#general (2021-08)
General conversations related to DevOps/Automation
General Discussions

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @al alex
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Alexander Scherer
- @ak
- @arlo
- @Steve Williams
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Stefan Bergh
- @Tom Schut
- @Godwin Ekainu
- @Jonatan dos Santos
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Valentin Nastasache
- @Arthur Kushner
- @Eric Kingery
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Brent Garber
- @Jason Mansoor
- @Luke Mallon
- @cartik
- @Ori Ziv
- @Brandon
- @David Cheung
- @Siân
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Danilo Alves
- @Dustin Lee
- @Piece of Cake
- @ZekriM
- @Chisom Igwe
Good to have you here =)


Any recommendations on open source tools for tracking DORA metrics?

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Paulo
- @Rob Kramer
Good to have you here =)

Thanks for the welcome!

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Aris Darmawan
- @Ravi Mukku
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Roit jung karki
- @ArthurJay
Good to have you here =)

I’m here! What’s up?

I was about to create a bug ticket and and saw the link to your slack. So I want to make sure its a Bug before opening a ticket.

its about the terraform-aws-s3-bucket.

if you specify the privileged_principal_arns
option it will never create a bucket policy. Is this a wanted behaviour, since the a aws_iam_policy_document
is created?
My guess is that in the the privileged_principal_arns
is missing in the count
option here:
resource "aws_s3_bucket_policy" "default" {
count = local.enabled && (var.allow_ssl_requests_only || var.allow_encrypted_uploads_only || length(var.s3_replication_source_roles) > 0 || var.policy != "") ? 1 : 0
bucket = join("", aws_s3_bucket.default.*.id)
policy = join("", data.aws_iam_policy_document.aggregated_policy.*.json)
depends_on = [aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.default]

ok I am almost 100% sure its a bug, so here are the issue and the PR

did post it there as well! Thanks

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @kiransuryav
- @Julian Gog
Good to have you here =)

Props to @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) and team for the slack archives. Without this fantastic resource we’d have to move to discord or some other tooling. I find myself using this more and more as a great way to find past information.

Just wanted to give props to the Cloudposse team lead by Erik Osterman @eosterman. Slack provides a great community chat experience, but there are quite a few problems about using it for Q&A. 1 Since the free plans for communities hide content over 10,000 messages, a healthy community will go over this quickly. With all the great conversations, I want to find prior discussions to benefit from topics already covered.

Its super slick! Super useful for free slacks, is the implementation opensource or proprietary?

Just wanted to give props to the Cloudposse team lead by Erik Osterman @eosterman. Slack provides a great community chat experience, but there are quite a few problems about using it for Q&A. 1 Since the free plans for communities hide content over 10,000 messages, a healthy community will go over this quickly. With all the great conversations, I want to find prior discussions to benefit from topics already covered.

I’ve seen some github projects for this archive process. Saw this on the cloudposse github org. Might be what they use https://github.com/cloudposse/slack-export-viewer
A Slack Export archive viewer that allows you to easily view and share your Slack team's export - GitHub - cloudposse/slack-export-viewer: A Slack Export archive viewer that allows you to easil…


I think we started with that, but this is one of the few things we haven’t open sourced

thanks @sheldonh for the shout out. will also link to this in our #office-hours today

I think we started with that, but this is one of the few things we haven’t open sourced
yet? Or it won’t be open sourced?)

During call i think he said it wasn’t really intended for wide distribution, not easily reusable. I’d suggest looking at the link I provided above and maybe you’ll get some value out of that?

Hi @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) what options do we have for TF backend, providers & init args to make them DRY, similar to what terragrunt offers.

will discuss today in #office-hours

Thank you, Eric. Nice discussion.

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Bill Davidson
Good to have you here =)

For what it’s worth, I discovered this today for the backend stuff
export TF_CLI_ARGS_init=’-backend-config=”bucket=s3-bucket-name”’
First time I found out about this specific argument, as thought TF_CLI_ARGS was the only option. This can help with dynamic backends IF you are using cli driven approach.

Cool! This is given in more detail on github.com/cloudposse/tfenv

Thank you

Taskfile framework that contains needed daily operations tasks and commands. - GitHub - mhmdio/iac-taskfile-framework: Taskfile framework that contains needed daily operations tasks and commands.

so has anyone pressed .
while viewing a github repo yet today?

Soooo cooool!!!

VS Code comes home.

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Tony Bower
- @Ashwini Thillai
- @Mihai Cindea
Good to have you here =)

Morning, is this the right place to ask questions about CloudPosse Terraform modules?

there’s also #terraform-aws-modules

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Veera Garapati
- @Dan Miller (Cloud Posse)
- @Murali Manohar
- @Filip Chyla
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Desire BANSE
- @daniel balistocky
- @rindra josia
- @Zach Hill
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Michael
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Dmytro Shamenko
- @David
- @Paul Balogh
- @Scotty
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Marty
- @Mauricio Wyler
- @Larry Sanders
- @sandeep kumar
Good to have you here =)

Thanks Guys!

Hi guys, greeting from Seville (Spain). Thank you for the amount of resources - terraform, docs, etc… -

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Ola
- @andylamp
- @Sergejs Pokatovs
- @Jérome Coste
- @kruftmeister
- @Rikki Guy
- @Richard Weston
- @Rish
- @Carmelo
Good to have you here =)

Anyone else using Fig? https://fig.io/
It’s a really interesting project and the onboarding was stellar. It’s such a wierd hybrid as the value is delivered by mass adoption and sharing things it seems, but it’s such a personal type of experience most of us have with CLI’s that I’m curious how it will go. Seeing intellisense in different terminals all aligned was super cool!
I think Warp (the rust based terminal in limited early access) will also cross over into this same area a bt.

why do i need to join a waitlist to install a terminal tool?

It’s trying to be more than a simple intellisense tool. I think that’s a staged beta to avoid widescale adoption on a product that’s not finalized.
It’s interesting! Onboarding was super impressive. Not certain how something like this take though.

At first glance Fig does seem super cool! I look forward to eventually taking it for a spin (once I get past the waitlist )

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Marc Goossens
- @Man Iron
- @Roy Petrie
- @Johan Radivoj
Good to have you here =)

hi all SweetOps and Cloudposse people, thank you for the welcome! I hope to learn a lot from and contribute to this community

:man-facepalming: Didn’t work.
[Arguably Overdue]([https://twitter.com/SlackHQ/status/1428740879582482434?s=19](https://twitter.com/SlackHQ/status/1428740879582482434?s=19))
Good news! Those of you using markup mode can now format links and create lists without having to switch to rich text mode.
This is:
- Very neat
- Arguably overdue
- Cause for celebration

oh snap, that’ll be cool once it rolls out everywhere. I will say the ability to just highlight some text and paste a link onto it is pretty handy
Good news! Those of you using markup mode can now format links and create lists without having to switch to rich text mode.
This is:
- Very neat
- Arguably overdue
- Cause for celebration

gonna assume it’s tied to an app update. maybe it works already in the web version?

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Michael Manganiello
- @shiraz.malik
- @Florian Berthereau
- @Remigiusz Lis
- @bcall
- @Elijah Lynn
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @BD
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Andrew White
- @josh.w1234
- @joshua.wright134
- @Kyle Law
- @Yogesh Khedar
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, I’m new here and I wanted to say hello! I am a software engineer, and I am super passionate about open source and cloud technology. I was wondering… What are the open-source tools you use - like code editors, CICD tools, cloud posture/security/resource management, etc - that you think deserve more attention or exposure?
Also, I would love to contribute to more open source projects. Are any of you working on something I ought to know about? Keep me posted!
Thanks! Danny

Hi daniel. Welcome!
Cloudposse’s geodesic and atmos are nice tools that are worth checking out

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @David Bitton
- @Imran Hussain
- @Kyle Johnson
Good to have you here =)

is there some obvious reason why the host attribute would be empty for this module https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticache-redis#output_host
Terraform module to provision an ElastiCache Redis Cluster - GitHub - cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticache-redis: Terraform module to provision an ElastiCache Redis Cluster

oh does that only work if you give a zoneid?

Yes the dns module is enabled only if you give it a zone id
Terraform module to provision an ElastiCache Redis Cluster - terraform-aws-elasticache-redis/main.tf at ea8baf469c304a257d48670d40a42dbf13e2c12a · cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticache-redis


hi, because there is a lot of docs and example and opensource project related to this community, I came here. I’m currently devops in Belgium and mainly use terraform + terraspace on aws, with gitlab.

terraspace is a cool tool

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Derek Christensen
- @Patrick
- @Grummfy
- @Rahul Nandan
- @Rubén Quispe
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Daniel Yavorovych
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @swetank soni
- @mythri valluru
- @Alex Solanos
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @varada dev
- @aika-sweetops
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Modes
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Jojin K B
- @Carlo Jessurun
- @ekristen
- @Aaron
- @Rahul Sahotay
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Declan Griffith-Barwell
- @Brendan
- @Nimrod Adar
- @Manuel Morejón
Good to have you here =)