#git (2020-06)
All things git (except gitops)

how does everyone start new projects here ? do you have a git repository template ? do you use a skeleton creator ? or do you wing it like the most of us ?
trying to find good ways to create new repositories using sane defaults. id also like to see if repos are compliant with user defined rules if possible.

would love to hear thoughts on this

In our team, we frequently create /update TF modules that we maintain in GitHub. There are several teams consuming these modules. I am looking for a Slack- GitHub integration so that whenever we release an update the notification is published to a Slack channel. I tried googling but did not find anything pre-existing. Has anyone solved for something like this before ?

there are also org-level webhooks

you can tap into those and send them to Zapier

(we do this as well)

I am not familiar with Zapier. I’ll check it out too.

We use the built-in RSS app in slack for that. See #releases

every repo has an atom feed for github releases

Thank you Erik ! I’ll check it out !

could use a github action using dependabot like loren suggests https://sweetops.slack.com/archives/CB6GHNLG0/p1593449185367400
Anyone using Dependabot with Terraform updates…? I’ve been trying to find some real-life examples and haven’t had a moment to try out yet anything, just wanted to check if someone has experience already. I might ask GitHub as well, they had their KB-forum…

So the integration looks fairly simple for public repos. For private and internal repos however, RSS app requires basic auth. Is there a more secure way of setting up this integration ?

The “generic” answer would be to use Zapier. This is the ultimate swiss army knife.

We have hundreds of zaps at cloudposse

sure. thank you . I’ll find out if my org would approve . Meanwhile I also found a couple of other options : 1 ) using an incoming webhook + lambda + api gateway 2) creating a Github action + using Bots to post the github event details to the channel. Looks like even Slack Bots are unapproved in my org . I might end up using the Slack Webhook integration.

I think the easiest would be tapping into the organization-level outgoing webhooks. you can capture every single release that way and send it somewhere.

that sounds better. I’ll try that out.