#helm (2019-01)
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/helm/
@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel
@Yoann thanks for this PR: https://github.com/cloudposse/charts/pull/183
Hi there I made a little addition to your project, I made a PR from it it you are interested in it too. This adds the ability to create a istio gateway crd to expose istio services in an ingress ga…
@Yoann has joined the channel
We’ve added some comments. We can merge as soon as it’s updated.
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whatever happened to your guys openvpn helm chart? looks like the dockerhub image is missing and the github-pam authentication module does not exist
@Igor Rodionov ^ do you have more info on that?
i was just messing around trying to take some inspiration from it for a OIDC enabled openvpn authentication helm repo
Good question. We did not install it for quit long time
I can try to install it on weekend
makes sense
no worries
what do you guys use now to login to an internal subnet? something else?
for k8s or EC2?
well for my own project i wanted to deploy something to k8s that would allow me to connect to both internal k8s services and ec2 subnets from routes
The “Cloud Posse” Distribution of Kubernetes Applications - cloudposse/charts
Terraform module to create a peering connection between a backing services VPC and a VPC created by Kops - cloudposse/terraform-aws-kops-vpc-peering
deploying using helmfile
Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles. Works with helmfile.d
- cloudposse/helmfiles
from routes as in onsite in your office?
or k8s internal to vpc internal
as in anywhere. if it was my office i could just do a site-to-site. portal is interesting and ive seen similar things with zerotrust / trusted proxies but I am looking to connect to more than just web services
Secure Bastion implemented as Docker Container running Alpine Linux with Google Authenticator & DUO MFA support - cloudposse/bastion
Terraform Module to define a generic Bastion host with parameterized user_data - cloudposse/terraform-aws-ec2-bastion-server
interesting i guess it could be solved with just forwarding from a bastion host
maybe i am trying to solve too many things at once
yes, you can deploy bastion and then ssh to any of the nodes
that’s what kops
does as well (it installs a bastion)
yeah i was hoping to solve it with openvpn and not ssh but i suppose i can just develop my own solution and see if it works well enough for me
have you seen this https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2018/12/introducing-aws-client-vpn-to-securely-access-aws-and-on-premises-resources/ (new service)
otherwise I have a aws customer gateway vpn I built for use with geodessic that peers with a network device/router
need to clean that up and contribute it
please @Jan
I will mate
we need that module too
just under time pressure currently
@Yoann just a few comments here: https://github.com/cloudposse/charts/pull/183
Hi there I made a little addition to your project, I made a PR from it it you are interested in it too. This adds the ability to create a istio gateway crd to expose istio services in an ingress ga…
And we’re good to merge
Yes will have a look
ping @Igor Rodionov to get it reviewed
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Helm plugin to get charts from Git, even if non-packaged. - aslafy-z/helm-git
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I just came across this today https://github.com/helm/hub/blob/master/README.md. Instead of contributing charts directly to helm/stable and blocking on maintainer approval, you can get your public repo added to the official list
For the distributed charts search at hub.helm.sh (under development) - helm/hub
Looks interesting
https://github.com/ContainerSolutions/helm-monitor (via @mumoshu)
Monitor K8S Helm release, rollback on metrics behavior (Prometheus, ElasticSearch, Sentry) - ContainerSolutions/helm-monitor
@mumoshu has joined the channel
this is amazing!
@dustinvb @Dan Garfield have you seen this?
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Hi, i want to use build-harness for my build stuff. Is there any way to decouple helm from docker builds? For my use case i want to build a helm chart without a image dependency. Correct me if i am wrong, but as far as i understand the image version of a docker should be the same as the version of a chart? https://github.com/cloudposse/build-harness/blob/master/modules/helm/Makefile.build#L80 . Would it make sense to get the option to skip this part?
Collection of Makefiles to facilitate building Golang projects, Dockerfiles, Helm charts, and more - cloudposse/build-harness
I think we would be okay with that
Collection of Makefiles to facilitate building Golang projects, Dockerfiles, Helm charts, and more - cloudposse/build-harness
@Igor Rodionov is the subject matter expert
@krueger.andre you got it. Currently we use the same version. Currently there is no way to separate it.
But if you will provide PR were IMAGE_VERSION
would be defined with default value from TARGET_VERSION
then we can merge it.
One thing: we barely build helm charts any more
we use monochart
for 99% of apps we deploy
nice, no i have not seen that. good generic approach. i will give it a try, but one question, when i use monochart for app, it makes no sense to declare a dependency to other non-monochart right? So each monchart is it’s own helm release?
Soooo we haven’t need to do this yet, but we have considered creating umbrella charts that include N or more monocharts
Since we use helmfile
, we basically never need to mess with umbrella charts and requirements
Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles. Works with helmfile.d
- cloudposse/helmfiles
nice, i will check it out. thx for the quick response btw.! great support
at your service!
have you seen that yet?
(just say’n… since it might reduce the need to build charts at all)
The “Cloud Posse” Distribution of Kubernetes Applications - cloudposse/charts