#github-actions (2022-05)

Discussions related to GitHub Actions


Vlad Ionescu (he/him) avatar
Vlad Ionescu (he/him)
Supercharging GitHub Actions with Job Summaries | The GitHub Blogattachment image

You can now output and group custom Markdown content on the Actions run summary page.



actions – The GitHub Blog avatar
actions – The GitHub Blog
02:15:18 PM

GitHub Actions: Beta of Ubuntu 22.04 for GitHub-hosted runners is now available GitHub Actions: Beta of Ubuntu 22.04 for GitHub-hosted runners is now available

GitHub Actions: Beta of Ubuntu 22.04 for GitHub-hosted runners is now available | GitHub Changelogattachment image

GitHub Actions: Beta of Ubuntu 22.04 for GitHub-hosted runners is now available


Shashi Ravula avatar
Shashi Ravula

Hello Everyone !

I have an issue with running parallel integration tests using docker compose on my hosted runners (DIND)

failed port is already in use of course I get this error because one PR already triggers the docker-compose and other PRs fail if they run on same node

Shashi Ravula avatar
Shashi Ravula

How do you overcome such an issue do we always need to map 1:1 job and node

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I would only do 1:1 job and node from a security perspective

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

ideally the nodes cycle after each job

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

you’re running multiple gha runners on the same node under something like systemd?



actions – The GitHub Blog avatar
actions – The GitHub Blog
02:25:34 PM

Actions can now run in a Node.js 16 runtime Actions can now run in a Node.js 16 runtime

Actions can now run in a Node.js 16 runtime | GitHub Changelogattachment image

Actions can now run in a Node.js 16 runtime


Vlad Ionescu (he/him) avatar
Vlad Ionescu (he/him)

In-between option if GitHub’s workers are too slow but self-managed workers are too much: https://twitter.com/iamvlaaaaaaad/status/1528338181921316866

TIL about @BuildJet: faster managed runners for GitHub Actions!

Don’t want to spend a day setting up your own self-hosted runners on AWS and then worry about the hassle of supporting that?

@BuildJet is super easy, fast, and they take over the maintenance effort https://twitter.com/BuildJet/status/1434891626460196870

Launching BuildJet for Github Actions https://buildjet.com/for-github-actions

  • Twice the speed
  • Half the price

Make Github Actions faster!

Vlad Ionescu (he/him) avatar
Vlad Ionescu (he/him)

^^^ not sponsored or anything, but I was shocked I did not know about them


Andy avatar

Hi do people here use a recommended approach for setting up deployments to staging and production?

Currently at my company we have a few variations:

Variation 1

• Deploy to staging on push to staging branch

• Deploy to prod on push to master Variation 2

• Deploy to staging on push to master

• Deploy to prod on tagging master Variation 3

• Deploy to staging on workflow_dispatch

• Deploy to production on workflow_dispatch We’re looking to try and encourage everyone to deploy the same way. I quite like “variation 3” as you’re in more control of when things are deployed, plus you can add approvers for production deploys.

Darren Cunningham avatar
Darren Cunningham

We’re looking to try and encourage everyone to deploy the same way
IMO I’d advise you to stick with allowing teams to define their own deployment strategy. I find that trying to reign every project into the same method typically means adding unnecessary steps into the process for smaller projects which means wasted time or worse people just circumventing the process because it’s annoying.

My recommendation would be to define a few workflow templates (by which I mean 2 or 3) then come up with the deployment strategy for each template, clearly define it and then have each project clearly state which template they’re using.

This provides clarity for team members to be able to contribute across multiple projects without being too restrictive.

actions – The GitHub Blog avatar
actions – The GitHub Blog
06:15:37 PM

GitHub Actions: Re-run jobs with debug logging GitHub Actions: Re-run jobs with debug logging

GitHub Actions: Re-run jobs with debug logging | GitHub Changelogattachment image

GitHub Actions: Re-run jobs with debug logging


Christian avatar

Does anyone feel like github actions is really slow compared to other CIs? It’s great and all but all my docker builds are running slower in GH Actions.

RB avatar

do you use self-hosted or ubuntu-latest ?

Christian avatar

Just ubuntu-latest. Do people commonly go for the self-hosted route?

RB avatar

for private repos, we use self-hosted to save on costs. we leverage self-hosted asg runners and self-hosted eks runners via summerwind action runner controller (ARC)

RB avatar

for public repos, we use ubuntu-latest

RB avatar

however, i personally haven’t noticed an issue with slow builds. Do you mean slow to start ? or slow to complete ?

Christian avatar

Slow to complete, in my case just building a docker image. yarn install and yarn build is painfully slow. Like 30mins long before it finished CircleCI did it on 5mins

Aumkar Prajapati avatar
Aumkar Prajapati

Sorry to bump so late but have you looked into yarn caching? Our heaviest projects take at most a minute after the first run

Aumkar Prajapati avatar
Aumkar Prajapati


   - name: Get yarn cache directory path
        id: yarn-cache-dir-path
        run: |
          cd ${{ env.PACKAGE_NAME }}
          echo "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)"

      - uses: actions/cache@v2
        id: yarn-cache # use this to check for `cache-hit` (`steps.yarn-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'`)
          path: ${{ steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir }}
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }}
          restore-keys: |
            ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-
Aumkar Prajapati avatar
Aumkar Prajapati

This is more related to the install step alone btw

Christian avatar

Yeah i did which speeds it up. But inevitably sometimes the cache does not hit and it’s so painfully slow. I feel like it’s because of the default runners that github uses
