#gcp (2024-06)
Google Cloud Platform

Is it possible to deploy a GCP cloud function packaged as a container similar to aws lambda?

Hello @jonjitsu Long time! I don’t believe it’s possible, although cloud functions will get built and stored in Artifact Registry as a container image — you don’t get much control over that build process, besides being able to set a few environment vars to override a few options during build and/or runtime. As far as I’m aware, you can’t deploy directly from your own container. The better option there would be to use Cloud Run (or Cloud Run Jobs) for using your own custom container

Hey @burnzy! This is what I understood, I was just hoping it was more like AWS where you can create a container image and use it anywhere lambda/ecs/eks/codebuild.

I’m guessing if I needed to create something where I respond to events from a cloud storage (imagine an inbox/ folder where files get uploaded to) I could use cloud run to respond to those events?

Yeah exactly, you can use eventarc to trigger cloud run based on cloud storage events (or other events)