#geodesic (2019-01)
Discussions related to https://github.com/cloudposse/geodesic
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/geodesic/

Too much and !


in the tf root modules is there a list someplace as to what all the backing services relate to?

can you expand on “relate to”?

what Explain this mind warping concept Introduction When you run your infrastructure with geodesic as your base image, you have the benfit of being able to run it anywhere you have docker support. …

Nice write up! I thought of an edge case I think - not sure unless I can tias though.
what Explain this mind warping concept Introduction When you run your infrastructure with geodesic as your base image, you have the benfit of being able to run it anywhere you have docker support. …

Left a comment

Not sure if I configured something wrong, but is there a way to keep an assume-role
session active indefinitely?
[2]+ Stopped aws-vault exec ${AWS_VAULT_ARGS[@]} $role -- bash -l
-> Run 'assume-role' to login to AWS
⧉ testing
✗ (none) ~ ⨠ assume-role
Enter passphrase to unlock /conf/.awsvault/keys/:
aws-vault: error: Failed to start credential server: listen tcp bind: address already in use


so yes, it should be possible. We do run the aws-vault server
in the background

I am using a VM (AWS WorkSpace), so it doesn’t work for me

aws-vault: error: Failed to start credential server: listen tcp bind: address already in use

This doesn’t look right

Are you using a recent version of geodesic

It’s only annoying because I find I have to exit out of geodesic completely before I can successfully assume-role


If that’s the case, that’s a bug

yeah i just rebuilt FROM cloudposse/geodesic:0.57.0

ok, that’s recent


to help me triage this…

are you running multiple geodesic containers at the same time?

if you run your geodesic shell and then run ps uxaww
do you see aws-vault server

when you start the shell, do you see the message:
* Started EC2 metadata service at <>


(was hoping for the opposite order of thumbs)

aws-vault exec --assume-role-ttl=1h --server lootcrate-testing-admin -- bash -l

guessing im running into problems at the 1h mark


ok, try this:


set that in the Dockerfile
and rebuild


fyi aws-vault: error: Maximum duration for assumed roles is 12h0m0s


ok, well start with that I guess

now, for indefinite, that “used to” work.

I wonder why I don’t see this [2]+ Stopped aws-vault exec ${AWS_VAULT_ARGS[@]} $role -- bash -l

ok this is getting somewhere:
aws-vault: error: Failed to get credentials for lootcrate (source profile for lootcrate-testing-admin): ValidationError: The requested DurationSeconds exceeds the MaxSessionDuration set for this role.
status code: 400, request id: ef5c9f5d-12c6-11e9-bd1b-b5609fd02acf

oh interesting.

(a) I didn’t know it was possible to scope it to a role (b) I feel like it’s a red herring since this used to work

@daveyu what version of geodesic
are you suing?

see above


so the way it’s supposed to work is actually unreltaed to that ttl

basically, it could be 60 seconds

the way it’s supposed to work is when something needs AWS access, it uses the metadata api

that is proxied by aws-vault server
which mocks the API

then it fetches some temporary credentials.

Can you open an issue against cloudposse/geodesic
with this info

sure thing

PSA: there have been a lot of awesome updates to geodesic
in the past month

if you haven’t upgraded, do give it a shot.

if you’re using k8s, then the kube-ps1
prompt is really slick

if you want to run multiple k8s clusters (kops) per account, that’ now supported using the direnv

we’re using geodesic
regularly with #atlantis, so if that’s interesting hit me up

we’ve added a script called aws-config-setup
which makes it easier for users to setup aws-vault
(no copy pasta)

we’re adding iam-authenticator support to kops

we’ve enhanced kubens
and kubectx
autocomplete with fzf

we’ve added tfenv
to automatically export envs for terraform consumption

for terraform-root-modules
, we’ve added support for multple new account types: identity
, corp
, security
as well as generalized the pattern so we can add more account types easily

we’ve started embracing SSM with terraform so that we automatically populate settings for consumption with chamber
(no more copy pasta)

anyways, if any of this sounds interesting and you want more info/demo, hit me up.

I think CloudPosse needs a newsletter

I’d love to get updates like this weekly or monthly

thanks @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)! signed up

@sarkis yes - we’re well overdue for the next edition

I not had a chance to it together

catching up with all the new geodesic changes

A tool to use AWS IAM credentials to authenticate to a Kubernetes cluster - kubernetes-sigs/aws-iam-authenticator

right now, we’re working on getting the slack archives published on a static site so we can have the history available

are you guys looking at k8s now?

not yet

at least a quarter out

im just staying in touch with everything - getting ready

that’s cool - at least it’s on the horizon

Almost all the additions I will need

Will do an upgrade today

@Jan we still need to work on injecting kops to existing subnets/vpcs

yes though that will fall to my backlog as I will do the vpc creation via kops for now

its a very easy though

simply populate the cluster manifest with the vpc id, the subnet ID’s and make sure the cidr is the same

then just kubectl create -f

Yes, just the devil in the details. :-)

@Jan regarding the kops
manifest, we’ve been using gomplate
(go templates) because terraform templates not not enough

(no conditionals)

like you said, easy enough to parameterize

Though I think maybe we would create a separate manifest

since the changes would be significant.

have a look at the latest changes for how we provision kops settings from terraform

Example Terraform service catalog of “root module” invocations for provisioning reference architectures - cloudposse/terraform-root-modules

I am quite fond of it. We write them to SSM from terraform. Consume them with chamber and call build-kops-manifest
or kops


Will be Re setting everything up with the cleaner reference architecture tomorrow morning

And doing kops vpcs

in the new reference arch…
the org cidr range, whats the expectation there?

# Network CIDR of Organization
org_network_cidr = ""
org_network_offset = 100
org_network_newbits = 8 # /8 + /8 = /16

that all the sub accounts fit within that cidr?

So at this point I would love to have the new reference arch make root
have a --dry-run
option so I can still go verify and edit all the configuration before it starts bootstrapping

make root/init

that does not apply


and then despite having set the region to eu-central-1 there is a hard expressed parameter or a variable thats only doing its default of using us-west-2 for the tfstate-backend s3 bucket

* module.tfstate_backend.aws_s3_bucket.default: 1 error(s) occurred:
• aws_s3_bucket.default: Error creating S3 bucket: IllegalLocationConstraintException: The us-west-2 location constraint is incompatible for the region specific endpoint this request was sent to.

simply adding the following to the Dockerfile.root
solves it for this case
# Jan hacking
ENV TF_VAR_region="${aws_region}"


that all the sub accounts fit within that cidr?

yes, the idea was that we could peer the VPCs from any of the accounts, so the VPCs should have not-overlapping ranges

thanks for finding the issue, we’ll fix that


and I do like the setting of the cidr’s per account/vpc

but setting into a pre calculated range doesnt fit, especially for me

You can override them per account

we only calculate it if account_cidr
(i think) is not set


and im trying to work out how to use it

same as I dont want to provision the aws_orgs part

as I have the accounts already

thanks @Jan

any suggestions and improvements are welcome

it was the first version of the ref architectures, definitely has room for improvements

I have forked the 3 projects and will work on fixing the tf state bucket var

Already validated it works

And will try run a modded version of the reference architecture that fits my needs

we’re using tvenv
instead of using TF_VAR_
in Dockerfile

I think I found the issue with the tfstate-backend vars

Get up and running quickly with one of our reference architecture using our fully automated cold-start process. - cloudposse/reference-architectures

should those not rather be ENV TF_VAR_

no more TF_VAR_

mmmm really

standardize around normal envs

that can be used by kops, terraform, scripts etc

so im trying to track down why its reverting to the default value of us-west-2

use tfenv
to export them to terraform


what do you have in root.tfvars

# The default region for this account
aws_region = "eu-central-1"


ok, let’s address on our call

I ended up with everything getting added in eu-central-1 and a error from s3 when it tried to create the bucket with region set to us-west-2



we don’t se tthat in the bootstrap (oversight)

I got around it by adding ENV TF_VAR_region="${aws_region}"
to the Dockerfile.root


good catch

(let me confirm)

slightly wrong

Geodesic is the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/ - clou…


the problem is when going multi-region with terraform is where the statefiles belong


so im not trying to do multi region


lets clarify it later


Example Terraform service catalog of “root module” invocations for provisioning reference architectures - cloudposse/terraform-root-modules

here’s the other problem with the coldstart

you’re right

i’ll tell you the fix

yea I saw the default value

add a config template here:

Get up and running quickly with one of our reference architecture using our fully automated cold-start process. - cloudposse/reference-architectures

for tfstate-backend

Get up and running quickly with one of our reference architecture using our fully automated cold-start process. - cloudposse/reference-architectures

then add something like that

then it will generate a terraform.tfvars
for that project

since each project might be in a different region

(so there’s nothing wrong with setting TF_VAR_region
in the Dockerfile
- just I’m not advocating it anymore)

I like the explicitness of terraform.tfvars

will happily stick to the new convention

… anyways this is a

if you track a list of these issues I’ll get them fixed

that worked great btw, thanks

is anyone using the new reference architecture with geodesic?

I mean in here that isnt you I feel bad bombarding just you with questions

Yeah probably not…. this is so new that I don’t think anyone has had the chance to run through it yet.

Hehe then I will be the crash test dummy

got make root

though get
make children
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `staging/validate'. Stop.
make: *** [staging/validate] Error 2

Hrmmm that’s odd.

Those targets are generated from the ACCOUNTS_ENABLED macro

so I did
make root
- all passed, users created etc
then directly to
make child

ACCOUNTS_ENABLED = staging prod testing data corp audit

so in the artifacts the Makefile.env
is populated

so I think in the root makefile where we previously removed the --export-accounts
argument that has had a knock on effect later

busy testing

mm no

wow the removal and deletion of aws org accounts is a pita

yep, TF can’t delete them https://github.com/cloudposse/reference-architectures#known-limitations
Get up and running quickly with one of our reference architecture using our fully automated cold-start process. - cloudposse/reference-architectures

Oh yea not even trying via tf

Doing it manually and it’s a grind

What’s the rational in having the reference architecture route 53 zones public?

I get that you need to have a vpc existing in order create a private zone

Mmmm actually

Re reading the tf docs I need test it

@Jan you need them public to be able to access the resources in the clusters, e.g. [us-west-1.prod.cloudposse.co](http://us-west-1.prod.cloudposse.co)
is to access the k8s cluster in prod

Absolutely not the case

What I want is public people to access a elb via a set record that has nothing to do with the zones I would use for env cloudposse. Co

Why leak all the info about all the environments you have and the record in them

I will change our version of the ref arch to build internally

So for example.. Have cloudposse.co as a public zone with an associated private zone

All internal zones should have internal zones

It is an anti pattern to expose anything (including dns hosts information) for anything not intended to be publicly consumed

I normally do what I am describing with split horizon dns

Especially so with any direct connect or vpg/vpn peering

Ah Yea aws call it split-view

@Jan you can do it with private zones as you described


another reason to have public zones is when you use kops

so I guess there are many diff use-cases here

What I was asking is, given the focus on security in geodesic, the is seems wrong in the reference architecture

Kops works perfectly fine for private

Kops has no hard reliance on public r53 zones

I will rework our fork of the reference architecture tonight and see if I can resolve this

btw, kops works without any DNS at all

it supports gossip mode

we used this with our caltech vanvalen project

is it safe to assuem this is the current state to follow?

Geodesic is the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/ - clou…

for getting k8s into geodesic

Cool so I have kops creating a cluster in a vpc with a private hosted zone

all working

need to polish a bit

and stuff

but I have my previous idea, I define my vpc and launch k8s into it

Nice @Jan

also using the kops-backing-services


so with the cluster running as per geodewssic aws/kops method


helmfiles ⨠ helmfile apply
Adding repo coreos-stable <https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/coreos-charts/stable>
"coreos-stable" has been added to your repositories
Updating repo
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Skip local chart repository
...Successfully got an update from the "incubator" chart repository
...Successfully got an update from the "coreos-stable" chart repository
...Successfully got an update from the "cloudposse-incubator" chart repository
...Successfully got an update from the "stable" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈ Happy Helming!⎈
Comparing prometheus-operator coreos-stable/prometheus-operator
Error: configmaps is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:default" cannot list configmaps in the namespace "kube-system"
configmaps is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:default" cannot list configmaps in the namespace "kube-system"
Error: plugin "diff" exited with error
err: exit status 1
failed processing /conf/helmfiles/releases/prometheus-operator.yaml: exit status 1

Is rbac being taken into account?

rbacEnable: {{ env “RBAC_ENABLED” default “false” }}

Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles. Works with helmfile.d
- cloudposse/helmfiles

@Jan by default our helmfiles don’t use RBAC

I am asking if in the geodesic reference arch rbac is being used

ah nm

read your response wrong

so….. I can understand its easier to not

but its much much worse


do you have all the rbac resources (service account, role binding, etc.) provisioned in the cluster?

just added

more exploring how much is or is not dealt with in the current ref arch

and extending it to do what I need


Error: identified at least one change, exiting with non-zero exit code (detailed-exitcode parameter enabled)
identified at least one change, exiting with non-zero exit code (detailed-exitcode parameter enabled)
Error: plugin "diff" exited with error

The Kubernetes Package Manager. Contribute to helm/helm development by creating an account on GitHub.

this by itself is a better place to start

Hey; I love the centralised management of roles/users using this setup; but how would you restrict a users access at a sub-org level with the current setup? Say for example you have a user jim in root who only has access to the data org, and you want to restrict that to just elasticache in the data org.

there are a few options

1) create more groups with fine grained access control like you describe; then add users to those groups.

2) add the policies directly to the IAM user.

I like (1) the best.

what you describe is a highly specific requirement (not wrong!), so we haven’t tried to come up with any patterns to generalize that.

…perhaps after seeing more patterns like this, we can whip up a module for it

I’ll have a prod around, the less unicorns the better


happy to give you a high level overview / demo of what it all looks like

I’m guessing the simplest way would be to create a role within the sub-organisation to (as per the example) allow only access to one area and a group. tbh I probably need to RTFM on iam + suborgs. Previously we’d manage the users in each org (which is a headache in itself)

Love the wrapper around aws-vault and the sts usage; its a really nice way to standardise access

right - avoid managing users in suborgs

yea, the geodesic
shell has made it A LOT easier to distribute an advanced toolchain

we used to try to do it all “natively” (e..g on osx) and always ran into problems

old version of XYZ package

“works on my machine”

communicating upgrades etc

We’re a mix of windows / nix / mac so its good to see something that wont turn me from a developer into desktop support

do you guys run WSL?

Docker is a god send for tooling

we have early support for that.

yeah all in WSL

a few community members were using geodesic in that setting.

docker for windows; wsl talking over tcp. Works relatively seamlessly

Make vs make :(

We’re mostly using the ref setup (setup individually) for the org management. Our actual infrastructure in the orgs will be a tad more hybrid as we have our own terraform modules etc / splits across regions

Tool chains in docker are the future

Yeah docker’s pretty sweet for simplifying tooling; we already use it as an ops tool for running scans and long custom chains of tools to analyse deployments / nmap / etc. Kubernetes is a mixed bag though; its like creating a magic-bag for developers to throw half baked code into

Good work chaps; its nice to see an opinionated, secure by default, design

thanks @chrism!

I was going over geodesic, im trying to understand what goofys is used for, I understand you mount some s3 buckets, but what for?

as afaik you use terraform backends, so state should work/happen through that

@pecigonzalo it was used to mount secrets from s3 to a local filesystem

I think @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) is wanting to move away from it and instead use SSM

OK, that makes sense, like sensitive tfvars and other variable/config/secrets


mounts private keys by the looks of it

Instead favouring things like https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-root-modules/blob/master/aws/backing-services/aurora-mysql.tf#L105-L121
Example Terraform service catalog of “root module” invocations for provisioning reference architectures - cloudposse/terraform-root-modules

who will be lucky #200?

★ repo

What version of kops / k8s is supported currently?

Geodesic is the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/ - clou…

Geodesic is the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/ - clou…

@Jan we recently deployed 1.10.12
with kops

https://github.com/kubernetes/kops#kubernetes-version-support https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases
Kubernetes Operations (kops) - Production Grade K8s Installation, Upgrades, and Management - kubernetes/kops
Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management - kubernetes/kubernetes


Will start at that Version

trying to hack my way through using the reference architecture with an existing root account. got prod and audit accounts created with make root
, but now running into this:
➜ make children
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `prod/validate'. Stop.
make: *** [prod/validate] Error 2

looks right:
and the account IDs are in artifacts/acounts.tfvars

where else should I look for problems?

ohhhh yes, there’s a bug.

edit tasks/Makefile.child

find the macro called child

there is an =
sign after it. that works in some makes and not in others

remove the =
and it will work.

beautiful. thanks

if it helps..
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
This program built for i386-apple-darwin11.3.0

@Jan ran into this

we spent some time debugging it. Yea, I’ve been developing it on an AWS WorkSpace instance which is Amazon Linux

on OSX this happens

what When trying to hack my way through using the reference architecture with an existing root account, I got prod and audit accounts created. When I run make root, it errors ➜ make children make[1…

sometimes you need to make make!
make/install: MAKE_MAKE_VERSION ?= 4.1
make/install: MAKE_SOURCE ?= <http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/make/make-$(MAKE_MAKE_VERSION).tar.gz>
make/install: | $(BIN_DIR)
@echo "[make]: MAKE_SOURCE=$(MAKE_SOURCE)"
$(CURL) -o make.tar.gz "$(MAKE_SOURCE)"
tar xvf make.tar.gz
cd make-* && ./configure --bindir=$(BIN_DIR) && sudo make install
rm -rf make*
which make
make --version
what When trying to hack my way through using the reference architecture with an existing root account, I got prod and audit accounts created. When I run make root, it errors ➜ make children make[1…


Make inception

Yeah, wasn’t sure it would work, but it does! Got tired of running into problems on different platforms due old make versions, and the newer features I like to use

I commented on the GH issue and shared my method for detecting and bypassing as best I could, the old 3.81 version of make.


so I think @Jan had success on OSX Make 3.81

without updating make

(using the earlier fix in the issue linked, by removing the extraneous =

Yep, all worked after removing the trailing =

Im a simple man, I see colors and design, I upvote

Geodesic inside of tmate over the web

what Support remote debugging of geodesic containers why This is useful for pairing with other developers or debuging remote k8s pods, ECS tasks, atlantis, etc.. references #356 (related use-c…

@mumoshu has joined the channel

16 votes and 20 comments so far on Reddit

ha that gnu make on osx thing is a pita

brew install remake

https://github.com/rocky/remake/wiki will take a look
Enhanced GNU Make - tracing, error reporting, debugging, profiling and more - rocky/remake

Is there a reason the org names are filtered to a predefined list rather than just allowing anything?

but I would be open to hearing your use-case

We have for an early customer chosen one unique TLD per account so they don’t even share that.

Also, we make the distinction between a company’s “service discovery domain” and it’s “branded” or “vanity” domains.

I think it makes pretty good sense to keep strong consistency on the service discovery domain, while letting the branded domains stray as far as necessary .

branded domains are what the public uses.

ohhh, the org “account” names

Soooooooooo yes, that’s terraform being terraform

It’s very tricky to reference dynamic properties

we use SSM parameter store to reduce that burden

but the the deal is this, we define some accounts and those accounts have some purpose that we cannot easily generalize without going much deeper into code generation.

On top of that, AWS doesn’t allow easy programatic deletion of accounts, so it’s incredibly painful to test. Requires, logging into each suborg manually and setting up the master account creds, before going to terraform to try and delete it.

it’s to reduce the number of settings

the more predictable they are, they more assumptions we can make

… if we’re talking about terraform-root-modules
, the idea here is that these are hyper opinionated.

All of our other terraform-aws-*
modules are designed to be building blocks

but at some point, you need to stop generalizing and implement something. That’s terraform-root-modules

@chrism would be happy to give you a high level over view of everything and some of the design decisions.

Of course, we want to capture all that in documentation, but that is not caught up.


I was thinking more along the lines of root / audit / maybe data would be opinionated, if its not in the list assume its more of a blank slate like dev or prod sans the pre-included docker

soooooo what I’m leaning towards right now is adding more types of accounts

rather than renaming the current accounts

it makes it impossible to document a moving target

what are the account names you’d like to see?

To be honest its probably a bit domain specific to us but data-prod rather than just data. and something akin to dev-{team}. I can see myself being buried in orgs which isn’t great but at the same time it reduces risk around shared areas between teams / improves the ability to audit / split billing.

another idea that @Jan had is to supply another “set” of accounts

_I also realise i can do similar with policies in aws like we do in our original 1 org structure _

I’m simply thinking of dumb accounts basically that you can setup as needed / make use of the centralised auth with

So the part that I found tricky was NS delegation.

The dns delegation 8s easy

didn’t you end up hardcoding it?

Nope I created a private an additional module for making a private zone

Depedancy is having a vpc before

But that fits into my plan of creating a vpc that fits into my subnet strategy and have a k8s cluster launch into that vpc

It’s totally possible to do what you want to do, just with trade offs.

Admittedly not using any of the K8 / domain stuff as we use rancher for K8 management and multiple vpcs per env (we just run stateless apps in k8)

Tapping my foot waiting for AWS to match Azure + Google and make EKS free

yea, seriously

it’s really far behind in as it relates to k8s

Would love to see the rancher stuff. I bet we could expand the geodesic story to support the rancher

Ranchers pretty neat for what it does (Api proxy / rbac auth); we run the rancher control plane (HA) from our datacenter rather than AWS so its a bit of manual wiring to get the K8 plane setup. But it does talk to EKS which is good (from a compliance front) as it takes away 6 vms we’d otherwise have to manage

In an ideal world it would be more terraform friendly

as would everything

yea, getting everything in under terraform is nice

in the end though, it’s hard to expect one tool to do the job

live the dream

We’ve used it to manage dualDNS providers for a couple of years now; I just hope the 0.12 conversion tool works well

yea, srsly

I just see the words breaking change; look at all the repos of terraform and think FOOOOK

its either that or tag everything to run with <.12

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-root-modules/commit/547302316db329f492411bff44aae045bd70e430#diff-b4b339745fca6a54353bf7f392d8dc60 was the naming change intentional? Terraform hates refactoring
Terraform will perform the following actions:
- aws_organizations_account.audit
+ module.audit.aws_organizations_account.default

breaks out terraform state mv

Yes, the terraform-root-modules
are best forked by an organization

they are your starting off point

we refactored all the root modules to support SSM and made them more DRY by using local submodules

Yeah I quite like the submodule approach (as it saves extra shit to pull /versions to track)
Forking Root is something I shall definitely be doing.
Whats with the SSM though? its just storing ARNs (in this bit anyway) which are all named by convention

I should probably do the fork first and make use of that good old S3 versioning to uncorrupt my state file

so the SSM allows us to programmatically reference variables by name

e.g. we cannot progammatically reference an output by name from the terraform remote state provider


Refactoring Terraform is painful.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TERRAFORM CRASH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not half

@Nico You might run into a few bugs with the referrence-architectures

there are a few people who have recently run through it and can maybe help if you get stuck

ok cool, I’ll definitely reach out

(check the open issues)

cool, thank you

I can also give you (or anyone else) an overview via Zoom

please ping me when you’ll schedule it with someone, I’ll try to join!

yeah I will definitely need some guidance once I actually start working on the architecture

font recs for a stubborn Arch user

symbola is awful and emoji fonts don’t include the math symbols in geodesic prompt T_T

Geodesic is the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/ - clou…

We’ve had a few issues in the past related to the prompt

(fwiw, on OSX and Amazon Linux it’s working for me)

Can’t lookup the font right now.

If you set PROMPT_STYLE=plain
it should use no funky characters

Geodesic is the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/ - clou…

Cheers. stick with Symbola for now. Surprised that DejaVu doesn’t include those chars

I keep seeing DEPRECATED: /usr/local/bin/init-terraform is no longer needed. Use
tfenv instead.
init-terraform still works (and is still prompted as you change folders), but how is the other supposed to work?

sec (docs haven’t been updated)

In each project folder in /conf

Add a file like this one:

# Import the remote module
export TF_CLI_INIT_FROM_MODULE="git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-root-modules.git//aws/ecs?ref=tags/0.33.0>"
use terraform
use tfenv

Read up on this here:

Transform environment variables for use with Terraform (e.g. HOSTNAME
⇨ TF_VAR_hostname
) - cloudposse/tfenv

basically, we discovered we don’t need wrappers to use terraform with remote state and remote modules

Ah cool; similar to .env files in node projects

we can populate TF_CLI_ARGS*


thats nice; though I’ve nothing against a good shell script

so this common direnv
interface works well with both terraform, kops etc.

Yea, though I’m not crazy about string manipulation in bash

and if we’re going to use a formal language, default to go
so we don’t need to install a lot of deps and can easily distribute with cloudposse/packages

so you’ll dig this:

Geodesic is the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/ - clou…

has support for a stdlib

that can be extended

so we’ve added our own extensions…… (partially for backwards compat)

but users can add their own helpers

(or override ours)

Cool; its a damn sight easier to script stuff up and know it’ll run in linux. And as a general distribution mechanism rather than having to keep repos filled with scripts

All makes sense though; the make file systems a nice addition; I tend to write them with terraform envs, docker dealt with making sure people had the tools but linking it all up to the WSL auth (aws vault) has dealt with the headache of keeping things secure

Yea, really excited with how it’s all come together.

Optionally, add a Makefile
like this one:

## Fetch the remote terraform module
terraform init
## Reset this project
rm -rf Makefile *.tf .terraform

Hey guys - do you generally recommend that people create a new docker image based on the cloudposse geodesic image, or fork the geodesic repo and customize as needed?

I think it depends

Here’s how I recommend you get started.

Get everything up and running using cloudposse/geodesic
; reduce the moving pieces

then consider forking cloudposse/geodesic
and adding your extensions

Geodesic is the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform - nikiai/geodesic

here’s an example of someone else - they forked and switched to debian =P


Use geodesic image as base for your own image

Look at cloudposse/testing.cloudposse.co as an example

(though [testing.cloudposse.co](http://testing.cloudposse.co)
is quite out of date)

The reference-architectures
are most current

@me1249 got your PRs


I’m going to get that taken carre of


Appears that geodesic doesn’t have a terminfo file for Termite

upon running the geodesic image script:

✗ (none) ~ ⨠ echo $TERM
tput: unknown terminal "xterm-termite"
tput: unknown terminal "xterm-termite"
-> Run 'assume-role' to login to AWS
tput: unknown terminal "xterm-termite"
tput: unknown terminal "xterm-termite"
(~4 more times)

for anyone else with this problem, run it in tmux or simply export TERM=screen-256color

Thanks for posting your fix!

what On Arch linux someone reported in slack that they get this error: ✗ (none) ~ ⨠ echo $TERM xterm-termite tput: unknown terminal "xterm-termite" tput: unknown terminal "xterm-term…

is just alpine
under the hood

I’m trying to glue a couple of things together but I’ve a feeling the only way it’ll work with the audit/root org setup is if I change the cloudwatch module
by default cloudtrail in root/data etc creates a log-group to match the org namespace (it doesnt set the cloud_watch_logs_role_arn/cloud_watch_logs_group_arn so the resulting log group is null as their’s no cloudwatch)

module "cloudwatch_log" {
source = "git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-cloudwatch-logs.git?ref=tags/0.2.2>"
namespace = "${var.namespace}"
stage = "${var.stage}"
retention_in_days = 180
and the cloudwatch role+group arn to the cloudtrail tries to create module.cloudwatch_log.aws_iam_role.default which fails

` aws_iam_role.default: Error creating IAM Role testns-root-log-group: MalformedPolicyDocument: Invalid principal in policy: com.amazon.balsa.error.InvalidPolicyException: The passed in policy has a statement with no principals!`

Remind me to mount the local volume on a folder so I can sync in changes rather than typing make all every few minutes

You homedir gets mounted to /localhost
in geodesic

you know I’ve seen that everytime I open the shell and still didnt click

For exactly that reason

its been a long week

sorry for our contribution to that!!


so our (my) dev workflow is to develop in my regular IDE

keep a geodesic shell open to the dev/sandbox account

cd /localhost/...../project

that makes perfect sense

not randomly typing vi and duplicating stuff backwards like a pleb

yea, and forgetting that the one thing that you actually made in the shell manually

oh that never happens whistles innocently

here’s something else that’s cool:

what Add support for Docker for Mac (DFM) Kubernetes or Minikube why Faster LDE, protyping Testing Helm Charts, Helmfiles howto I got it working very easily. Here's what I did (manually): Enabl…

I haven’t formalized a workflow around it, but I did a POC

we can actually use geodesic
with minikube

neat; we all run rancher locally / docker for desktop minikubes handy for quick pocs

ahh localhost mounts to the user folder. Still need to map all my work lives on a separate ssd.


look at /usr/local/bin/<script>

I think you can override it

if not, we would accept PR to support overriding it

cool I’ll have a dig as I assume the home paths used for aws-vault

that too

its easy enough to get docker to dance

and a local “Cache”

windows subsystem; where home is home but not quite home

are you using WSL?


ubuntu 18

yea, that was A MAJOR pain

it took us a few PRs to get that right

works REALLY well so you did a good job there

Think I got the cloudwatch issue down. I already had it scripted up before splitting all the orgs so I’ve made it sorta hybrid for the time being. https://gist.github.com/ChrisMcKee/0ca78c207fa7c3aca3b973c824aab069

Now to wait for the SIEM monitoring company to start screaming… probably shouldnt have changed it all on a friday

what company do you use? (curious)


Hopefully not AlienVault

I remember doing some due diligence a while back and found private keys in their AMIs

lol cough

we use all the aws stuff as well as the managed service but it all feeds into the one place for monitoring as well as the aws notifications. Much as I’d love to trust a single service

There’s a distinct lack of silver bullets

any good guides on using docker in WSL? i was looking into it a while ago, but at the time it seemed either/or not both

With a couple of tweaks the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux, also known as Bash for Windows) can be used with Docker for Windows.

Thanks! I swear it was probably the week before this article posted that I was last looking for an updated guide! Can’t keep up!

With a couple of tweaks the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux, also known as Bash for Windows) can be used with Docker for Windows.

Works fine

ahh, now i remember the problem, i need to be able to use virtualbox locally (for packer, nothing persistent), and installing docker for windows enables hyper-v, which breaks virtualbox

ohhhh yea, I’ve had similar issues when trying to use other VMs

Maybe I can get terraform to launch i3 metal instances to run virtualbox and packer for me

Packer runs fine on windows though , you can run it in docker as well. Very few reasons for vbox thesedays

i understand that, it’s really a vagrant box that packer is creating, with a virtualbox provider

of course packer runs fine itself on windows, but packer launches virtualbox locally to create the image/ovf, and then converts it to a vagrant box

so, somehow or other, i need packer to be able to run virtualbox

Geodesic is the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/ - clou…

We’ve added okta support