#gcp (2020-01)
Google Cloud Platform
@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel
set the channel description: Google Cloud Platform
@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel
@Chris Fowles has joined the channel
@albttx - i’ve done a little bit with app engine and happy to answer what i can
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Hey @Chris Fowles, sorry i just saw your message, i rage quit app engine because i understood that google download the code and compile it in their backend, it’s not just taking the binary and in my monorepo it wasn’t working.
But i discovered cloud run
that’s way more easy
so my architecture is:
• 3 backend api (dockerized) on cloud run
• 1 psql database
• 1 front end (made with nuxt, it’s on app engine work like a charm) I’m using terraform,
i had few questions about how to organize that
my 3 services expose 3 endpoints
• /auth
• /users
• /threads but i don’t find a service for routing…
in appengine you can use a dispatch file to route to different endpoints https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python3/how-requests-are-routed#routing_with_a_dispatch_file
i’ve not used cloudrun yet unfortunately
something cloudendpoints might do the trick though https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/openapi/
All about Cloud Endpoints with OpenAPI.
Yes, but there is no dispatch file for cloud run, and Cloud endpoints is in beta, to run you need a to deploy their proxy on cloud run, so it’s will double the cold run…
I’ll run cloud compute with a nomad cluster it’s will be easier
Gcp is really missing an api gateway…
@Pablo Costa has joined the channel
they acquired apigee a little while back and i was really expecting them to come out with a decent solution built on that pretty quickly but from what i’ve seen interacting with their sales teams the apigee stuff seems to be more co-sold than sold as a gcp service
the advantage of could run (and appengine standard env) is that you can scale down to 0 very easily with pretty quick cold starts
to achieve this you have to make a fair few concessions to an opinionated platform (as with anything like this)
if you can’t make those concessions for business or technical reasons it makes sense to fall back to a lower level compute platform
either gke or compute engine
@Jim Park has joined the channel
Thanks @Chris Fowles ! Really insightful
@Patrick M. Slattery has joined the channel