#general (2022-03)
General conversations related to DevOps/Automation
General Discussions

cnpatterns.org <– ran across this today, has some good definitions in the patterns library worth giving a once over…

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Adrian Lopez
- @Javi Suarez
Good to have you here =)


Keptn automates observability, SLO-driven multi-stage delivery, and operations

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Nimesh Amin
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Jimmy Neville
- @May Alpha
- @Gyan Kapur
Good to have you here =)

Hi all, I work in VC and do a lot of DevOps investing ;at seed and pre-seed. So I’m always interested to see what’s going on in with practitioners. Thanks for having me!

Hey there! you’ll find mostly technical conversation here, but definitely feel welcome and don’t hesitate to ask what tools we love. that’s always popular

Cool, I’m also somewhat technical. Have been programming since I was 12 and run my own AWS infrastructure (just S3 and CodePipeline – nothing crazy like K8s/EKS) so hopefully I can also find ways to contribute over time

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @David Rutqvist
- @brandon.white
- @Charles Smith
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Aaron
- @devendra.857
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Karl Fonseca
- @Apoti
- @Zvi Blitsman
- @Josh
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Robert Berger
- @Baronne Mouton
Good to have you here =)


Has anyone had luck Dockerizing a .Net app on a Linux distro without ASP.NET Core?
I have an ancient C# webapp that so far has only run on Windows w/ IIS.
One of the devs managed to work with it locally using Mono but its so far been a pain to get working in a container

Hi Nikolai, the dev is using linux?

@Wédney Yuri They were yes.

Mono with IIS in… Linux? If you do get that working please share how because that would solve so many problems for us!

@Scott Mathson Its currently running w/ IIS on Windows
My goal is to get it running with mono + either xsp or nginx so that I don’t have to use IIS ever again

Ah got it… we currently have to run our legacy .NET webapps outside of our docker environment for this very reason but we haven’t explored the options too much

Tbh I don’t blame you; every time I think I found a lead it’s actually for asp.net core
Do you still run your legacy apps on Windows?

Yeah as managed services in Azure so we don’t have to deal with windows server management

It’s not ideal but nothing else meets the bar we need for production services so far

That was a master stroke from Microsoft
“Windows server management sucks, let us suffer through it”

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @sandeep gopi
- @jon
- @pathob
- @Lynn Monson
- @KimJohn Quinn
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @m escape
- @Franklin Ashok
- @Brent Farand
- @Alejandra Bricio
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Neil Johari
- @Shibily shukoor
- @Alex Isherwood
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Jesus Martinez
- @박인효
- @Kashan Ali
- @James McNeice
- @Almighty
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Ahmed Devops
- @Philip Ittmann
- @Marat Dasaev
- @Остап Василькевич
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Hod Bin Noon
- @s7an_it
- @ricardo.conceicao
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @sephr
- @Karim
- @chaosninja
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Samuel Crudge
- @Matt McCredie
- @Ryan
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @hogan.chu
- @Jhané Thomas
- @Abraham Quintero
- @Richard Tasie
- @Isa Aguilar
Good to have you here =)


In case you were wondering, if you’re having github issues, it’s not just you. https://www.githubstatus.com/
Welcome to GitHub’s home for real-time and historical data on system performance.

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Tamer Elfeky
- @Sean Nguyen
- @Nikolas Mousouros
- @Jatan
- @Marko Polo
- @Greg
- @elventear
- @John Bedalov
- @MJD
- @Andy M
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Franze M
- @Joshua Giumelli
- @Кучма Кирилл
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @2fifty6
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Evan
- @Wen Sang
- @marin.radjenovic
- @Daniel Gaina
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Aditya A
- @Niv Weiss
- @Zoya Feza
- @Veronika Gnilitska
- @EP
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Karina
- @brandon
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Jin Pan
- @Adam Kearney
- @Varun Bhandari
- @Songran Liu
- @Wil
- @Gene Chuang
- @m j
- @victor267
- @serwisy.ps
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @lukaszzwolan7
- @liam.jameson
- @Marin Purgar
- @Nisarg P
- @Addam Hardy
Good to have you here =)


no option for customize SweetOps connect group

What do you want to do?

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @holmes89
- @Adam Greene
- @yxxhero
Good to have you here =)

Thank you

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @sundaraanga
- @kevin253
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Thomas Hoefkens
- @Jonathan Eunice
- @Roman Orlovskiy
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Kingston Tam
- @Cody Hatch
- @Josh Holloway
- @Jonathan Eid
- @Soren Jensen
Good to have you here =)

Thanks for the welcome, happy to be here.. Working on a greenfield project so looking for a fast forward with some quality built terraform modules there can give us a highly secure AWS environment. We started with GruntWork due to their CIS modules, but haven’t been too impressed yet with their modules and there is no life in their slack channel.. I hope to find a helpful community feel here..

Welcome! Similar boat here… actually playing around with atmos as an alternative to terragrunt for managing the execution of terraform against multiple accounts

Interesting.. Please share your experience with Atmos

def check out atmos

happy to also give any one-on-one demos of how we use it

we also have support for the full suite of AWS security oriented products (securityhub, guardduty, config, firewall manager, waf, inspector, macie, etc)

Hey, looking for some help from a Slack Admin. I created this account under an email that I no longer have access to, and I’d like to migrate my email address, but I also don’t remember the password for this slack account
So please let me know if you’re able to update my account email for me!

got your DM. you’re all set.

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Rogier Dikkes
- @Ashwin Natraj
- @Martin Juell
- @ejgreenwald
- @Nick Chappell
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Ross Hettel
- @Thành Huỳnh
- @Patrick Bennett
- @Chaitanya Vijay
- @shlok patel
- @Gaurav Kohli
- @Thomas Folbrecht
- @Chris Wash
- @Luke Hobbs
- @Hilary Muludiang
- @Jonathan Scharf
Good to have you here =)