#geodesic (2021-12)
Discussions related to https://github.com/cloudposse/geodesic
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/geodesic/

Hi guys, does the workflow exist in the new version of atmos (or are there plans to add it back in)?

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) plans to add it back

We have not deprecated it but it didn’t make its way into the new version

Partially because we wanted to make it more powerful

Sounds great, thank you!

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) in terms of stacks, what would you say would be the “best practise” when it comes to creating stacks?
Should we put all resources in a single stack file or should we break them up into more manageable logical stacks?
If we should break up larger stacks into smaller pieces how to we then orchestrate creating them in the right sequence ? (shell script comes to mind)

we break our stacks into logical ones based on region and account

e.g. uw2-prod.yaml
would be one stack

if using gitops, the smaller the stack configs, the easier it is to detect changes to a smaller subset of the stack

the larger the stack configuration, the more stacks will need to be planned

Hi any update on adding the workflows again? Meanwhile what would be a workaround? To use 0.21.3 version?

we are working on it

the workaround would be to create a shell script and call atmos commands one by one - that’s actually what the workflows were doing and the new workflows will be doing as well

OK! I imagen I had to do something like that! Thank you.