#general (2021-10)
General conversations related to DevOps/Automation
General Discussions

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @hopisaurus
- @William Foss
- @Martin Smith
- @prgrmng
- @Kyle Hanks
- @Petar Shomov
- @Loz
- @shamb0
- @Carol Glennon
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Song Guoqiang
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Nasacodes
- @sweetops-slack043
- @Sijo Kappen
- @dave hart
- @zuhkam7
Good to have you here =)


Hi All, Thanks for the intro. Been working in AWS for around 6 years and cloud in general for a bit longer. Last 4 years in platform and devops space. Recently started using k8, helm and helmfile. Use terraform daily. Looking forward to learning and contributing

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Sarah Donehower
- @Ste Delahunty
- @Oliver Joggerst
- @Naveen Reddy
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @David Gidwani
- @trciobanu
- @Olowose Adebola
- @Bruno Russi Lautenschlager
- @Paul Stagner
- @toscott1
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Joey Espinosa
- @Anthony Barkley
- @Ryan Dewalt
- @Jamie
- @MK
- @Stephen Tan
- @Charlie La Mothe
- @Bob Saska
Good to have you here =)


Hi #general all.. do anyone know about any open-source tool for getting the architecture diagram of already setup infra in aws ??

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Terry Yanko
- @Jaycee Bernardino
- @David Cheong
- @Anthony
- @Gabriel
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @davee
- @Yunxi Zhong
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Alexander
- @Kyryll Avdeev
- @User
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Glen Knight
- @Rup Gautam
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Tyler Riti
- @Alexis David Concepcion
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Giancarlo Franchini
- @Devdatta Kulkarni
- @wilgid
- @Zefferno
- @Filip Wijnholds
Good to have you here =)

Anyone know where I can find that Minecraft in EKS code which was demo-ed in july?

If it was during office hours there should be a link in the #office-hours channel from that day - they post usually post all links to stuff they share.
Might need to use https://archive.sweetops.com/ to find it if the channel history doesn’t go back that far.
SweetOps is a collaborative DevOps community. We welcome engineers from around the world of all skill levels, backgrounds, and experience to join us! This is the best place to talk shop, ask questions, solicit feedback, and work together as a community to build sweet infrastructure.

Thanks @bradym

@Taylor Dolezal

Oh, yes! That one was a lot of fun that repo is here (I might need to blow the dust off of it) and happy to chat more about that if ever you’d like!

A journey through the depths of Waypoint, Terraform, and Minecraft. - GitHub - onlydole/minecraft-k8s: A journey through the depths of Waypoint, Terraform, and Minecraft.

Does anyone use mac/windows and use vagrant with Ubuntu desktop or pop_OS for development fulltime (fullscreen)?
Dual boot is such a pain, but always feels snappy and responsive. Any desktop experience in VM has always felt subpar to me. Would like to know if anyone has near native feel while working in a local VM. I use devcontainers mostly, but wondering if there’s any “tweaks” beyond enable 3d acceleration that make things feel more bare metal

i used to use a vagrant vm with Ubuntu + xfce and it worked for a while. my client ribbed me about not using a mac so i ended up switching when i found a deal
i used it in the last 12 months and used the virtual box seamless mode
My personal dotfiles, brewfile, and testable vagrant vms - dotfiles/agnostic at main · nitrocode/dotfiles

if you want to go the vagrant route, try the above one as a base and customize it. it should just work

the new way to go is to use nixos. i haven’t tried it yet. it’s something i want to look into this year

I like a good virtual machine but found Vagrant running Virtualbox WAY too slow. But VMware Fusion VMs run perfectly normally - I just can’t get the appropriate Vagrant plugins to use it properly.

+1 for VMWare, their Player is free for non-commercial use.

If you’re running multiple VMs to simulate clusters I recommend linux containers. I use LXD with terraform: https://github.com/terraform-lxd/terraform-provider-lxd
LXD Resource provider for Terraform. Contribute to terraform-lxd/terraform-provider-lxd development by creating an account on GitHub.

I’m on mac. I’m asking about the desktop experience. I prefer devcontainers. However, if I want to use Ubuntu or Pop_OS! as a desktop and full screen it, I feel like I’m always very aware it’s a vm with things not feeling as snappy as native. It’s obvious enough it bothers me (even with 3d acceleration in vmware_fusion pro I have).
Is this normal, and have to accept it, or are there ways to get a native responsiveness in ubuntu/pop in full screen in a VM hosted on mac/windows?
Yes containers are awesome. WSL2 is awesome. I’m asking mostly for desktop/ui environment alternatives to the native host.

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Kurt
- @Mike Broers
- @Walter R. Brewer Jr.
Good to have you here =)

HI everyone, great podcast!

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Stan Liu
- @Elvis McNeely
- @bhadoriyaankit99
Good to have you here =)


Hi everyone, I’m working on a set of terraform modules for running instances in a uniform way across multiple clouds. I plan on tying these together with Terraform CDK with a high-level interface. So a user can simply ask for “N instances, with XYZ firewall rules, on network/region A, on cloud account B”. I haven’t made the repo public yet but I’d love to get another pair of eyes on the code base if anyone is interested.

It’s like a terraform-based alternative to http://cloudbridge.cloudve.org/en/latest/

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Michael Perez
- @idan levi
- @sjmuniz
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @moosehawk
- @Scott Emberson
- @Rhys Davies
- @Itai Zur
- @Peter Christensen
- @Marwan Nabil
- @Mark Tunnecliffe
- @Terry Peppers
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Jian Cao
- @Raul Jordan
- @hkmss788rock09
- @Guilherme Borges
- @Peter Konig
- @Mike Cox
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @zane
- @Javier Borrego
- @Ben Pilgrim
- @Korinne Alpers
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @sjac
- @Sarel Botavia
- @Mikael
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Rommel Patriarca
- @Sherif
- @Benjamin Boyle
- @Naty Lazarovich
- @Bojan Oro
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Mark Paolo Libunao
- @yonivav
- @Ori Solomon
- @Dor Farber
- @Nathanael Bell-Pactat
Good to have you here =)



A little help needed for attaching cluster identifier to rds-db instance .. created RDS Cluster and unable to create db-instance and attach db-instance to that rds cluster. Any help would be great for me

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Thomas Eck
- @taskiner
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Kyle Korth
- @David Karlsson
- @Thiago Almeida
- @Eugene Choi
- @Eugene
- @Alan Hill
- @displague
- @Eimantas
- @A Holbreich
- @jonny graves
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Jonathan Monroe
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Mohamed-Aly Arafa
- @Roberto Luis Higuita Cano
- @Andrei Cusnir
- @Ryder Damen
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Gregory Cota
- @houman.jafarnia
Good to have you here =)