#geodesic (2023-01)
Discussions related to https://github.com/cloudposse/geodesic
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/geodesic/
Hi, just trying Geodesic and got an issue with git
when doing a git clone (any repo) , it returns a certificate validation error :
Cloning into 'tutorials'...
fatal: unable to access '<https://github.com/cloudposse/tutorials/>': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: none CRLfile: none
If I disable ssl verification, then it clones fine, but it means I have to do that anytime I restart the container.
git config --global http.sslVerify false
git version 2.30 geodesic version : latest run on mac M1
Any idea about this ?
Hi there, I have a Makefile from you guys in a project that has been managing our terraform for a few years. Running any of the Make targets is just hanging, not doing anything. For example, make all
or make run
. After typing the command and hitting enter, it just hangs at the prompt. Has anyone else experienced anything like this that you’ve heard? It is untouched in a long time, and I ran it as recently as last week.
I’m trying to manage infrastructure for a very large enterprise, and suddenly can’t do anything, any help would be very appreciated
here is the makefile with the enterprise clients name obfuscated out with ***
export HOME_DIR ?= /home/code
export STORAGE_DIR ?= /mnt/storage
export PROJECTS_DIR ?= $(STORAGE_DIR)/projects
export DOCKER_ORG ?= grizzlyforce
export DOCKER_IMAGE ?= $(DOCKER_ORG)/***-atmos
export DOCKER_TAG ?= latest
export APP_NAME = ***-atmos
GEODESIC_INSTALL_PATH ?= /home/code/.local/bin
export ADR_DOCS_DIR = docs/adr
BUILD_HARNESS_EXTENSIONS_PATH := $(CURDIR)/.build-harness-extensions
-include $(shell curl -sSL -o .build-harness "<https://cloudposse.tools/build-harness>"; echo .build-harness)
.DEFAULT_GOAL := default
## Initialize build-harness, install deps, build docker container, install wrapper script and run shell
all: init deps build install run
@exit 0
## Install dependencies (if any)
@exit 0
## Build docker image
@make --no-print-directory docker/build
## Push docker image to registry
@$(call fail,Refusing to push $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) to docker hub)
## Install wrapper script from geodesic container
@docker run --rm $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) | bash -s $(DOCKER_TAG) || (echo "Try: sudo make install"; exit 1)
## Start the geodesic shell by calling wrapper script
docker run -ti --rm -v $(HOME_DIR):/localhost -v $(PROJECTS_DIR):/localhost/projects -v $(STORAGE_DIR)/cody/.aws:/localhost/.aws -v $(STORAGE_DIR)/cody/.ssh:/localhost/.ssh grizzlyforce/***-atmos
@Jeremy White (Cloud Posse) can you share how you fixed it?
(it’s related to the latest version of Make)
i had a feeling this was the case, thanks Erik. I’m on arch so i’ve rolled into the latest version i guess
Aloha, yeah, I had this happen. Can you share your make version with make --version
GNU Make 4.4
aha, I think this is the related issue: https://github.com/cloudposse/build-harness/issues/333
Found a bug? Maybe our Slack Community can help.
Describe the Bug
make 4.4 (oct 31 2022) causes issues with the git submodule resulting in an infinite loop
cc: @Nuru
Expected Behavior
It should not be in an infinite loop
Steps to Reproduce
- Use the ancient OSX make which is 3.81 version
/usr/bin/make init
- Notice that the target exits successfully
- Use the GNU make by doing
brew install make
to get the latest 4.4 version /usr/local/bin/make init
- Notice the infinite loop
✗ make SHELL='sh -x' init
+ pwd
+ pwd
+ '[' -d build-harness ']'
+ pwd
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
+ show -s --format=%aN
+ show -s --format=%aN
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
+ rev-parse --verify --short HEAD
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
+ rev-parse --verify --short HEAD
+ rev-parse --verify --short HEAD
+ config --get remote.origin.url
Environment (please complete the following information):
• OSX Ventura 13.0 • GNU Make 4.4
Additional Context
Worked on debugging this with @dudymas on it! Thank you!
Downgrading back to make 4.3 is successful
Commenting out this line prevents the issue
Line 42 in 72ee8e2
And the git
module is the specific one that seems to be failing which causes repeating the include.
Lines 11 to 17 in 72ee8e2
Workaround Option 1: Use OSX make
/usr/bin/make --version
/usr/bin/make all
Option 2: Brew to pin GNU Make
if you do not want to use the older make but also want to pin to 4.3 using homebrew
• Brew make.rb raw 4.3 formula • Brew make.rb formula
# uninstall 4.4 make
brew uninstall make
# find your make.rb file
find / -name make.rb
# override the make.rb file with the 4.3 version
wget <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/9345e061435f18a91437cc5a3db34a90acbb9f1b/Formula/make.rb> \
-O /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/make.rb
# install
brew install make
# finally pin
brew pin make
but I have a quick way to check
try running /usr/bin/make all
@Jeremy White (Cloud Posse) going to try this now, thank you for the info and patience, i got delayed on other things
I ran the make SHELL='sh -x' init
and did experience the infinite loop
is the only option for now to rollback make @Jeremy White (Cloud Posse)?
i did find a half solution here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19728933/continue-looping-over-submodules-with-the-git-submodule-foreach-command-after
haven’t tried to implement yet
I have a project that contains many submodules. I want to loop over each submodule with the following command:
git submodule foreach npm install
And I want the script to continue looping over each
in the build harness, it looks like git submodule –init –recursive could be replaced with
git submodule foreach --remote 'git fetch | 0'
git submodule foreach --remote 'git merge origin master | 0'
or something like this
to be clear, you tried with the old make binary? /usr/bin/make
i did not
but i was able to replicate the forever loop
from that github issue
for me is also 4.4
we’ve been able to recreate the loop issue as well, so this is definitely a confirmed regression with newer make
lol very annoying
aha, okay, that complicates things.
yeah, in arch there is a project for rolling back packages, not sure what other issues that will cause. I could also just build and install an older version myself i guess
and symlink to it or something
well, there is also the chance you can replace the formula in brew with the make 4.3 script
oh i dont use brew, im not on a mac
its arch linux
also, if you are use nix, I can give you a nix-shell command to try
well, endeavour
hmmm, i dont use nix, but i suppose i could do that as well
no time like the present to get hooked on another tool like nix lol
nix is honestly the easiest way to have an old binary for things like this while bugs are squashed. the command would be nix-shell -p gnumake42
which would hopefully give you a make 4.2 binary in your PATH to quickly unblock
but if you don’t have it set up, that can take time
i see, yeah, i’ve read plenty about it, but never attempted to set it up
haha i can’t remove make because dkms relies on it
so i think installing the downgrade beside it is my only option
of you don’t want to remember the command, you can commit a file shell.nix
and put this inside it:
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
pkgs.mkShell {
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
such a huge project to get held up on, just my luck haha
well, we’re hoping to squash this bug soon
I just cannot say if it will be soon enough for you
makes sense, i provided a potential solution above. have you guys tried to approach this in any way yet?
in the build harness, it looks like git submodule –init –recursive could be replaced with
git submodule foreach --remote 'git fetch | 0'
git submodule foreach --remote 'git merge origin master | 0'
or something like this
also, have you tried the change you mentioned above? to alter the git submodule line?
i haven’t, but i could, if i can figure out where that gets called
i dont entirely understand where i would change something to call a different build-harness
i could fork the harness though if you can tell me where that gets pulled in
the include line is in the makefile, around line 25
I’m going to try to find the line you speak of… if I can test it, I’ll holler
i found the call for the build-harness, will attempt
Ok, I did the following:
• commented out the line in the Makefile that downloads the build-harness makefile from cloudposse.tools/build-harness
• altered the previously downloaded file to use my forked build-harness repo (grizzlyforce/build-harness)
• updated the forked repo to use git fetch / git merge
• ran make run
i can’t run make all
or make build
though which tells me my solution is probably not a complete solution?
➜ make build
make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'docker/build'. Stop.
make: *** [Makefile:30: build] Error 2
I think I need to host my own version of that cloudposse.tools/build-harness makefile
okay… can you link to any files you changed?
one sec, let me take this a step further, i just realised that file is actually in the repo, so i also have it hosted and can change to my version
it still infinite loops, so it must be before my change
I searched geodesic and build-harness for ‘submodule’ and the only call i found was in build-harness/modules/git/Makefile
is there somewhere else that i’m missing?
I wasn’t able to find it anywhere else either
I am suspect of the bootstrap.Makefile in the git module. It has a trailing endif
and I don’t like the way that looks…
➜ make SHELL='sh -x' all
+ curl -sSL -o .build-harness <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grizzlyforce/build-harness/master/templates/Makefile.build-harness>
+ echo .build-harness
+ pwd
+ pwd
+ '[' -d build-harness ']'
+ pwd
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ show -s --format=%aN
+ show -s --format=%aN
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
+ rev-parse --verify --short HEAD
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ rev-parse --verify --short HEAD
+ rev-parse --verify --short HEAD
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
+ rev-parse --verify --short HEAD
+ show -s --format=%aN
+ show -s --format=%aN
+ rev-parse --verify --short HEAD
+ rev-parse --verify --short HEAD
+ show -s --format=%aN
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
+ show -s --format=%aN
+ rev-parse --verify --short HEAD
+ rev-parse --verify HEAD
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
+ show -s --format=%aN
+ show -s --format=%aN
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
+ rev-parse --verify HEAD
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
+ rev-parse --verify HEAD
+ rev-parse --verify HEAD
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
the issue by rb claims that the bootstrapper is what causes the loop
and if you comment out the include for the bootstrap.Makefile includes, it works. I’ll test that now
confirmed that fixes it for me
can you too? just hop into the build-harness/Makefile
and comment out line 42
it should be something about including bootstrap files
I commented out that line, pushed into my repo, ran make all, and still get the infinite loop
# templates/Makefile.build-harness includes this Makefile
# and this Makefile includes templates/Makefile.build-harness
# to support different modes of invocation. Use a guard variable
# to prevent infinite recursive includes
export OS ?= $(shell uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
export BUILD_HARNESS_PATH ?= $(shell 'pwd')
export BUILD_HARNESS_EXTENSIONS_PATH ?= $(BUILD_HARNESS_PATH)/../build-harness-extensions
export BUILD_HARNESS_OS ?= $(OS)
export BUILD_HARNESS_ARCH ?= $(shell uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/g')
export SELF ?= $(MAKE)
export PATH := $(BUILD_HARNESS_PATH)/vendor:$(PATH)
# Forces auto-init off to avoid invoking the macro on recursive $(MAKE)
# Debug should not be defaulted to a value because some cli consider any value as `true` (e.g. helm)
export DEBUG ?=
ifeq ($(CURDIR),$(realpath $(BUILD_HARNESS_PATH)))
# Only execute this section if we're actually in the `build-harness` project itself
# List of targets the `readme` target should call before generating the readme
export README_DEPS ?= docs/targets.md auto-label
export DEFAULT_HELP_TARGET = help/all
auto-label: MODULES=$(filter %/, $(sort $(wildcard modules/*/)))
for module in $(MODULES); do \
echo "$${module%/}: $${module}**"; \
done > .github/[email protected]
# builder/build is defined in templates/Makefile.build-harness
build: builder/build
# Import Makefiles into current context
include $(BUILD_HARNESS_PATH)/Makefile.*
#include $(BUILD_HARNESS_PATH)/modules/*/bootstrap.Makefile*
include $(BUILD_HARNESS_PATH)/modules/*/Makefile*
include $(BUILD_HARNESS_PATH)/templates/Makefile.build-harness
# Don't fail if there are no build harness extensions
# Wildcard conditions is to fixes `make[1]: *** No rule to make target` error
ifneq ($(wildcard $(BUILD_HARNESS_EXTENSIONS_PATH)/modules/*/Makefile*),)
-include $(BUILD_HARNESS_EXTENSIONS_PATH)/modules/*/Makefile*
# For backwards compatibility with all of our other projects that use build-harness
exit 0
@$(SELF) -s $(subst :,/,$@) TRANSLATE_COLON_NOTATION=false
I restored the modules/git/Makefile to original to test again, no difference
so, I noticed you said you ‘pushed’ the change. I didn’t have to push. I did the edit directly in the infra folder… since the build-harness directory should be present after running the include lines
it seems to try to download the .build-harness file everytime
oh, not the file
the folder
there should be a build-harness/Makefile
oh, you’re running make all in the build-harness project? sorry i was downstream in my own project
thats why i pushed
gotcha. I’m assuming you’re doing a geodesic project, so I have a similar geodesic project
ok, i was able to run make init in the build-harness project with that line commented out.
i was not able to run make init while that line is still active
yeah, we use atmos for managing our terraform projects
so, geodesic in the background
okay, so I think the smoking gun here is the bootstrap.Makefiles
and I definitely see the modules/git/bootstrap.Makefile
` as being especially suspect…
fair enough. i am unblocked in my geodesic project by commenting out the line that downloads the build-harness everytime
at least i can run terraform now
an extremely large staffing company is white-labelling our software for their own use and i was in the middle of provisioning their infrastructure when everything stopped working
serious panic set in haha
i was on the verge of just building my own container and installing atmos
gotcha. you don’t have to roll any further with this. I just hoped to unblock you all the same
thank you very very much for your help, i cant thank you enough!
if i can help test in any way, i’m happy to do so, you know i face this problem now
absolutely, I think once I have a fix in place, I’ll mention the branch, and you should be able to set it in the harness or at least hop into the dir and git checkout
if there’s any other way I can help, just holler or add it to the github issue
have a good thursday!
@Jeremy White (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel
v1.8.0 Update Alpine v3.16.3 -> v3.17.1 Update alpine Docker tag to v3.17.1 @renovate (<a class=”issue-link js-issue-link” data-error-text=”Failed to load title” data-id=”1460754589” data-permission-text=”Title is private” data-url=”https://github.com/cloudposse/geodesic/issues/817“…
Update alpine Docker tag to v3.17.1 @renovate (#817) This PR contains the following updates:
Package Type Update Change
alpine final minor 3.16.3 -> 3.17.1
alpine stage minor 3.16.3 -> 3.1…
This PR contains the following updates:
Package Type Update Change
alpine final minor 3.16.3 -> 3.17.1
alpine stage minor 3.16.3 -> 3.17.1
Configuration Schedule: Branch creation - A…