#github-actions (2022-09)
Discussions related to GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions Larger runners – Are now in public beta GitHub Actions Larger runners - Are now in public beta

GitHub Actions Larger runners - Are now in public beta

Hi folks,
not sure if this is the right place to ask, if not pls suggest where to move the conv
Cloud Posse team - have been looking a bit at various repos and have few questions:
• i see there are various GHA workflows in .github
repo which i believe is treated as source of truth. What i haven’t seen is what sort of method you adopted to keep / update various workflows used in different downstream repos? Is this a push from “central” or a “pull from upstream” or is just a manual process as of today?
• when you need a new git repo, is it fair to say that terraform-example-module
is your boilerplate repo and you don’t have any “sync” process to pull the latest version of various files/ workflows from “the source” ?

I believe the module repo’s .github
dir is copied and pasted using cloud posse bot auto-format
github actions that run on each repo

The bot copies it from the build-harness
repo iirc


GitHub Actions: Use GITHUB_TOKEN
with workflow_dispatch and repository_dispatch
GitHub Actions: Use GITHUB_TOKEN
with workflow_dispatch and repository_dispatch

GitHub Actions: Use GITHUB_TOKEN
with workflow_dispatch and repository_dispatch

HI guys. So i dont if anyone still experiences a failure when cloning a repo in docker container even after using this.
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: webfactory/[email protected]
ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.GLOBAL_GH_SSH_KEY }}
- name: Build and push
id: docker_build
uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
ssh: |
default=${{ env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK }}

I can’t believe the GitHub Actions roadmap doesn’t even mention a dashboard. https://github.com/orgs/github/projects/4247/views/2?filterQuery=label%3Aactions

anyone know how to influence this?

https://github.com/community/community#making-suggestions — they’re pretty good about responding to discussions and I’ve had a request actually make it’s way to production, but it took a year

This message was deleted.

GitHub Actions: All Actions will begin running on Node16 instead of Node12 GitHub Actions: All Actions will begin running on Node16 instead of Node12

GitHub Actions: All Actions will begin running on Node16 instead of Node12

GitHub Actions: Dynamic names for workflow runs GitHub Actions: Dynamic names for workflow runs

GitHub Actions: Dynamic names for workflow runs

GitHub Actions: Additional information available in github.event payload for scheduled workflow runs Additional information has been added to the payload of github.event for scheduled runs. Before this change, github.event for scheduled runs would only include the cron schedule. This change adds information about the repository, organization, and enterprise (when available). For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community. To see what’s next for Actions, visit our public roadmap.

Additional information has been added to the payload of github.event for scheduled runs. Before this change, github.event for scheduled runs would only include the cron schedule. This change adds information about the repository, organization, and enterprise (when available). For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community. To see what’s next for Actions, visit our public roadmap.

anyone know if : can you run a github action before a webhook? or force the webhook to run after an action is completed?

can you give more context?

You can run a workflow after a webhook is completed
I wonder if you could do something like this
• Configure your webhook to only run on specific events ?
• Github workflow runs when a new commit is pushed
• The last job of the workflow uses an action like workflow-webhook-action to manually trigger your webhook

so I have atlantis setup with a webhook that trigger on PRs open/sync/merge etc and I have a workflow that triggers on push to the PR and the workflow needs to run before the webhook but that is not what is happening

if I could somehow said “run workflow first and when is finish run the webhook”, it will be ideal

if not what @RB said is possible but then I need to figure out the payload to send to atlantis webhook

does anyone know if its possible to kick off a workflow from repo X when we merge to main on repo Y ?

Trigger a workflow in another (or same) repository and wait for the job to finish.

oh that’s epic!

thanks @Adnan you using it?


any gotchas?

nope, works as expected

for me at least

is there an easy way to obtain the current gh repo in the action?

@Adnan this worked like a dream, thanks!

GitHub Actions: Self-hosted runners now support Windows ARM hardware GitHub Actions: Self-hosted runners now support Windows ARM hardware

GitHub Actions: Self-hosted runners now support Windows ARM hardware

is it possible to get the full json payload of a pull request within an action?

I need to take this json and then trigger a call to a webhook but I need the json payload of the push to the PR

I tried this :
- name: Invoke deployment hook
if: github.event.pull_request.state == 'open'
uses: distributhor/workflow-webhook@v2
webhook_type: 'json-extended'
webhook_url: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_URL }}
webhook_secret: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_SECRET }}
verbose: true

but sadly it does not allow for custom headers to be sent

and I need the X-Delivery header to be a uuid

so I can use any other action but I will need to know how to get the full json payload of the request

Try dumping the full context


I tried and I can’t find the same keys on the dump that the webhook


why does the webhook has such a different payload

it does not work @RB

the webhook payload is different that the workflow payload

I do not know if is even possible to get the payload formated like the webhook payload

I figured it out

payload was ok

This PR adds:
Custom event names to be passed as an option in case the webhook integration requires specific names.
It changes the value of X-GitHub-Delivery:
to a UUID since that is the standard value set on github webhooks