#github-actions (2022-10)

Discussions related to GitHub Actions



actions Archives | The GitHub Blog avatar
actions Archives | The GitHub Blog
03:35:46 PM

GitHub Actions: Jobs running on macos-latest are now running on macOS 12 GitHub Actions: Jobs running on macos-latest are now running on macOS 12

GitHub Actions: Jobs running on `macos-latest` are now running on macOS 12 | GitHub Changelogattachment image

GitHub Actions: Jobs running on macos-latest are now running on macOS 12


actions Archives | The GitHub Blog avatar
actions Archives | The GitHub Blog
03:25:52 PM

Introducing Actions on GitHub Mobile Introducing Actions on GitHub Mobile

jose.amengual avatar

anyone have seen this error before?

Run actions/checkout@v3
    repository: runatlantis/atlantis
    token: ***
    ssh-strict: true
    persist-credentials: true
    clean: true
    fetch-depth: 1
    lfs: false
    submodules: false
    set-safe-directory: true
/usr/bin/docker exec  9ff28c2640f36d36de6e5ae0ffe0378b7672e7045472288278dc5a2f66516c22 sh -c "cat /etc/*release | grep ^ID"
##[debug]Running JavaScript Action with default external tool: node16
    throw err;


actions Archives | The GitHub Blog avatar
actions Archives | The GitHub Blog
01:45:37 PM

GitHub Actions: Deprecating save-state and set-output commands GitHub Actions: Deprecating save-state and set-output commands

GitHub Actions: Deprecating save-state and set-output commands | GitHub Changelogattachment image

GitHub Actions: Deprecating save-state and set-output commands


actions Archives | The GitHub Blog avatar
actions Archives | The GitHub Blog
03:25:43 PM

GitHub Actions: larger Hosted Runners now support -latest tag GitHub Actions: larger Hosted Runners now support -latest tag

GitHub Actions: larger Hosted Runners now support `-latest` tag | GitHub Changelogattachment image

GitHub Actions: larger Hosted Runners now support -latest tag


emem avatar

Hi folks. I am not sure if this is the right place to ask. I am having a hard time using the value of an env variable in another step in my github action workflow

    runs-on: ubuntu:latest
- name: BuildandPush
        id: build-and-push

        uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
          REPOSITORY_URI: ${{ steps.login-ecr.outputs.registry }}
          IMAGE_TAG: ${{ github.head_ref || github.ref_name }}-${{ github.sha }} 
- name: update image
  run: |
     echo  $IMAGE_TAG   

I will like to be able to reuse the value of from IMAGE_TAG from previous steps

managedkaos avatar
echo "{environment_variable_name}={value}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
managedkaos avatar

I would have three steps:

  1. first set the IMAGE_TAG env variable
  2. Use the IMAGE_TAG env var as input to docker/build-push-action env section
  3. Use the same IMAGE_TAG env var later on in the workflow
actions Archives | The GitHub Blog avatar
actions Archives | The GitHub Blog
05:45:42 PM

Design improvements to GitHub Actions navigation Design improvements to GitHub Actions navigation

Design improvements to GitHub Actions navigation | GitHub Changelogattachment image

Design improvements to GitHub Actions navigation



actions Archives | The GitHub Blog avatar
actions Archives | The GitHub Blog
11:25:46 PM

GitHub Actions:OpenID Connect support enhanced to enable secure cloud deployments at scale GitHub Actions:OpenID Connect support enhanced to enable secure cloud deployments at scale

GitHub Actions:OpenID Connect support enhanced to enable secure cloud deployments at scale | GitHub Changelogattachment image

GitHub Actions:OpenID Connect support enhanced to enable secure cloud deployments at scale


actions Archives | The GitHub Blog avatar
actions Archives | The GitHub Blog
03:55:42 PM

GitHub Actions: larger hosted runners are now automatically created for customers GitHub Actions: larger hosted runners are now automatically created for customers

GitHub Actions: larger hosted runners are now automatically created for customers | GitHub Changelogattachment image

GitHub Actions: larger hosted runners are now automatically created for customers

actions Archives | The GitHub Blog avatar
actions Archives | The GitHub Blog
08:05:47 PM

Manage caches in your Actions workflows from Web Interface Manage caches in your Actions workflows from Web Interface

Manage caches in your Actions workflows from Web Interface | GitHub Changelogattachment image

Manage caches in your Actions workflows from Web Interface
