#github-actions (2022-02)

Discussions related to GitHub Actions


Babar Baig avatar
Babar Baig

Hi all, I want to have manual approval features for steps or workflows. As per the Github actions documentation, manual approvals is linked to environment creation and environment creation is available either for public repositories or require Github enterprise. Unfortunately I have github teams and thus above mentioned features are not available to me. Is there any custom solution or workaround to achieve manual approvals for workflows or steps in a workflow? What I have researched yet is

• we can create issue from workflows and on approval comment on those issues trigger another workflow which would do the deployment.

• Use manual triggers as defined here https://docs.github.com/en/actions/managing-workflow-runs/manually-running-a-workflow but that requires the workflows to be in master branch.

Is there any solution better than this available?

Manually running a workflow - GitHub Docsattachment image

When a workflow is configured to run on the workflow_dispatch event, you can run the workflow using the Actions tab on GitHub, GitHub CLI, or the REST API.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Not really… not one that we’ve found

Manually running a workflow - GitHub Docsattachment image

When a workflow is configured to run on the workflow_dispatch event, you can run the workflow using the Actions tab on GitHub, GitHub CLI, or the REST API.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Simple Continuous Delivery for GitHub

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

(but it’s been abandoned)

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

and then for users using argocd, you can use confirmations in argocd instead

Babar Baig avatar
Babar Baig

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) thanks for your response.

RB avatar
09:32:49 PM

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johncblandii avatar
09:32:49 PM

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Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse) avatar
Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse)
09:33:14 PM

@Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel

Yonatan Koren avatar
Yonatan Koren
09:33:16 PM

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Hugo Samayoa avatar
Hugo Samayoa
09:33:17 PM

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Dan Meyers avatar
Dan Meyers
09:33:41 PM

@Dan Meyers has joined the channel

Max Lobur (Cloud Posse) avatar
Max Lobur (Cloud Posse)
09:33:47 PM

@Max Lobur (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel

Ben Smith (Cloud Posse) avatar
Ben Smith (Cloud Posse)
09:33:47 PM

@Ben Smith (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel

Steven Hopkins avatar
Steven Hopkins
09:33:48 PM

@Steven Hopkins has joined the channel

Lucky avatar
09:33:51 PM

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Leo Przybylski avatar
Leo Przybylski
09:34:41 PM

@Leo Przybylski has joined the channel


managedkaos avatar

If you are using windows-latest in your workflows it just switched from windows server 2019 to server 2022… https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/blob/main/images/win/Windows2022-Readme.md

virtual-environments/Windows2022-Readme.md at main · actions/virtual-environmentsattachment image

GitHub Actions virtual environments. Contribute to actions/virtual-environments development by creating an account on GitHub.


