#geodesic (2022-01)

geodesic https://github.com/cloudposse/geodesic

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rb avatar

Hello #geodesic :wave: - Love the work! New to Geodesic, not new to IaC, so forgive my n00b questions that have probably been asked and answered many times.

First, is there a recipe for the BindFS issue that may not be fully baked, but I could leverage for myself? I’ve working through the process of adding a user with the correct gid:uid and am having issues with the environment (e.g. bash: kube_ps1: command not found at every prompt) and am thinking that that route may be an anti-pattern, and that the BindFS solution could offer a more conformant, and simple path forward. But I don’t know. Which brings me to the second question: what is the best way to adapt Geodesic so it won’t step on my local permissions?

I’ve built several iterations of containerized tool delivery systems, and am dying to feel comfortable using Geodesic. But I have to know when and where a process is writing into my home directory without the correct bits, and Geodesic set off several alarms when I fired it up. I run Arch Linux and use Zsh as my default shell, if that makes a difference.

Anyway, I’m going to continue learning the tools on the assumption that I’ll figure permission bits later, hopefully with your help

Here’s my Dockerfile:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1

FROM cloudposse/geodesic:latest-debian


RUN apt-get update -y && \
  groupadd -g 1234 rbellamy && \
  useradd -d /conf -G sudo -g rbellamy -u 1234 rbellamy && \
  sed -i 's/sudo[[:space:]]ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL/sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/' /etc/sudoers

USER rbellamy
Files Written to Mounted Linux Home Directory Owned by Root User · Issue #594 · cloudposse/geodesicattachment image

what The user's shell inside Geodesic runs as root The script that launches Geodesic bind-mounts the host user's $HOME to /localhost to provide access to configuration files and allow for e…

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

For issue 594, @Mike Crowe has a potential fix

Mike Crowe avatar
Mike Crowe

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) @Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) Originally, I was trying to add a docker argument as follows:

	if [ "${OS}" == 'Linux' ]; then
		DOCKER_ARGS+=(--user="$(id -u):$(id -g)")

This works ok, but you can’t sudo. I next have tested:

	if [ "${OS}" == 'Linux' ]; then
		DOCKER_ARGS+=(--user="$(id -u):$(id -g)")
		DOCKER_ARGS+=(--volume="/etc/group:/etc/group" --volume="/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd" --volume="/etc/shadow:/etc/shadow")

which also works, but it borks your groups in the docker container. You can sudo properly, but the system isn’t quite right.

@rb may be onto a better method, which would look like the following: • Update the docker image to run as a user with sudo privileges for *everybody*. I know this is a process change, but I think it’s actually a good idea: Dockerfile:

  groupadd -g 1000 geouser && \
  useradd -d /conf -G sudo -g geouser -u 1000 geouser && \
  sed -i 's/sudo[[:space:]]ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL/sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/' /etc/sudoers

RUN chown -R 1000:1000 /conf /usr/local/bin /home /var/tmp

• Update for Linux (and Darwin, IMO – please jump in if you disagree) templates/wrapper:

 	if [ "${OS}" == 'Linux' ]; then
		DOCKER_ARGS+=(--user="$(id -u):$(id -g)")

• We would need to update the Documentation website to show the run line of:

docker run -it --rm --user="$(id -u):$(id -g)" --volume $HOME:/localhost cloudposse/geodesic:latest-debian --login

I think this will be pretty universal, though we may need to add a notation to remove that for WSL? I haven’t used WSL in ages, so I’m not sure if it supports id -u

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

I don’t know much about the original version of WSL as I had never really used it personally, with WSL2 it is for all intents a Hyper-V VM of whatever guest OS you’re running (Ubuntu, Debian, etc) with a custom kernel so all your typical commands are going to execute. id -u and id -g work fine under WSL2. This is, from what I’ve gathered, much different with WSL2 than originally as WSL2 has an virtual hard drive image and the Windows drives are mounted under /mnt/<drive letter> by default though this mountpoint could be changed in the /etc/wsl.conf if it is created inside the WSL guest itself. The initial user that is created for inside WSL does use UID:GID 1000:1000.

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

I do have multiple WSL guests (Ubuntu and Debian) that are using WSL2 so I can’t confirm if this works on WSLv1 or only WSL2 which could be a way to determine the different environments. But on both my WSL2 images there is the WSL_DISTRO_NAME env variable. The HOME env variable does point to the user home directory under WSL not Windows. The Windows mount points are all of type 9p not drvfs as the templates/wrapper currently looks for. While uname -r will include Microsoft if you use case-insensitive matching (ie- that elif block doesn’t seem to be reached when running under WSL2. Nor does the templates/wrapper account for situations where the Windows User home directories are on a drive other than C:\Users as in my case where it is actually H:\Users .

Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) avatar
Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

@rb @Mike Crowe @Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) I published my BindFS proposed solution as a comment on issue #594 and I am eager to have someone try it and report back. I don’t have access to appropriate platforms on which to test it myself.

Files Written to Mounted Linux Home Directory Owned by Root User · Issue #594 · cloudposse/geodesicattachment image

what The user&#39;s shell inside Geodesic runs as root The script that launches Geodesic bind-mounts the host user&#39;s $HOME to /localhost to provide access to configuration files and allow for e…

Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) avatar
Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

@rb @Mike Crowe @Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) Please try Geodesic release candidate v0.152.0-rc1 and report back.

Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) avatar
Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

@rb @Mike Crowe @Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) OK, I have not been able to reproduce and fix the problem, so I need more information from you.

This is not an issue with Docker v20 on Ubuntu (tested on 20.04 LTS) when running in rootless mode. As with macOS, this configuration correctly translates file ownership between the root UID and GID inside the container to the user’s UID and GID on the host.

When running Docker as root, and launching Geodesic using sudo geodesic, the geodesic wrapper does not get the user’s UID and GID or home directory, so BindFS does not help and we do not get the right home directory mapped to /localhost anyway.

How are you launching Geodesic? Are you able to find the non-root user’s UID, GID, and $HOME?

Run the Docker daemon as a non-root user (Rootless mode)attachment image

Run the Docker daemon as a non-root user (Rootless mode)


rb avatar

@Mike Crowe would you be willing to share?

Mike Crowe avatar
Mike Crowe

I will, might need a few more days to get it polished



stephen avatar

Hey All wave

Atmos arrived in my inbox (great newsletter BTW) and it looks great but the readme looks like it’s not up to date. Is there somewhere else I can read through?

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

we are working on a new README now

stephen avatar

Thanks, will check back when you are done

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

thanks @stephen! yes, @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) will have the updated readme soon. The public docs are pretty up to date though and we have a repo with examples as well https://github.com/cloudposse/tutorials

GitHub - cloudposse/tutorialsattachment image

Contribute to cloudposse/tutorials development by creating an account on GitHub.



Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

Checking out geodesic and running into a curious situation and not sure if someone else has already encountered it before and got a fix. My workstation is running Windows 10 Pro so I run Ubuntu 20.04 LTS under WSL2. I was impressed my ssh agent forwarding worked (Yubikey on Win 10 through to Linux WSL passed to geodesic); however the AWS config isn’t making it through. $HOME/.aws under WSL is actually a symlink back to the Windows user home directory and is where Leapp is putting the credentials so under geodesic that mount point doesn’t exist

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I will say WSL has been difficult for us to support since we don’t use it ourselves. Support was contributed by multiple different community members.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
geodesic/wrapper at master · cloudposse/geodesicattachment image

Geodesic is a DevOps Linux Distro. We use it as a cloud automation shell. It&#39;s the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid Open Source toolchain. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloud

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

If you look at this section, you’ll see some of the nasty hacks we had to do to figure out directory mounting on WSL

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

and the behavior changes with different versions of WSL

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

I was digging into the geodesic script and saw some of the WSL mount bits. I tried executing the commands myself manually and they didn’t seem to behave as I think the script expected them to. Maybe those are WSL compatible and WSL2 is not. I’ll dig into it a bit more and if I find something put a PR together

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

I found a solution, someone can tell me if it’s not the best but it seems to work. I just simply added export GEODESIC_DOCKER_EXTRA_ARGS="--volume /mnt:/mnt" to my WSL2 shell so it mounted the extra volume that points back to the Windows drives. Looking at lines commented above I determined it likely wouldn’t have worked on my workstation as my Windows home drive is on H: which is mounted as /mnt/h and the code never accounts for that. It does appear that changing L124 to use findmnt -S 'C:\' -t 9p -no target does find the /mnt path which the allows L126 to function but then L127 fails because it doesn’t have a path for cmd.exe. All that seemed for naught though as LOCAL_HOME was set so it never appeared to ender that elif block.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

that seems like an elegant fix

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

let me run it by some WSLers

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

A bit investigation, it looks like the WSL support that is in the wrapper is for WSL-1 and does not work with WSL-2. • $mount_path/c/Users/${windows_user_name}/AppData/Local/lxss/ does not exist with WSL-2 on L132 • On L39 the /LocalState/rootfs${HOME} path doesn’t exist. In my case the only thing under /LocalState/ is ext4.vhdx

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

Also the way it’s written it would have only picked up Ubuntu WSL not any other like Debian

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Yes, that sounds familiar

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

is WSL-1 EOL now?

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

I don’t know if it’s EOL yet but WSL-2 is definitely the recommended as it provides a better environment overall. There are some things that still work easier between Windows and the WSL guest when using v1 vs v2.

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

Biggest difference as I’m aware is that v1 was more of a Linux overlay running on Windows; while v2 is more of a full fledge virtual machine environment with it’s own boot kernel, etc



Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

Am I missing it or does the latest default geodesic image not include atmos? I see the tutorial image added it in it’s Dockerfile. If that’s the case then I assume I just need to generate my own custom image.

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

this is what we do in Dockerfile

ARG VERSION=0.147.11
ARG OS=debian

FROM cloudposse/geodesic:$VERSION-$OS

# Install atmos (<https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos>)
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y atmos="${ATMOS_VERSION}-*"
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

Okay so you do just build another image off the cloudposse/geodesic base image. Easy enough

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

yes we do

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

the Dockerfile is in each infrastructure repo

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

oh okay… the infrastructure repo

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

as in the archive *.cloudposse.co repos?

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

that’s very old. We usually create infrastructure repo with all the stacks and components in it, then in the Dockerfile we use the code above. Same structure as in https://github.com/cloudposse/atmos/tree/master/examples/complete + the Dockerfile

atmos/examples/complete at master · cloudposse/atmosattachment image

Universal Tool for DevOps and Cloud Automation (works with terraform, helm, helmfile, etc) - atmos/examples/complete at master · cloudposse/atmos

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

yeah I thought I’d heard Erik say the *.cloudposse.co was old and used envdir that was no longer your recommended way. I hadn’t looked at geodesic or atmos previously until it was discussed during the office hours this week

Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

we use both in all client engagements (atmos is lacking good docs, we are working on it)

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

I liked the functionality with the first blush exposure during the zoom call. I’ve been looking at how to restructure my workflow going forward. I’d already been moving everything to Terraform and getting away from manual changes. Though I was still using Terraform Cloud for remote state

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
GitHub - cloudposse/tutorialsattachment image

Contribute to cloudposse/tutorials development by creating an account on GitHub.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Some live tutorials here

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

these are more current

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) I was actually running through that repo and executing them and ran into issues with the AWS environment example and the s3-cdn module

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

can you share the error?

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)
03-first-aws-environment component/terraform/static-site fails to deploy · Issue #10 · cloudposse/tutorialsattachment image

What When following along through the tutorial and executing atmos terraform deploy static-site –stack uw2-dev files with the following error message: Error: expected viewer_certificate.0.ssl_supp…

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

the fix there allowed the plan to succeed and apply but the end result was not visible using the cloudfront distribution. I suspect due to changes in S3/cloudfront and the policy assigned via the s3-cdn module without extra values being set

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

aha, I think this is actually changes in the AWS provider

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
feat: add origin-shield by syphernl · Pull Request #207 · cloudposse/terraform-aws-cloudfront-s3-cdnattachment image

what Add variables to enable the Origin Shield for the CloudFront distribution why Using Origin Shield can help reduce the load on your origin. references https://registry.terraform.io/provide

Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) avatar
Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services)

Yeah that’s possible



Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

Hi there, hope this isn’t too simple, but I just started with Geodesic v0.149.1-debian on macOS Catalina (Intel processor), and when I bring up a geodesic container using the installed command, geodesic, my home folder is not mounted to /localhost and I don’t see any erros I have gogoled and don’t see a relevant solution yet, do you have any advice what to try? Thank you ver ymuch

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

How did you start geodesic?

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

I used

docker run --rm cloudposse/geodesic:0.149.1-debian init | bash

I am using minikube as a docker server with hyperkit as the driver, if that is helpful

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

ok, so after doing that, it should install a wrapper script

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

then you ran the wrapper script?

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

yes, geodesic? it installed to /usr/local/bin/geodesic

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit
Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

there were no errors running the wrapper script, but nothing in my home directory gets mounted to /localhost

Mike Crowe avatar
Mike Crowe

Start geodesic from your project folder, not your $HOME folder. I think because you fired it up from Users/matan, it only mapped the workdir. If you start from /Users/matan/terraform/tutorials (say where ~/terraform/tutorials is where you downloaded the CloudPosse tutorials repo, then you would see: • /Users/matan -> /localhost(workdir) -> ~/terraform/tutorials/ -> /localhost/terraform/tutorials (I think…)

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

Good thought, trying

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

Hm that resulted in a new message, it is red but I’m not sure it’s an error

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit
# No configured working directory is accessible:                                
#    GEODESIC_HOST_CWD is "/Users/matan/projects/example"
# Defaulting initial working directory to "/conf"

 ✗ . [none] ~ ⨠ ls -a /localhost
.  ..  .aws  .geodesic

 ✗ . [none] ~ ⨠ ls -a /conf
.  ..  .aws  .emacs  .envrc  .gitconfig  .inputrc  .kube
Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

Hey just wanted to let you know there is something wrong with how my docker is mounting volumes in general https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/run/#mount-volume--v---read-only Maybe it is because of running Docker on macOS with minkube

docker runattachment image

docker run: The docker run command first creates a writeable container layer over the specified image, and then starts it using the specified command. That is, docker run is equivalent…

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit
macOS mount: mounted directory is empty · Issue #2481 · kubernetes/minikubeattachment image

Is this a BUG REPORT or FEATURE REQUEST? Bug report Please provide the following details: Environment: Minikube version: v0.25.0 OS: macOS 10.13.2 VM Driver: hyperkit ISO version: v0.25.1 Others: k…

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

This is the best workaround I can find for now - https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/2481#issuecomment-469736193

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit
minikube mount /Users/xxxxx:/Users/xxxxx

or wherever you want to be available to run geodesic in. I need it for several workflow, so I’ll run it in the background

minikube mount /Users/xxxxx:/Users/xxxxx &
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) any ideas?

Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) avatar
Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) This is a 4-year old bug in minikube, so while I’m sympathetic, with this being the first we have heard of it, and it in no way being specific to or triggered by Geodesic, I am not inclined to do anything about it, especially since there is a minikube-specific workaround.

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

I agree, I just wanted to throw up my solution here for the record

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

I imagine I’m not the only geodesic user experiencing the need to switch off Docker Desktop due to the license change

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

Thanks for the support! I look forward to discovering a lot more about Geodesic

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

Hm interesting aside about this: when I run geodesic now, with the minikube mount running in another terminal window, I get an error message about mounting /localhost , but I find interacting with the container, everything is mounted as expected. red message first:

# No filesystem is mounted at /localhost which limits Geodesic functionality.
# EXIT THIS SHELL and on your host computer,
# run the following to install the script that runs
# Geodesic with all its features (the recommended way to use Geodesic):
#   docker run --rm cloudposse/geodesic:0.149.1-debian init | bash
# (On a Linux workstation, you might need to use "sudo bash" instead of just "bash")
# After that, you should be able to launch Geodesic just by typing
#   geodesic

Disabling user customizations: GEODESIC_CUSTOMIZATION_DISABLED is '/localhost not a volume'

then a green message:

# Initial working directory set from host CWD to /localhost/dev/emr_app_auth
Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

So it seems like either detecting the mount is off when doing this using minikube mount s the intermediary, or that the error message is displayed asynchronously to the mount finishing somehow

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

BUT I’m unblocked for now, just wanted to let you know it is still imperfect. I will also look into other alternatives to Docker Desktop that may help. Using VirtualBox instead of hyperkit as the virtualization layer seems to fix it as well, but that isn’t acceptable to us from a performance standpoint

Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) avatar
Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

@Matan Shavit Thank you for the additional information. I believe I know the cause of the warning message. If you are willing to give it a try, modifying and rebuilding Geodesic, I believe you can eliminate the

 No filesystem is mounted at /localhost...

warning by changing this line to

	if ! df -a | grep -q /localhost; then

We will make and publish that change eventually, but if you want to get a head start (and verify that it works for you), you can, and I would appreciate hearing how it goes.

geodesic/_preferences.sh at 634aaa9b2c951fe83f306a654183f9d52073326c · cloudposse/geodesicattachment image

Geodesic is a DevOps Linux Toolbox in Docker. We use it as an interactive cloud automation shell. It&#39;s the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid Open Source toolchain. ★ this r…

Matan Shavit avatar
Matan Shavit

I can give that a try, sounds fun

Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) avatar
Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)
Release 0.152.0-rc1 combine v0.150 and v0.151 · cloudposse/geodesicattachment image

Geodesic is a DevOps Linux Toolbox in Docker. We use it as an interactive cloud automation shell. It’s the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid Open Source toolchain. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/ - Release 0.152.0-rc1 combine v0.150 and v0.151 · cloudposse/geodesic


Alex Siegman avatar
Alex Siegman

Has anyone done any testing with Geodesic and the new stable release of rancher desktop rather than docker? I plan to give it a try in the next couple days, just curious if anyone has tried already and has any feedback.

Release Rancher Desktop 1.0.0 · rancher-sandbox/rancher-desktopattachment image

This is the 1.0.0 release of Rancher Desktop, an open source desktop application to bring Kubernetes and container management to Mac, Windows, and Linux. The release contains some feature changes a…

Alex Siegman avatar
Alex Siegman

Tested this out briefly today.

At least in my setup, I had issues with atmos inside of geodesic and something to do with the file system. I could not get it to run plans that included modules pulled from git, as it always said there were changes.

I was using the docker backend, not the containerd backend.

I’ll probably poke at it more, but besides those hiccups, it was able to build my customized geodesic just fine and do basic stuff. Only ran into terraform/atmos quirks so far.

Release Rancher Desktop 1.0.0 · rancher-sandbox/rancher-desktopattachment image

This is the 1.0.0 release of Rancher Desktop, an open source desktop application to bring Kubernetes and container management to Mac, Windows, and Linux. The release contains some feature changes a…

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Could you open an issue with a captire of the errors.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I’ll see if someone can take a look at it



Mike Crowe avatar
Mike Crowe

Open question: When you install geodesic (or maybe even when you run geodesic in a folder), that folder is typically your project folder. I’m working on a PR that improves usability, and I want the launch folder to be something we can reference inside geodesic somehow. I’ve though of 2 options: • Map the current folder into a fixed path such as /project (my favorite so far). usage: cd /project to return to your code (if you changed out of that folder for some reason) • Continue the workdir setup and set an environment variable GEODESIC_WORKDIR pointing to this folder. usage: cd $GEODESIC_WORKDIR Does anybody else see the value of this, or is there something I’m missing in standard usage? I haven’t needed it a lot, but after a couple of times of:

cd ~/.ssh
(do something)
cd /localhost/Programming/terraform/system/project

I sure would like to reference /project instead

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I think we already implemented this

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

See our recent Prs

Mike Crowe avatar
Mike Crowe

Try this to see my point in the latest shell:

Mike Crowe avatar
Mike Crowe
  1. cd /conf
  2. cd /etc
  3. Now quickly change back to your project folder. You have to cd /localhost/…/…/…/folder I think if workdir is /project this is much smoother
Mike Crowe avatar
Mike Crowe

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) @Jeremy (UnderGrid Network Services) – Just submitted quite a few geodesic PR’s to improve it (and spark discussion). LMK any thoughts you have

Mike Crowe avatar
Mike Crowe

@Yonatan Koren I’m working thru your comments (thanks!), and wondering: All of your comments have been related to the Alpine version of geodesic, whereas I was using the Debian version. When we suggest changes (as I did), how should we test? I didn’t think I needed to check the Alpine version, but maybe I do

Yonatan Koren avatar
Yonatan Koren

Some comments like the copying of kube-ps1.sh go for both flavors, because the functionality is identical (see here and here)

But you can easily build with debian instead by rebuilding with DOCKER_BASE_OS=debian

Mike Crowe avatar
Mike Crowe

So, I wonder if the way I was adding scripts to my Dockerfile might have caused some of these issues:

Yonatan Koren avatar
Yonatan Koren

Yes possibly


Yonatan Koren avatar
Yonatan Koren
02:43:20 PM

@Yonatan Koren has joined the channel

Mike Crowe avatar
Mike Crowe

Any geodesic users who ssh and use ssh-agent? I believe the current /etc/profile.d/ssh-agent.sh is a bit rough, and doesn’t really work as expected (but I’d like confirmation that others see the issue too).

In Linux, upon startup it finds an agent (I see * Found SSH agent config), but then it starts a new agent (I’m not sure how /var/tmp/.ssh-agent is getting created before /etc/profile.d/ssh-agent.sh runs).

The proper way to test if the agent is alive is:

  ssh-add -l &>/dev/null
  if [[ $? -gt 1 ]]; then ...

Based on my experience with ssh-agent, I think a better implementation is here, which should work well in mac as well as linux worlds. With this setup, I can:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
(in geodesic shell)
ssh-add -L 

and see my SSH keys from the host.

Can somebody with a mac build with this /etc/profile.d/ssh-agent.sh and confirm that it works for Mac users as well?

geodesic/ssh-agent.sh at better-linux-support · drmikecrowe/geodesicattachment image

Geodesic is a DevOps Linux Distro. We use it as a cloud automation shell. It&#39;s the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid Open Source toolchain. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloud

Yonatan Koren avatar
Yonatan Koren

Testing now

geodesic/ssh-agent.sh at better-linux-support · drmikecrowe/geodesicattachment image

Geodesic is a DevOps Linux Distro. We use it as a cloud automation shell. It&#39;s the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid Open Source toolchain. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloud

Yonatan Koren avatar
Yonatan Koren

Works fine — I invoked the wrapper script with GEODESIC_MAC_FORWARD_SOCKET=true after building the container. Added and removed ssh-agent identities on the host and they appear and disappear within Geodesic.

Mike Crowe avatar
Mike Crowe

You tested this using the stock /etc/profile.d/ssh-agent.sh that ships with geodesic?

Yonatan Koren avatar
Yonatan Koren

I checked out your branch and rebuilt the container and installed the wrapper script using make install, then invoked GEODESIC_MAC_FORWARD_SOCKET=true geodesic

Yonatan Koren avatar
Yonatan Koren

My working tree when checking out your branch is entirely clean, I didn’t change anything or add anything

Mike Crowe avatar
Mike Crowe

If you use the stock geodesic (w/o my changes), can you see the host identities added/removed? ie. is the MacOS default ssh-agent fine and it’s only Linux where the socket forwarding is the issue?

Yonatan Koren avatar
Yonatan Koren

On the main branch I can perform the same test and it works fine — so I think if you’re experiencing issues with SSH Agent forwarding / socket mounting it’s only on Linux Hosts

Mike Crowe avatar
Mike Crowe

Perfect – after we settle on the fix for #594, I’ll see if I can include this as well, or determine how to get it to work with Linux with minimal changes


