#govcloud (2024-06)

We are working with a customer that requires the development environment to be created in the commercial cloud of AWS but requires the production environment to be in GovCloud. We are investigating the potential for using the atmos framework for provisioning stacks in both commercial and GovCloud at the same time. I looked around in the various channels on this forum, but could not find any mentions of GovCloud integration. Is it possible to integrate account creation and role based access via aws-teams and aws-team-roles components so that we can create and access accounts in both commercial and GovCloud AWS accounts at the same time?
Is this level of integration across the commercial and GovCloud accounts possible within the atmos framework structure? Did anyone complete this integration successfully?

Also, Atmos is provider agnostic. Knows nothing about the underlying architecture. It’s your modules that determine if you can leverage GovCloud or not.

Yea I was just chatting him up a bit, it’s mostly arns and service feature differences for me at least.