#docker (2021-06)
All things docker
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/docker/

a must read https://nickjanetakis.com/blog/best-practices-around-production-ready-web-apps-with-docker-compose

Here’s a few patterns I’ve picked up based on using Docker since 2014. I’ve extracted these from doing a bunch of freelance work.

So many good tips!

Here’s a few patterns I’ve picked up based on using Docker since 2014. I’ve extracted these from doing a bunch of freelance work.


Does anyone use Ansible in the docker file too install tooling and configure? Seems would save effort in reusing and handle different distros a bit cleaner.

I do use ansible to install and configure the host running dockerd

I use https://debops.org

Interesting. I’m pinning this. What’s your elevator pitch for DebOps vs just ansible or other tooling as is?