#geodesic (2024-06)

geodesic https://github.com/cloudposse/geodesic

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Release notes from geodesic avatar
Release notes from geodesic
03:50:31 AM

v3.0.0 Geodesic version 3 (#945) Breaking Changes Geodesic Version 3 is not about adding new features, it is about slimming down and removing support…

Release v3.0.0 · cloudposse/geodesicattachment image

Geodesic version 3 (#945) Breaking Changes Geodesic Version 3 is not about adding new features, it is about slimming down and removing support for outdated tools and workflows. Many have complai…

Geodesic version 3 by Nuru · Pull Request #945 · cloudposse/geodesicattachment image

Breaking Changes Geodesic Version 3 is not about adding new features, it is about slimming down and removing support for outdated tools and workflows. Many have complained that the Geodesic Docker …

RB avatar
RB avatar

Also awesome that the image has shrunk so much already in v3!!!

Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) avatar
Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

We can shrink it down that way, but it will break things, and is thus not worth it.

RB avatar

Ah it may remove packages that are actually needed?

I wonder if there is a way to have an allowlist of packages to ignore for slim so it can focus on other things.

Thanks for considering



Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

That’s a huge release @Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) – Nice work and kudos to you

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

This is an awesome step forward for Geodesic as I have team members complain about how big it is on occasion. We’ll try kicking the tires at Masterpoint

Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) avatar
Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

Thanks, Matt. Please LMK if you think there are large savings to be had by removing certain tools that are not worth the space. AFAIK Python is the only big thing left, and I think we want to keep that, as it is not easy to install on your own. However, it’s certainly possible I missed something, as I did previously with groff (which pulls in a lot of X11 libraries in order to do raster graphics, which we do not need in Geodesic).
