#docker (2020-06)
All things docker
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/docker/
for those who uses public dockerhub images , have any of you set up automation to listen for new images and push them to ECR? (or other private registry)
We use dependabot, and make sure to pin versions or the SHA in Dockerfiles
@btai btw, I think codefresh has a trigger for that.
Codefresh is a Docker-native CI/CD platform. Instantly build , test and deploy Docker images.
not sure if it works for images you don’t own
ill have to investigate. seems like it exepcts a webhook on the image repo
Rancher seems to use their own project local build/bootstrap solution called dapper pretty extensively. Anyone here use it at all? https://github.com/rancher/dapper
Docker build wrapper. Contribute to rancher/dapper development by creating an account on GitHub.
Docker build wrapper. Contribute to rancher/dapper development by creating an account on GitHub.
Never used it
not sure I answesed, i used it to run as docker conatiner and added all our environemnts to one single host…
I’m using Visual Studio Code Workspaces to try and work exclusively in docker. Up to now I’ve used mount .aws/credentials in the toolkit to have credentials available.
I’d like to use aws-vault to load credentials OR refresh if the session expired. Anyone familar with this workflow?