#helm (2020-04)

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/helm/


btai avatar

general helm best practice question.. should helm subcharts share the same namespace as the parent chart?

roth.andy avatar

Yes. Probably. I think. Maybe? It depends.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

IMO, 100% yes for public charts. That’s why helm has a namespace argument.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

For in-house charts you can do what you want, but for the aforementioned reason I would say it’s not recommended

btai avatar

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) this is where helmfile comes in i guess! In the process of seperating out my “cluster chart” into multiple smaller charts, and deployed via helmfile

roth.andy avatar

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) makes a great point. Don’t specify namespace, let the user do that



Szymon avatar

Do you have any recommended way to automatically bump appVersion in Chart.yaml? I’d like to integrate it with my Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline. (bump appVersion and commit to Chart repo)

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

Most implementations I’ve seen modify the chart to allow for passing in the container tag which is then used as the ‘version’ of the app instead (usually semver+git commit hash or similar). Then when cutting a new release you manually update that chart appVersion. I know of no other way other than tokenizing the chart appVersion and using something like gomplate to automate that particular task. Perhaps there is a better way I’m not aware of though.



s_slack avatar

Just wondering if anyone knows an official Jenkins chart? Or which one most use?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

We are currently using the cloudbees Jenkins operator chart

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

So far so good

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Kubernetes native Jenkins Operator. Contribute to jenkinsci/kubernetes-operator development by creating an account on GitHub.
