#general (2020-03)
General conversations related to DevOps/Automation
General Discussions

Does anyone have any experience with Jenkins X? Curious to know what your opinion on it is.

What are some of the best tools to automate application deployments to Kubernetes? I was looking at Spinnaker and Jenkins X. Has to be cloud-provider agnostic

@Zachary Loeber

Also, check out our web archives https://archive.sweetops.com/search?query=jenkins%20x

I think that jx has the right idea for what needs to happen for fully cloud native projects. Beware that 90% of the jx guides out there are already outdated (specifically for creating new clusters), that jx is heavily opinionated towards trunk-based development, jx practically demands that your git repos be cloud hosted, jx is a gitops driven design that will force you to rethink how you do deployments, and is actually a tekton pipeline orchestrator.

That sums up the core things I’ve learned at least

(right or wrong, I’ll let you determine that though…)

Thanks @Zachary Loeber. Appreciate your input

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Tom Stockton
- @Jan Szumiec
Good to have you here =)

So I ran across the pgbedrock project as a declarative way of defining and applying postgresql roles in an instance: https://github.com/Squarespace/pgbedrock
Manage a Postgres cluster’s roles, role memberships, schema ownership, and privileges - Squarespace/pgbedrock

it seems to work pretty well if you have everything defined up front and are able to own the postgres instance entirely. A managed postgresql instance (say Azure postgres for example) ends up being more problematic though. In either case, the project is worth a look as it may be a good way to declaratively lay down the schemas/roles/passwords for a db in some scenarios.

I’m still looking for a devops friendly method of maintaining postgresql user role state though If the terraform providers were able to used depends_on (for firewall rule access to hosted postgres instances) I’d simply use that.

Split the user role stuff into a separate Terraform stack?

Ya what @randomy describes is the way with terraform. Basically moving it into a separate project, separate phase.

This is also what’s nice about the upcoming triggers functionality in terraform cloud, but similar things can be done with webhooks in other cicd platforms.

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @awl
- @Jhorland Colmenares
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Andrew Reslan
- @Kevin
Good to have you here =)

anyone using teleport by gravitational? there a good channel to ask about it?

@loren we are

my main question is around whether you use the open or enterprise version, and if open then how do you manage identities without the SSO feature???

We typically use the the enterprise version with GSuite

but long ago used it with the github provider - which is free

Btw, gravitational has their own public slack

i see, ok. buying things is hard for our customer

they might have startup pricing

(but without support)

have to reinvent the wheel for so many things that would be faster, easier, and cheaper to just buy

yea - it would be often

and man, teleport is no easy task to replicate

are you strictly on AWS? then maybe the new SSM shell might be good?

this customer is eyeballing azure pretty hard, and will want an abstraction/translation layer on authentication and access. ssm and ec2 instance connect may buy some time. perhaps they’ll eventually get session recording. i also follow the aws github projects and there are a lot of complaints around the latency and performance when accessing through these proxies. so, not great in my book. plus need to figure out similar for azure

This tool looks awesome

Teleport seems pretty cool. What about their other product for packaging apps on kube? Gravity? https://github.com/gravitational/gravity
Opinionated image-based Kubernetes packaging and management tools. - gravitational/gravity

seems like the SCCM for kubernetes but without the stigma and migraines?

the project has a Makefile larger than most of mine so it must be good right?

Yea that’s a legit Makefile :-)

can give you a demo


I’m trying to grok Consul ACL system right meow. It suggests individual policies per-agent https://learn.hashicorp.com/consul/security-networking/production-acls#apply-individual-tokens-to-agents

@tamsky is this in your wheelhouse


How tf am I supposed to do that with AWS autoscale groups adding and removing nodes all the time?

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @David Scott
- @charles adetiloye
- @yutoshioya
- @nintzel
- @Atul Shridhar
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Brandon Phillips
- @Larry Gadallah
- @zhengjoxia
- @Mihai Profir
- @dstieglitz
Good to have you here =)

nice bot


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Rajiv Ranjan
- @Mark Henneman
- @Roht
Good to have you here =)

any chance a few of you folks could upvote this VScode feature I’m trying to get added into the backlog — Literally, just click link and click the is all I’m asking. Nothing crazy
Please add an option to disable incremental naming. This would effectively overwrite existing files. The current options of smart and simple are helpful; however, not useful in my context. For myse…

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Jared Jennings
Good to have you here =)

If I have yaml file with:
app: "asdf"
Is it possible to replace “asdf” with some yaml magic to get value “asdf” that’s already there in first line of that file?
I read yaml special features and anchors but seems its not possible, right?

did you mean for your example to contain an infinite loop?

I’ll take that as a no

well, maybe

>>> yaml.load("""
... one: &one
... a: 1
... b: 2
... two:
... <<: *one
... c: 3
... d: 4
... """)
{'two': {'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2, 'd': 4}, 'one': {'a': 1, 'b': 2}}

you can merge dictionaries in yaml, but if you try to merge itself i don’t know what will happen because it would be infinite recursion

python handles it fine

>>> r = yaml.load("""
... one: &one
... a: 1
... b: 2
... c:
... <<: *one
... d: 4
... """)
>>> r['one']['c']['c']['c']['c']['c']['c'] is r['one']['c']

I have a general devops question about logging

how expensive is it to keep, store and index logs?

I wrote about it a bit here https://tersesystems.com/blog/2019/06/03/application-logging-in-java-part-6/ but i could use more reports from the field

Generally storage cost is inexpensive, additionally it can be tiered, making it even cheaper. First you have hot logs, then you can move it to cold storage. Don’t forget about retention.
Logs need to be meaningful. 56GB/5m is an overkill but I guess some companies may have such flow. If no one is looking at those logs they are either useless and can be disabled or you can split outputs and some logs send to ELK and majority of them to other “slow” and inexpensive storage.

What’s a reasonable amount of logs?

It depends on application, internal and external requirements. You should have enough logs to see that application works correctly and when it’s not you have enough to investigate.

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @mk
- @gaddamshravani26
- @rakeshkarnati.devops
- @ragunath.markandan
- @Balazs Varga
- @ntman4real
Good to have you here =)

Found that today pulumi
. Anyone used it?
Pulumi - Modern Infrastructure as Code. Any cloud, any language. Give your team cloud superpowers - pulumi/pulumi

SweetOps is a collaborative DevOps community. We welcome engineers from around the world of all skill levels, backgrounds, and experience to join us! This is the best place to talk shop, ask questions, solicit feedback, and work together as a community to build sweet infrastructure.


What about gyro? I don’t see it in archive. Maybe you tried it? https://github.com/perfectsense/gyro
Gyro is a command-line tool for creating, updating, and maintaining cloud infrastructure. Gyro makes infrastructure-as-code possible. - perfectsense/gyro

Never tried it. Terraform is by far the most popular tool for IaC. Pulumi is a distant second. Gyro isn’t even on the radar as far as I can tell.

There will of course be lots of other opinions. That one’s mine. Other big names are Ansible, Chef, Puppet, though I see those as more configuration management. They can do infrastructure, but I don’t see IaC as their primary use case

I’m waiting on https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pull/2697 before considering it seriously.
When using the filestate backend (local files and cloud buckets) there is no protection to prevent two processes from managing the same stack simultaneously. This PR creates a locks directory in th…

Pulumi relies on terraform providers via its own terraform bridge (https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform) for several of its own providers
A bridge between Pulumi and Terraform. Contribute to pulumi/pulumi-terraform development by creating an account on GitHub.

that being said, if I were dropped into a python or typscript heavy environment or one that had an admin with a hardon for salt-stack (python) I’d likely dive into Pulumi as that means the ops people would be able to support the code I’d create for their infrastructure.

Terraform has a benefit of not being a programming language (and boy does it suffer for it in some ways)

it can ben supported by a larger number of infra folk than a repo of python code from my experiences.

though that is slowly starting to change so who knows

(shameless self promotion that seems relevant)
i’m making a terraform wrapper that lets you use python to generate terraform config. you put .tf.py
files next to your existing .tf
files and run the wrapper instead of terraform, then you’re able to define resources with a programming language.
Generate Terraform code with Python. Contribute to raymondbutcher/pretf development by creating an account on GitHub.

I like the workflow feature in gyro. I’m currently trying to build blue-green deployments for AWS ElasticSearch using variant and Terraform. It more or less works but it feels like a big hack.

If you don’t get that feeling when working with terraform you aren’t doing it right I think….

What is Variant?

Hah, didn’t mean to send that to the channel

@randomy https://github.com/mumoshu/variant
@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) mentioned it a couple of times so I tried it out. It’s really useful to make cli tools quickly.
Wrap up your bash scripts into a modern CLI today. Graduate to a full-blown golang app tomorrow. - mumoshu/variant

I’ll have to dig into that one more, my makefiles, while functional, almost require me to grow a long gray beard….

@Zachary Loeber i’m using make but I feel like I understand about 5% of what it’s doing

the alternatives point to one that is even more used
A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go

github: https://github.com/go-task/task
A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go - go-task/task

2.3k stars

Thanks guys - going to compare that one too

Ah right I have seen variant before but forgot about it. Thanks

@roth.andy does go-task support interactive tasks? It doesn’t right? https://github.com/go-task/task/pull/236
Link #235 Todo Feature MVP (required, default, validator regexp) Get feedback Add verbose logs Tests Commits clean/rebase Description The need is to be able to request inputs. How to use? …

No, but I can do required variables by combining a var with a precondition. I do that a lot.

ok cool. Do you wrap terraform with it, or use it for other things?

All kinds of stuff, sure we have definitely used it with terraform.
The biggest use case we use it for is to externalize the scripting out of our Jenkinsfiles so we can run the same thing locally as Jenkins does in the pipeline. The test stage in Jenkins is just task test

ah I see - that’s cool

thanks for the info!

For CLI I used python
+ click
Wrapping around tf
, terragrunt
, boto
, k8s
, etc.
Click is a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way with as little code as necessary. It’s the “Command Line Interface Creation Kit”. It’s highly configurable but comes with sensible defaults out of the box.
Bash is cool for simple tasks but for complex tasks and test coverage programming language will be more suitable.

@Marcin Brański click looks nice. Agreed that Bash has its limits. The issue in my case is Terraform’s limitations though.

what limitations? (i ask because pretf can solve a lot of problems)

I’ve put entire comprehensive python apps into pipelines using it as the interface as a thin layer over declarative yaml configuration. As I dove into go recently it was the first thing I sought a replacement for

I will check out pretf as I hit the barriers of tf all the time

pretf supplies a masterfully crafted .envrc file in the example usage which blends two of my fav tools (direnv and asdf-vm) to an almost sublime level of sweetness -> https://pretf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/direnv-and-asdf-vm/

Thanks, that’s very high praise!

I use direnv and asdf-vm in practically every project.

I’m only calling it as it is good sir

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Jason Huling
- @Shashi Ravula
- @pratheshbv
- @Vincent Behar
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @androogle
- @sheldonh
- @Rob Waddell
- @Blaise Pabon
Good to have you here =)

heya thanks!


Hey Folks, I introduced myself a few months back when I was last in LA but I’ve just moved here from London! I’m the founder of Women in DevOps and Director at Trust in Soda. I was hoping to land and meet as many leaders in the DevOps space in LA as much as possible (not only just to learn where the decent breweries are I promise) and see where I can add value from diversity in DevOps standpoint. Under current Covid-19 circumstances, I understand if meetings are off the Menu but would love to get to know as many of you as possible & happy to jump on a hangout.

You met @btai and @Corey Gale of WLA DevOps right?

I have indeed and very excited to speak at their next meet up when social gatherings get the all-clear again! Can’t wait to get stuck in!

I don’t know that I’m a leader in the DevOps space, but happy to meetup. HashiCorp is very dedicated to diversity in our workforce so I’d love to pick your brain on any successful campaigns to find/place women in tech positions.

@Jake Lundberg (HashiCorp) u def are!

ps. brewery recommendations or any decent food spots are still more than welcomed!

- Monkish - Possibly the best brewery in LA. Specializes in Belgian-ish beers, tart/sours and Hazy IPAs
- Smog City - Mainly because it’s walking distance from Monkish, their Coffee Porter is one of the best in the style and they have some other greats like Infinite Wishes.
- Highland Park - I’ve only had their beer on tap at Select Beer Store in Redondo Beach (my local pub), but have liked pretty much all I’ve had.
- Mumford - Another I’ve not been to, but I like the beer I’ve had of theirs
- El Segundo Brewing Company - Great if you like west coast IPAs. Not a favorite, but their beer is decent
- Three Weavers - Decent craft, but not usually much outstanding
- Firestone/Walker - Lower on the list because it’s not really a “local” brewery per se, but usually some great brews. Their barrel program may be one of my favorites. Food is decent but can be pricey
- Brouwerij West - Because you haven’t lived until you’ve been to San Pedro (pronounced PeeDrow).
Food is a tough one, it’s a big city with a lot of choices. Anything in particular you want style wise?

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @David Lozano
- @Jizu
- @vicken
- @Christian R. Vozar
- @Jann Speyer
- @Quentin Laplanche
Good to have you here =)

Thanks all.


Hi @everyone!!

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @lasleyd
- @graybrandon
Good to have you here =)

I’m here! What’d I miss?

Let me catch them up

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Thiago Laurito
- @Zach
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @steve360
- @Paolo Stancato
- @guiadco
Good to have you here =)

Hi all, this might be better in #terraform , but I figure most people there already use TF. We’re giving a free online Terraform workshop aimed at SoCal people (though I guess there’s no reason it’s limited to SoCal). I think we’re making it regional so we can allocate TA’s for the classes more than anything. Originally these were scheduled to be in-person, but Coronavirus happened.
Join local practitioners for an overview of the HashiCorp toolset and a hands-on virtual workshop for Terraform on Thursday, April 2nd. events.hashicorp.com/workshops/socalterraform

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @cada
- @Aris Chow
- @Justin van Heerde
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @DanP
- @kgib
- @Perry Hoekstra
Good to have you here =)

This message was deleted.

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Florian Motlik
Good to have you here =)

I posted this on linkedin in response to office hours, but wanted to make sure it was visible here….
I was asked about cultures/companies in a project that I admired… and SweetOps, Gruntworks, and basecamp both were in my response. I appreciate the contributions back to the community, the great documentation and help. I’ve used so much of the terraform modules that are open source to jump start my understanding of better design as a terraform adopter. Thank you!

I’d like to say I’m inspired also by your build-harness and trying to replicate something like this for Invoke-Build
with powershell-core for sharing my simple tasks and functions with the team in a more central way. The build-harness idea is such a great concept that I’ve not seen used in such an effective way

Thanks @sheldonh! Can’t tell you enough how much we appreciate it when we hear from our community. Thanks for taking the time to let us know how we’ve helped.

[THREAD] Terraform Best Practices Docs

Do you guys have any plans on improving the docs you generate with more terraform best practices? I’ve run across the https://www.terraform-best-practices.com/naming for example, and wanted to look into your documentation. A lot is just headers right now.

this is a labor of love by @antonbabenko

he has quite a lot of irons in the fire, so think it’s fallen behind a little bit.

btw, terraform has also been improving docs

i like this one: https://www.terraform.io/docs/cloud/workspaces/repo-structure.html
Terraform by HashiCorp

What do you guys use to generate your website? And @antonbabenko has done a really great job. I’d say empty sections mixed in make it a bit confusing like this terraform naming and all. Keep up the great work!

Hi there! Yes, it is rather behind, but “update terraform&terragrunt best practices” is climbing higher and higher in my to-do list due to virus and reduced travels… Today I wrote this post ( https://www.antonbabenko.com/terraform-aws-modules-as-a-code/ ) as a small report from trenches…
After several years of maintaining Terraform AWS modules on GitHub and making constant improvements in processes I decided to spend more time and improve things even further. I want other people to be involved and recognized also while I spend more time on other projects (eg, modules.tf). The main

Invoke-Build is a masterpiece of powershell work

It solves so many issues. I want to basically do a build-harness project with invokebuild. PowershellBuild is a wrapper for this but not confident yet it does the simplicity i’m looking for. The setup has to be super easy yet secure

haven’t touched powershell in like 2 years but it was used extensively for my own powershell module framework,…er … module.

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Swarnali
- @Takan
Good to have you here =)

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) I got another Calm person in here. @Joe Bagdon is killing it with DevSecOps @ calm

Welcome @Joe Bagdon!

Thanks @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) glad to be here. Ryan has told me great things about you guys. The bar is high!

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Joe Bagdon
- @Josh Samuels
- @Lewis
Good to have you here =)


is there a databases channel for people configuring databases? i need some help configuring a mongodb replicaset. Will pay!

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Prasad
- @boonchu
- @DevTALead
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Ibrahim Elshal
- @Max G
- @Tim OBrien
Good to have you here =)


I made a reference to IRC the other day and totally showed my age… That being said, the IRC modern replacement seems to be matrix.org and is worth keeping an eye on.

yeah matrix is pretty nice

Have you used it ? Can it (Riot) be a good enough replacement for Slack ?

looks cool @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) https://matrix.org/docs/projects/bridge/matrix-appservice-slack

Ah cool, missed that integration

(not using matrix though. are you?)

tinkering around with bridges on it next. If it can effectively bridge keybase, slack, and signal I’d be surprised (pleasantly so)….

Anyone have read Ansible for DevOps? Is it any good? https://leanpub.com/ansible-for-devops
Ansible is a simple, but powerful, server and configuration management tool. Learn to use Ansible effectively, whether you manage one server—or thousands.

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Jayesh Patel
- @setheryops
Good to have you here =)

HashiCorp is looking for the community to nominate folks you think are good Ambassadors of HashiCorp tools. If you know anyone that fits this bill, please nominate them: https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/hashicorp-ambassador-call-for-nominations/
HashiCorp is seeking Ambassador nominations to recognize community members for their efforts in sharing knowledge around HashiCorp tools. Nominations open now through April 5….

Free books from IT Revolution Hey everyone!
Starting today, we’re offering three of our eBooks free for 24 hours each.
March 24: The DevOps Handbook https://itrevolution.ontraport.com/c/s/Xys/eW1P/6/xM/r7z/6iBVGB/zWfjviPc8c/P/P/sE
March 25: DevOps for the Modern Enterprise https://itrevolution.ontraport.com/c/s/Xys/eW1P/s/xg/r7z/6iBVGB/sSSZMYrNcV/P/P/sE
March 26: The Art of Business Value https://itrevolution.ontraport.com/c/s/Xys/eW1P/v/x9/r7z/6iBVGB/6Z2XGvjZRJ/P/P/sE
Follow @ITRevBooks on Twitter to get all the details!

Spelunking through the cloudposse repos I can’t seem to find the awesome tool that generates readmes from the yml template

Ah! It is gomplate! https://github.com/hairyhenderson/gomplate
A flexible commandline tool for template rendering. Supports lots of local and remote datasources. - hairyhenderson/gomplate

This is such a great community! Wanted to ask if you’d considered running a discourse forum. While I love chat, all this stuff is so good, with the 10,000 message limit, I sure wish I could reread through old material more.
Kudos to you guys as well as I’m super OCD in slack about threading all the time. This is the only community I’ve seen effectively reduce the noise more with threading. I saw a slack extension called “Slow Mode” like Discord and thought about all the need for threading if you want context here.
I actually added a “poshbot” plugin (chatops) bot, that helps recommend threading to people when x number of messages in a room are posted in sequence.

SWEET OPS GALORE! So excited The other community I’m part of just piped everything through to discord. This means threads don’t exist, and as a result it’s so hard to keep track of stuff. I find this community very organized!
Will look for sure

What tooling is used to generate this archive. It’s one of the better archive solutions I’ve seen out there. Very nice

actually, we have one - just zero posts


SweetOps is a collaborative DevOps community for engineers of all skill levels.

I haven’t been pushing it, which is why there’s zero activity. I’d like to talk to with anyone interested in this topic and how we can launch it.

Got you. Nice. I’m mixed on my philosophy on this. I’m seeing that Slack’s lack of making asynchronous a first class communication approach means I find it fragmenting at times. I’ve been leaning more and more towards asynchronous format like discourse, but it’s hard to find a good community as active as this

yea, my thinking is there are 2 types of users. people into chatting are perhaps not the same that hangout on forums.

The key is that both communities existing to me is problematic, you have to choose one or no one can depend on where to talk for sure. Add me as a beta feedback user if you look at using it more later on and need some active users

there’ll always be some intersection of course…

yeah, ok well I’ll mention one last thing then

One thing that might meet in the middle.

another idea I’ve thought about is adding summary answers in discourse. then that provides a way to keep the knowledge and away to ask questions on it.

but that would require some active moderators - and could only realistically do that with support from community.

What I’ve started doing in slack communities (dev/powershell/this), is if it’s a more complicated question, is to scope the question and start posting in stack overflow or devops.stackexchange.com so that the community benefits.
I think if someone asks a question and they have to narrow the scope of the question then posting in a format like that gameify’s, adds other community, and allows everyone to benefit.

I was thinking of that since “ask” means you might be looking at QA knowledge then making this part of devops.stackexchange could be great for others to know about you guys more + make knowledge more transparent and cream to the top and all.

My last 10 cents. I wouldn’t try to have a slack community and discourse personally. Too fragmented. I’d do slack + questions get put into devops.stackexchange and open ended discussions occur here. Either way, thanks for listening!

Here’s what the format for me looked like on a problem with AMI pipeline. This benefits everyone https://devops.stackexchange.com/questions/11050/how-do-fail-a-packer-pipeline-upon-powershell-provisioner-pester-test-failure/11054#11054
I’m building a packer pipeline and having an issue in getting the failure of a powershell provisioner step to fail the packer job itself. This is important as without failing the Packer job, the AMI


what was that bot that was trying to post answers from prior slack threads?

Yup - something like that.

Oh foqal
- it’s a startup. @vlad runs that.

maybe that bot could be extended to post questions and accepted answers to an external service, like discourse or stackexchange

yea, that would be rad.

That’s an interesting idea though where we focus on threaded converstations.

And clone those.

I find that being in .au most of the devops chat groups hangops, sweetops, etc are very US focused. So i kind of just deal with being late to he party and treat it half forum half chat

@vlad runs foqal? That’s pretty interesting from your description but I couldn’t find much. I’d love to be volunteer as a beta tester if it helps with slack communication searching and you need some beta testers I can’t subscribe to anything right now so I haven’t looked into the other cool machine learning based bots that do knowledge consolidation, but super interested in seeing it done right

@sheldonh check this out… what do you think about this discourse plugin?

This would allow us to curate and send specific questions/answers to discourse. This would allow some converstations to “live on”

Woooo. Fancy!!!

Did you build that? I want to up my chatops Fu!

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Unni
- @Martin Heller
Good to have you here =)

https://github.com/cloudposse/dev links to https://github.com/cloudposse/local-dev-scaffolding which doesn’t exist.. or is it private?
Cloud Posse Local Development Harness. Contribute to cloudposse/dev development by creating an account on GitHub.

this was more of an experiment
Cloud Posse Local Development Harness. Contribute to cloudposse/dev development by creating an account on GitHub.

I don’t think anyone on our team is using it. The idea was to provide a “monorepo” like experience for our hundreds of repos (polyrepo)

That local-dev-scaffolding repo has not been sanitized for Open Source

I’m experimenting with something similiar, and actually settled on https://github.com/mateodelnorte/meta/ as the tool for bundling many repos into one, rather than git submodules.
tool for turning many repos into a meta repo. why choose many repos or a monolithic repo, when you can have both with a meta repo? - mateodelnorte/meta

@Abel Luck did you finally chose to leverage meta for consolidated view of multiple repos instead of using git submodules? https://sweetops.slack.com/archives/CQCDCLA1M/p1585297121019500?thread_ts=1585230544.012500&cid=CQCDCLA1M
I’m experimenting with something similiar, and actually settled on https://github.com/mateodelnorte/meta/ as the tool for bundling many repos into one, rather than git submodules.

(sorry for late reply), but yea we uses meta for consolidating multiple repos

I think that local-dev-scaffolding
repo is private

(didn’t get a chance to open source it)

DevOps Industry Updates: March 2020 edition is now live! https://corey.tech/DevOps-Industry-Updates-Mar-2020/
The COVID-19 outbreak is now a global pandemic and many of us are now in work from home (WFH) mode. While we learn what it’s really like to be a remote member on our team, DevOps continues to move forward at lightning speeds. Here are some of the most recent updates, perfect reading for taking breaks while WFH:

Any golang coders out there have opinionated takes on their fav cli modules to use for their projects? I was starting to use Cobra (https://github.com/spf13/cobra) then ran across cli (https://github.com/urfave/cli) and am starting to get doubtful I made the right choice…
A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions. Contribute to spf13/cobra development by creating an account on GitHub.
A simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go - urfave/cli

A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions. Contribute to spf13/cobra development by creating an account on GitHub.
A simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go - urfave/cli

I’m new to go and just starting. Should I leverage one of these to start with or just work with the built in flags for a while? I primarily want to build dev tooling, so not sure if I’d be over complicating my newbie stage with it or if it’s just a much easier way to start things up

I initially did that with Python and found that later on I really needed the power of Click to do what I wanted without re-inventing the wheel. Personally, I’m shortcutting lower level coding in places where it makes sense to do so

I tend to use cobra
for anything that involves multiple levels of sub-commands. For simple commands without any sub-commands I’m happy with go’s standard flag

are you using the viper package for config as well then?

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Darren
- @Fernando
Good to have you here =)

After having addressed in my annual review a desire to see clear support for contributing/publishing code to github that is not proprietary, I had a positive response asking me to bring a proposal for open source contributions policy to management.
Any blog posts or resources on this?
Coming from a company that is new to this. It will need take a middleground. Ie, they agree they don’t want to have it submitted to a committee and all. On the other hand no logging/reporting and pure trust is likely to be a no go too.
I need a proposal that makes them feel safe with some control to audit if required but not go through a lot of red tape. The types of projects would be devops/cloud stuff that’s not really specific to business logic, more SRE/DevOps/Tooling.

Every company will be different. Here’s Google’s guidelines: https://opensource.google/docs/releasing/approval/
My advice: Start really small. Get a toe in the door, and move on from there.

VERY helpful. This is good

So the Personal Projects (IARC)
section is particularly relevant. The key is because our business interests are so narrow comparitevly and we don’t publish anything publicly, that the google process for the IARC is far more than I’d likely want to propose. I’ll take some hints from this, but any other resources are helpful thanks!


Oropharyngeal Airway?

Online Pool Analyzer?

not sure what that means as you can probably tell

open policy agent, here is a recent article on how one project uses it to find deprecated kubernetes api versions in deployment manifest code: https://opensource.com/article/20/3/deprek8
Recently, deprecated APIs have been wreaking havoc on everyone’s Kubernetes manifests. Why is this happening?!? It’s because the objects that we’ve come to know and love are moving on to their new homes. And it’s not like this happened overnight. Deprecation warnings have been in place for quite a few releases now. We’ve all just been lazy and thought the day would never come. Well, it’s here!

(as a prime example of a very good use case)

I think you might be misundestanding me.

I blog

I write code. Technically it’s all NDA, simply because they have had no experience with devops/powershell/scripting/tooling stuff.
I want to share that. I need to help guide them on a policy for how our company will allow this and log / flag any issues so it’s smooth and not a bunch of needless red tape, while still providing security to the company.

ah, sorry I misunderstood

that is all, good luck!

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @discourse
Good to have you here =)

:point_up: new bot to to send threads to https://ask.sweetops.com for curation. it’s a wip
- want to create a way to persist questions and answers in a way that we can revise them and keep the conversation going if folks need more help.
SweetOps is a collaborative DevOps community for engineers of all skill levels.

I’m totally going to learn from this example. I want to do more slack apps not just bots and this is a great implementation
SweetOps is a collaborative DevOps community for engineers of all skill levels.

/discourse help
to get usage.

The discourse forum has SSO with Slack/GitHub/LinkedIn so you don’t need to create a new account.

Adding @discourse_forum bot

@discourse_forum has joined the channel

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @discourse
- @Gary Arrington
- @zachinthebox
Good to have you here =)


how many companies here are doing cost cutting stuff cause of the pandemic ?

I would imagine all of them minus some healthcare and supply chain driven industries. Client’s I work for are at least. All tea leaf readers are saying this will be a hard and fast hit to the global economy that will rebound quickly compared to prior recessions. I personally predict that the moment broader/faster testing of the virus is able to be done is when we will start to see a turn around in the economy. There are some very fast/portable testing units fast tracking through the red tape approval process even now (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/03/28/coronavirus-fda-authorizes-abbott-labs-fast-portable-covid-test/2932766001/). When this happens be prepared to see a very high demand for skilled workers across all sectors.

The FDA has authorized Abbott Labs’ coronavirus test that the company says delivers results in five to 13 minutes.

Alternatively, this thing could mutate and bring on the next zombie apocalypse. Then, well I hope you stocked up on toilet paper….;)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @jeremypruitt
- @Boris
- @pablocamprubi
- @Paul Catinean
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Clayton Wheeler
Good to have you here =)

[THREAD] Improving Change Request Tracking Process

I want to stop emailed excel sheets being the change request approval process. I also don’t want to do it in our internal TFS tracking as I’m trying to get less reliance on that.
I can do a slack workflow button, but that’s barebones, maybe the best minimum viable improvement right now.
I’d like to use github issue with approval request noted in there, but the ideal case is to have contents in slack with an approve button, yet have it in something like Github issues so it’s really easy to audit compared to exporting slack workflows in a csv.
This repo in github would be basically just change requests, not actual code, so not seeing any way to have an “approve/decline” button or anything from github to slack in this.
Any ideas? It’s gotta be super intuitive, and was hoping to gain more traction on github issues over the complexity of TFS/Azure DevOps boards.

sounds like a use-case for a BPM tool

or possibly, something like stack-storm?

StackStorm connects all your apps, services, and workflows. Why StackStorm? Get Started Open source and trusted by the enterprise Robust Automation Engine From simple if/then rules to complicated workflows, StackStorm lets you automate DevOps your way. See More Features… Integrates with your Existing Infrastructure No need to change your existing processes or workflows, StackStorm connects…

glue a bunch of systems together to get a desired workflow?

I need bare minimum. If you are saying that StackStorm is bare minimum i’m up for evaluating.

I basically want to simplify the approval/review by using slack, but on the backend begin tracking this much more cleanly in github issues so it’s not just chat messages and later could use github issues more without the main system being different.

If you want a minimally functional solution to your companies custom change management system, I don’t think you’re going to find that. What I’m saying is you can use a project like StackStorm to glue together the pieces in your organization to accomplish the workflow you’re looking for.

but no, its not a zero effort, push-button thing

Ahh, I have to host my own instance and manage. I was hoping for saas or something free tier would be easy to quickly pipe together. It sounds pretty awesome overall if I had more time

there is a saas thing that might be helpful, trying to recall

cloudpipes or something like that

I remember that. Didn’t think of it. I used a little in the past for routing chat messages

yeah, cloudpipes, maybe give that a look - https://www.cloudpipes.com/channels
Bring your cloud applications together.

They got bought. I can’t find any details on the pricing anymore to find out if my free tier is good. It’s going to be part of a new platform and pretty sure focused on enterprise. Not sure I can use this right now

Tier 2 requires startup plan not free, and they don’t seem to have any current plan pricing details

Update. Switching over to azure devops. We’ll probably just just workitem form but I might try zapier +typeforms if I can sell that as way for people to ask for help in a more beautiful experience.

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @easy_poll
- @Shahab
- @Soren Martius
Good to have you here =)