#general (2022-12)
General conversations related to DevOps/Automation
General Discussions

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Arlington Albertson
- @Andy Wortman
- @Nave Peleg
- @Zack Lay
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Remco Frijling
- @Vytautas Klova
- @fortunate fikayomi
Good to have you here =)


OK, this question makes me feel like the teenager I was first encountering IRC in the 90s but… what do people mean when they use the reaction? I can think of at least 3 things it might be.

OK, I thought that, but does that then imply there will be a followup?

I would imagine so if it’s a pr review. If its a #random post then maybe no follow up since its not pivotal

I suppose it depends. Emojis are subjective

Sure, they are subjective, but sometimes there’s a spoken or unspoken expectation associated with their use. Anyway, helpful, thanks!

Agree with with @RB said….

any specific context that you saw in?

I’ve seen it a few times when people share interesting links e.g. in office hours

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Mahesh babu
- @musabrillz
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Jonathan Jackson
- @Roach
- @Gonzalo Tixilima
- @Aleksander Micev
- @Hristo
- @mental-lab
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Luigi
- @Tushar
- @João
- @Suchintan
- @Ibansal
- @David Walker
- @Anastasia
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @agomez.personal13
- @Krushna
- @rafat
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @mike
- @Steven Carlson
- @ceagwamba
- @Theophile K
- @Zankhan
Good to have you here =)

Hello, I’m a cloud architect at a university where we’ve started migrating our data centre hosted applications to AWS. We’re trying to do it right by re-platforming as much as we can into kubernetes and other cloud native approaches. We’ve had some great progress so far leveraging Cloud Posse’s awesome terraform modules and their atmos components. Thanks! My question: I personally don’t have a lot of experience with operational monitoring and observability. I believe we’re sending all the right data to CloudWatch but I’m lost on where to start with a monitoring dashboard and alerting. And I don’t want to try to copy what we have on-prem. Can anyone point me towards an article or blog that lays out a good starting place for monitoring kubernetes workloads? I know there was a discussion in a previous #office-hours and I believe @Matt Calhoun mentioned some best practices to start with but I didn’t write anything down

If you are using kubernetes check out kube stack Prometheus. https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
I don’t have any blogs to recommend but it’s a helm chart that essentially gives you monitoring across your entire Kubernetes cluster. As for alerting I believe it supports alert manager too.

kube-prometheus-stack collects Kubernetes manifests, Grafana dashboards, and Prometheus rules combined with documentation and scripts to provide easy to operate end-to-end Kubernetes cluster monitoring with Prometheus using the Prometheus Operator.

I believe @matt was referring to https://sre.google/sre-book/monitoring-distributed-systems/

This book in general is a great place to get started and develop some opinions on how it should work

Also there are some interesting articles out there like this one, this one and this one that talk about specific things you need to monitor in a k8s cluster and some best practices with various tools.
What are the best practices to perform Kubernetes monitoring? We discuss the importance of monitoring K8S and compare DevOps tools.

Nowadays, container-based service operation is taken for granted, and container orchestration tools are inevitable to manage many…

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @kknd2
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @xiaomudk
- @lewis.dackam
- @tomohiro_soga
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @tylr
- @Lucas Draney
- @Jonas I.
- @chad.schommer
- @shamwow
- @Zoë
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Mike Jansen
- @Keith Rippetoe
- @Michal Wrobel
- @dr0geo
- @Sergey
- @Kwan Lee
- @jurlikas
- @Tracy Gullett
- @Edson
- @Victor Bona
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @jinvishal2011
- @M3irf
- @Gheorghe Casian
- @Ashwini Chandra
- @DG
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @deepakshi
- @Satish Kumar
- @João Cerqueira
- @Damian
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @dolapofashina
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Federico Márquez
- @Simon Weil
Good to have you here =)


There is a company called CloudKnit, I’m curious to hear opinions on this new tool that’s under development. It seems kind of similar to spacelift maybe? It’s much newer, but I’m curious to hear where do you all think it’s going or what challenges have they not yet faced? https://github.com/cloudknit-io/cloudknit
Open Source Solution for Managing Cloud Environments

the “reconciliation” bit makes me think of crossplane?
Open Source Solution for Managing Cloud Environments

It seems like a kubernetes CRD that does:
• run terraform
• variable passing
• directed acyclic graph of terraform modules to run

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @zinovii
- @Emmanuel
- @Shakh
- @Steven Miller
Good to have you here =)


All: I have question related to https://github.com/cloudposse/github-action-pre-commit, is this the right channel to ask
A GitHub action to run pre-commit and allow overriding the git config user name and email

README needs an update to guide users to use v3.x? as its guiding to use v2.x of action and is this supported in v3.x of the release.
Nothing was called out in release notes of v3.x
around deprecation.
BTW: As upstream has removed this feature in v3.x was curios to ask if auto-commit
is still supported in fork version of this
A GitHub action to run pre-commit and allow overriding the git config user name and email


Hmm here are all the changes.
I did not release v3 tho. I believe that was Jeremy.

what breaking changes impacted you @Deepak Kosaraju?

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) thanks for your help in mentioning@RB I tried both v2.x
and v3.x
but auto-fix and commit didn’t work for me. Do you suggest we take the discussion to #github-actions channel?

@RB - Started thread in #github-actions, please help when you get chance. Thanks for your time
@RB related to https://sweetops.slack.com/archives/CQCDCLA1M/p1671645194194069 I am thinking to continue the discussion here for other wider discussion

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @iuooip
- @Velvet_Reptile
- @Tomasz Słomian
- @jmrichlen
- @Ben Brown
- @ayush.sjain91
- @Martin Nettling
Good to have you here =)

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Mark Gunnels
- @Durai
- @pink
- @Aditya
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Abijit Gowda
- @Khoa
- @Xun Zhou
- @Sam
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Dhamodharan
- @Kim Baggott
- @Kellan Stevens
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Viacheslav
- @Eric
- @Matt Richter
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Lucas Migliorini
- @Martín Parrella
- @Luis Lizondo
- @tyler
- @awantika
- @ahsan aftab
Good to have you here =)

Thankyou Everyone

Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @Anthony E.
- @Kris Musard
- @nhnn
- @Casperan
- @Roman Kirilenko
Good to have you here =)


Hey everyone, give a warm welcome to our newest members!
- @lior
- @kbcbala
Good to have you here =)
