#github-actions (2022-07)
Discussions related to GitHub Actions

We have an action that runs some tests in firebase externally on Google Cloud. But the GitHub action is left running while it waits for almost 30mins. Is there any way to run actions in an async way with a call back?

is the goal to save minutes or looking to have the workflow “pause/resume”?

to save minutes

GHA workflow invokes Google Cloud Function -> GHA workflow keeps chugging along/ends
Google Cloud Function runs Firebase bits -> Triggers GHA workflow to do the rest of whatever was happen
it’s not unified, but it gets the job done

I think the feature request to create a on-demand callback is cool, but I also don’t see a clean way for GH to implement that where the compute you’re using isn’t still burning minutes

though maybe you could finagle the manual approval step

trigger cloud function w/workflow run ID as an arg and it runs the firebase bits then does a GH API call to approve the workflow to keep running?

Reviving zombies here, but why not POST an authenticated workflow_dispatch?

Alternatively, if costs is the ultimate concern, you might compare the cost of a small self hosted runner

Thanks for the suggestion @Jim Park

I guess that could work, one concern is the detachment between jobs and getting easy visibility of whether the “entire pipeline” completed.

GitHub CLI extension to manage Actions cache GitHub CLI extension to manage Actions cache