème article de notre @jpetazzo sur l’optimisation des images #Docker : pour les langages Go, Java, Python… et plus de détails sur la douce #Alpine Linux. https://enix.io/fr/blog/cherie-j-ai-retreci-docker-part2/ Bonne lecture ! #Dockerfile #ptitmécostaud” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ESXPC4CWsAE5PPE.png

How do you build your container images? Anyone using kaniko or buildkit? Maybe something else?

what about docker build

I’d like to avoid access to docker socket or docker host at all.

I used kaniko and img locally for testing, but CI/CD used docker build

@Marcin Brański why if I may ask ?

I want to have whole cicd workflow on K8S and don’t want to give container image builder access to K8S node docker. That’s just security threat.
I also think that Docker in Docker is complicating things, I’d rather avoid that.
I will use kaniko
and see how it goes.

Before I was using standalone jenkins nodes to build but it’s complicating infrastructure or external services. Having eveyrything in K8S with security in mind would be nice.

For the most part just vanilla docker build, but using DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1
on a few to use secrets.

hey everyone, I want to skill up on using containers, can anyone recommend some resources, i’m building lots of local dockers containers and now using some ECS TF modules to run in AWS. What would people recommend to look at next?

You can look at Docker compose which is a tool that lets you put together multiple containers that work together. After that the next logical step is probably kubernetes

thank you @roth.andy, I should have mentioned i have already used docker-compose too, so onto Kubernetes

does anyone knows if exists something like terraform-docs for docker?

I don’t think that the requirements for such a project equate

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