#helmfile (2020-02)


Questions and discussion around helmfile https://github.com/roboll/helmfile and https://github.com/cloudposse/helmfiles

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/helmfile/


Jonathan avatar

Has anyone set up keycloak using helmfile? We used to have to set everything up manually, and had a startup script to add the custom realms as well as a role-mapping, but would like to move away from that. I’ve managed to add the realms properly, but I’m not sure how to add the role-mappings without using some sort of script.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

We deploy keycloak with helmfile, but only to the point the software is running.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

The configuration therein is manual

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles for Kubernetes - cloudposse/helmfiles

Bart M. avatar
Bart M.

I’ve done something like that a long time ago - but with Ansible

Bart M. avatar
Bart M.

was a pain in the ass

Graeme Gillies avatar
Graeme Gillies

I have a command that will call an external source and return json output, which I am currently using inside an {{ exec }} block in a helmfile template file for values, I don’t suppose there is a way in template I can unmarshal that json into a struct or map so I can access inner attributes easily?

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

Has anyone had any luck getting inline values working with release templating? I cannot get this example from the best practices doc to work: inline values map:

# ...
  - image:
      tag: `{{ .Release.Labels.tag }}`
# ...
Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

In my case I’m trying to have access to .Release.Name in a values.yaml.gotmpl.

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

It seems like the issue is Environment.Values completely clobbers my values: and valuesTemplates: definitions from my template as I get:

executing "stringTemplate" at <.Values.releaseName>: map has no entry for key "releaseName"
error in first-pass rendering

When I strip out the environment section, the templates render without error, but I get: err: no releases found that matches specified selector() and environment(staging), in any helmfile.

bradym avatar

In my helmfile when I reference Release.Name I use:

{{`{{ .Release.Name }}`}}
bradym avatar

have you tried that?

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

I feel like I’ve tried every variation of the double bracket syntax. I can use it for the path to a values file but not inline values despite the example in the best practices doc. This works:

  - config/{{`{{ .Release.Name }}`}}/values.yaml

This doesn’t seem to:

  - releaseName: `{{ .Release.Name }}


bradym avatar

I think you need to wrap it in quotes when it’s used at the start of the line:

      app: "{{`{{ .Release.Name }}`}}"
bradym avatar

^^ that works in my helmfile

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

You are able to reference {{ [Values.labels.app](http://Values.labels.app) }} in a template?

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

Trying your syntax above I still get: executing "stringTemplate" at <.Values.releaseName>: map has no entry for key "releaseName" when I try to render it in a template.

bradym avatar

Oh, I’m using that in the helpfile, not in a template.

bradym avatar

May have mis-read what you posted.

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

Well I would love to call .Release.Name directly in a template, but because it’s only in scope of the helmfile, the best practices suggests to use an inline value, but I can’t get it to work.

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

I see something similar in a go test as your usage, but I don’t think it tries it with a template: https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/blob/fc75f25293055003d8159a841940313e56a164c6/pkg/app/app_test.go#L3701-L3702


Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

I would imagine using .Release.Name in a values template would be a common use case, so I feel like I’m missing something obvious.

bradym avatar

I’m doing a similar thing with .Environment.Name not sure if it would work with .Release.Name. Here’s what I’ve got:

  default: &default
    chart: stable/{{`{{ .Release.Name }}`}}
      app: "{{`{{ .Release.Name }}`}}"
    namespace: infra
    missingFileHandler: Error
      - environment: {{ .Environment.Name }}
      - config/{{`{{ .Release.Name }}`}}.values.yaml.gotmpl

I don’t really understand the valuesTemplate thing, maybe try putting it in values and it’ll work?

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

I’ve also tried it in values and valuesTemplate, but happy to try again.

bradym avatar

I’m new to helmfile, so I’m honestly just making some guesses and hoping they’ll work.

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

I am as well. I appreciate the help in any case

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

I ended up using helmfiles overrides as a workaround to hardcode my release names: https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/387#issuecomment-513737164

Make values available as .Values in termplates and helmfile.yaml · Issue #387 · roboll/helmfile

It would really help if values from different places were available as .Values (like in standard Helm), to be referred and used. Not alle values are Environment values, example: We have set up Open…


erik-stephens avatar

Anyone able to get --helm-binary declared in their helmfiles? I’d prefer user not have to know which version of helm should be used.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) you are doing this right?

Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) avatar
Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

No, I am using export HELM_BINARY=helm3 to set which binary helmfile should use. I don’t think you can select from within the helmfile itself.

erik-stephens avatar

@Bart M. Here is another option that might prove less onerous.

Bart M. avatar
Bart M.

hmm couldn’t find anything about this in the sourcecode?

Bart M. avatar
Bart M.

I would expect this to be present somewhere, but that env var is never referenced… unless that cli flag package does some magic?

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

Yeah, where is this thing referenced? I’m keen to know if it gets around some of the helm plugin issues I’ve seen where they ignore the users $PATH variable when looking for and using the helm binary


DanB avatar

How can I reference a Value in my environments.yaml.gotmpl? This produces an error indicating clusterName is not set. This is odd because in my releases I use .gotmpl for values files and the same Value can be found in that context. I run this via helmfile -e developer apply with the CLUSTER_NAME and AWS_REGION env vars exported correctly.

DanB avatar

current solution is to duplicate the '{{ coalesce (env "CLUSTER_NAME") (env "CLUSTER") }}' in the environments.yaml.gotmpl

DanB avatar

this is the error err: error during environments.yaml.gotmpl.part.0 parsing: template: stringTemplate19: executing “stringTemplate” at <.Values.clusterName>: map has no entry for key “clusterName” in ./helmfile.yaml: error during environments.yaml.gotmpl.part.0 parsing: template: stringTemplate19: executing “stringTemplate” at <.Values.clusterName>: map has no entry for key “clusterName”

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

Is a top-level values map supported in a helmfile? I thought values had to be defined within an environment, release, or release template

DanB avatar

Hmm, I’m not sure if it is supported but it does work. I can reference the values in the top level helmfile in my release values files

DanB avatar

This makes sense for me since I want to single source several different values from env vars, I prefer to do it in one place.

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson
Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

I want to single source several different values from env vars, I prefer to do it in one place.
Maybe readFile could be a good option?

{{ readFile "common.yaml" }}
DanB avatar

so it’d be 1) set env vars 2) generate common.yaml programmatically from env vars 3) run helmfile?

Roderik van der Veer avatar
Roderik van der Veer

Has anyone done work to get helmfile (and diff etc) output in a computer readable format? Mostly looking for a JSON format of the info displayed after a release is completed.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Roderik van der Veer that’s a cool idea! then we could use OPA to set up some policies.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@mumoshu have you seen anyone do that?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Roderik van der Veer what’s your use-case for the JSON data?

Roderik van der Veer avatar
Roderik van der Veer

We are using helmfile to orchestrate dedicated k8s clusters + a lot of services from a web platform. The only feedback that i can five to the user waiting is “start helmfile run” and “helmfile run complete”. Having each “step” output a json log line, i can read those and show “deployed x” “deployed y” but also filter out failures when they happen.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

aha, ok - so a bit different use-case

Roderik van der Veer avatar
Roderik van der Veer

it might be as easy as supporting the json output from helm directly, we use that in some other cases (list releases etc)

mumoshu avatar

sounds more like a ndjson log format rather than json output, but interesting use-case!

mumoshu avatar

https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/913 could be about adding --output json to helmfile.

this ndjson one could be about logging and possibly addressed by adding --log-format json where the default is text to helmfile.

JSON output · Issue #913 · roboll/helmfile

We recently had a need to parse the output of helmfile list. It would be ideal if we could utilize an –output json flag (like helm allows) to return structured json output.


Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

Where in helmfiles is .Release in scope? As far as I can tell the only place I can access it is in Release Templates with double interpolation. I’m finding it very painful to get access to anything from .Release in my values templates. Anyone have any tips?

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

For example I have several values I’d like to do something like someUrl: {{ printf "https://%[s.mydomain.co](http://s.mydomain.co)" .Release.Namespace }} in my values.yaml.gotmpl.

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

Luckily I realized .Namespace also exists and is in scope for the values templates, but I think the point about .Release remains for things like .Release.Name.


David Hubbell avatar
David Hubbell

Is there a recommendation for storing the helm definition alongside the application code in the same git repo vs storing it in a separate infrastructure/IaC repo?

grv avatar

Good question. We keep terraform things separate so I would like people to give their opinions here, cz I am soon switching to Helm structure as well. Currently we have a legacy setup of bunch of yaml files (deploy,service,ingress etc) in a separate repo. CI-CD systems read from the repo and control of that repo is with Devops/SRE people

David Hubbell avatar
David Hubbell

yeah, our terraform is separate, too, which is why I could see it going either way….

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

I’m on the fence with this one. I personally keep a rather large omnichart (or archtype chart or whatever one would call the thing) in its own repo then use it in downstream per-app charts that can reside in the application repose themselves

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

the idea of keeping these massive standardized charts in each app repo just doesn’t appeal to me with any more than a handful of apps at play

DanB avatar

I’m reading the README and it isn’t clear what the difference between apply and sync is. sync does upgrade –install, apply runs a diff before, but doesn’t that mean the same thing?

James Huffman avatar
James Huffman

just speaking for where i work, we do the following:

  1. git repository for each microservice app
  2. src folder contains the app source code
  3. charts folder contains the helm chart source
  4. build process generates container image and helm chart, pushes both to container/chart registry
David Hubbell avatar
David Hubbell

@James Huffman for #4, when you say the process generates the chart, you’re referring to a “helm package” call, right?

James Huffman avatar
James Huffman


James Huffman avatar
James Huffman

as i understand it, apply is being deprecated and sync is the way forward

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

Where did you get this info?

James Huffman avatar
James Huffman

i must have misread something. there were certain features that only worked on a sync and not apply and it seemed as if apply had reduced capabilities

James Huffman avatar
James Huffman

apologies for any misinformation!

James Huffman avatar
James Huffman

we recently migrated all our helmfile usage from apply to sync

grv avatar

@James Huffman so you keep the source chart and a backup in some registry as well. What tooling you use for Helm chart for registry? S3 or something?

James Huffman avatar
James Huffman

Azure Container Registry and Google Container Registry

James Huffman avatar
James Huffman

you can store both container images and helm charts in those

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

@James Huffman for #4, do you keep the whole chart there or do you use subcharts at all?

James Huffman avatar
James Huffman

because we have dozens of microservices, we’ve made a “common” chart for which every app’s chart is a thin subchart

Josh Hudson avatar
Josh Hudson

I’m in the process of implementing this pattern myself

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

We are doing it the same way.

James Huffman avatar
James Huffman

that way we can add features to every app’s chart just by changing the common one

grv avatar

Does ECR support helm charts? We use ECR for dockerized images of microservices

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

@James Huffman That sounds sane to me

James Huffman avatar
James Huffman

yeah, keeps us from having 30 different ways of building charts

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

We use this pattern too

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

I totally used that pattern today to migrate ingress on a cluster. It made me feel like a wizard.

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

because, you know, my feelings are pertinent to this conversation…



Roderik van der Veer avatar
Roderik van der Veer

I’m having some issues with helmfile + helm3 + dynamic clusterIP’s. It is this issue: https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/7082#issuecomment-575514155 but when i put force to false in my helmfile i’m still hit with Error: UPGRADE FAILED: an error occurred while cleaning up resources. original upgrade error: failed to replace object: Service "violet-reindeer-mint-webserver" is invalid: spec.clusterIP: Invalid value: "": field is immutable: unable to cleanup resources: object not found, skipping delete

proposal: `helm upgrade --recreate` · Issue #7082 · helm/helm

Steps to reproduce the issue: helm create tmp echo &#39; apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: {{ include &quot;tmp.fullname&quot; $ }} roleRef: apiGroup: rbac….

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

For us, setting force: to false helped. Before that we had to delete the resource manually and then to apply again.

proposal: `helm upgrade --recreate` · Issue #7082 · helm/helm

Steps to reproduce the issue: helm create tmp echo &#39; apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: {{ include &quot;tmp.fullname&quot; $ }} roleRef: apiGroup: rbac….

Roderik van der Veer avatar
Roderik van der Veer

it also puts my release in a failed state

Roderik van der Veer avatar
Roderik van der Veer

and i have cleanupOnFail set to true, but all the pods and services appear to be there

Roderik van der Veer avatar
Roderik van der Veer

and i do not have clusterIP in my templates in case you were wondering

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

You must have clusterIP: “” somewhere in your source template or this would not occur right?

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

in either case, I’ve found I’ve had to blow away the entire deployment to get around this three-way merge madness/issue myself :(*


DanB avatar

Hmm, so is there a consensus on the differences between apply and sync?

roth.andy avatar

apply is diff then sync if diff shows a change. Sync skips the diff step.

DanB avatar

right, but if there aren’t any deltas with the resources in k8s, nothing happens either in the case of sync. It’s not clear what apply is trying to achieve.

roth.andy avatar

sync still runs helm upgrade --install even if there is nothing to change. apply won’t do that if nothing has changed

roth.andy avatar

apply is the intended command to use

DanB avatar

is there some penalty for running helm upgrade --install if nothing has changed?

roth.andy avatar

probably not, other than whatever computer/memory the command uses

roth.andy avatar

then again, depending on your setup you might have your pods restarted for instance


Bart M. avatar
Bart M.

hmm doesn’t seem to be possible to define in a helmfile which helm version should be used?

Bart M. avatar
Bart M.

it only seems to be possible on the cli

Bart M. avatar
Bart M.

this is a bit messy since I currently have multiple environments using helm2 and helm3… now I have to specify the --helm-binary / -b every time

Nelson Jeppesen avatar
Nelson Jeppesen

From within helmfile.yaml, is there anyway I can detect if helmfile is being run with helm2 or helm 3?

Nelson Jeppesen avatar
Nelson Jeppesen

We have a shared repo that we’ll be migrating namespace by namespace and I’d like to add logic that says “this helmfile.yaml is only deloyed with helm 2 or 3”

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

~I believe the right way is to set helm_binary inside each helmfile, then install both versions of helm.~

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

looks like this parameter isn’t supported

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
Set helm binary globally in helmfile.yaml · Issue #1083 · roboll/helmfile

In my team we use both helm 2 and 3 on different clusters and we ship a docker image containing all the binaries such as helm (named helm2 and helm3), helm plugins, helmfile, etc. What happens is t…

Nelson Jeppesen avatar
Nelson Jeppesen

Thanks for the help, maybe I can find out another way

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

If you’re using alpine linux, we distribute helm2 and helm3 packages

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Cloud Posse installer and distribution of native apps, binaries and alpine packages - cloudposse/packages



Alex Siegman avatar
Alex Siegman

Wish there was a cloudposse group I could @ mention, but I have a very small PR to make a helmfile a bit more friendly: https://github.com/cloudposse/helmfiles/pull/224

[fluentd-elasticsearch-aws] configurable resource requesets/limits by asiegman · Pull Request #224 · cloudposse/helmfiles

what [fluentd-elasticsearch-aws] Allow configurable resource requests/limits from environment why Lots of CPU throttling happening, would like to provide a higher limit.

creature avatar

they are very active on here…I bet you won’t wait too long

Alex Siegman avatar
Alex Siegman

Usually don’t

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse) is working full time on our PR backlog

Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse) avatar
Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse)

@Alex Siegman will put it on top of my queue

Alex Siegman avatar
Alex Siegman

It’s a 5 minute PR tops unless I missed some naming convention, I matched a similar one I found in Sentry helmfile

Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse) avatar
Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse)

@Alex Siegman here it is: <https://github.com/cloudposse/helmfiles/releases/tag/0.92.0>



Roderik van der Veer avatar
Roderik van der Veer

Is there a way to have the u/p for a repository to come from a file? Trying to do the following where the ‘docker’ key is part of an environments values file. I tried making a base repositories file and make it a gotmpl but no joy there.

  - name: settlemint
    url: <https://harbor.settlemint.com/chartrepo/launchpad>
    username: {{ .Values.docker.username }}
    password: {{ .Values.docker.password }}
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

It’s probably related to the double rendering bug

Graeme Gillies avatar
Graeme Gillies

is helmfiles: the only section of a helmfile that can take git repo refs/paths. E.g. can I reference another file in bases: or values: ?

roth.andy avatar

Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

Graeme Gillies avatar
Graeme Gillies

I guess I could use exec to do a git command to clone/cat the file but I was wondering about native support, especially for bases:

James Huffman avatar
James Huffman

you can use readFile to pull things in from a file


Jillian Rowe avatar
Jillian Rowe

hey all. has anyone deployed the elk stack with metricbeat on aws with helm? I’m going with the defaults and it sort of works, but i get an error on one of the monitoring services


Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Hi all, is helmfile usable with helm3 ?

starets avatar


Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk


Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Is there a way of pre render a single release, i dont see any options in helmfile template --help

Jonathan avatar

helmfile -e your-environment -l name=name-of-release template

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Thanx works , missed global options, sorry

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Hi all, how to make helmfile to delete chart, when I remove it from helmfile.yaml ? Neither helm apply nor helm sync seems working for me

Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse) avatar
Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse)

try to use installed option. set it to false and do apply (here is documentation: <https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/blame/master/README.md#L160>)

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

thnx, will try

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

So, should I set this flag on each release separately ?

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Ahh, seems I got the idea - instead of removing release from helmfile.yaml I should set this flag

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Am I right ?

Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse) avatar
Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse)

@Ievgenii Shepeliuk you are right!

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Excuse me, are you a helmfile dev ? Could you plz explain a motivation for this flag ? Why just not purge releases if they are missing from helmfile.yaml ?

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Hi all, I’m doing helmfile -n myns apply and then helmfile -n myns status from my CI \ CD jenkins pipeline Although helmfile apply executes successfully , helmfile status fails with following error

23:34:14  err: release "eshepelyuk-fastapi" failed: helm exited with status 1:
23:34:14    Error: release: not found
23:34:14  err: release "hrzn-docs" failed: helm exited with status 1:
23:34:14    Error: release: not found
23:34:14  in ./helmfile.yaml: 2 errors:
23:34:14  err 0: release "eshepelyuk-fastapi" failed: helm exited with status 1:
23:34:14    Error: release: not found
23:34:14  err 1: release "hrzn-docs" failed: helm exited with status 1:
23:34:14    Error: release: not found

Locally, both commands work, Can anyone give an advice ?

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Anyone plz, at least some clues where to start from ?

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

maybe supply the namespace with helmfile status command?

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

My helmfile.yaml doesnt habe namespace , though. I rely on current NS, provided by -n flag.

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

oh, seems like you are.

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Well after checking debug log, i see that -n is not passed to helm status command from helmfile status

23:20:47  Getting status eshepelyuk-fastapi
23:20:47  exec: helm status eshepelyuk-fastapi
23:20:47  worker 1/2 started
23:20:47  Getting status hrzn-docs
23:20:47  exec: helm status hrzn-docs
Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Is it a bug ?

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

I found this PR https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/pull/1098 that should be fixed in 0.99.1 I am using 0.100.0, and bug is still here

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Interesting observation when trying to workaround as suggested in that PR

  1. when running helmfile status -n myns --args "--namespace myns" - I receive the same error
  2. when running helmfile status --args "--namespace myns" - all works fine, So, apparently there’s a bug with -n flg in helmfile status command Could someone confirm ?
Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk


Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

I think the PR should be reopened

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Another question is about helmfile.lock In case I’m not gonna use version ranges (ie 1.x or ~2.0) is there any reason to care about helmfile.lock Can I put it to gitignore ?


Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Anybody here ?

George Kontridze avatar
George Kontridze


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

You can safely ignore the helmfile.lock if you’re not going to use the functionality.

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk


mumoshu avatar

@Ievgenii Shepeliuk Hey! Are you sure you’re using the same version of Helm(3 or 2) on your machine and Jenkins?

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Yes i am

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

The difference i see , locally i use windows and in jenkins we run helmfile from debian based docker container

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Actually doesnt matter since bug is reprodeced locally too

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

-n just doesn’t work for helmfile status

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

@mumoshu yse hel list works fine

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Everything works except -n flag of helmfile status

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

--args works

mumoshu avatar

Okay thanks! Not sure why --args works, but anyway, it does seem like a bug.

mumoshu avatar

I’ll fix it tonight but if you have some time until then, could you try adding st.ApplyOverrides(&release) here?



Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

I am lame in golang :((

mumoshu avatar

@Ievgenii Shepeliuk Thanks. One more thing - Does helm list -n myns show you eshepelyuk-fastapi on both your machine and Jekins?


Jillian Rowe avatar
Jillian Rowe

I need to configure replica sets with different configurations for mongodb - https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/mongodb-replicaset/templates. could anyone point me in the right direction?


Curated applications for Kubernetes. Contribute to helm/charts development by creating an account on GitHub.

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

I’ve got a question about helmfile netsted helmfiles and the values key in nested helmfiles. What exactly is that meant to override and what format is expected?

roth.andy avatar

Assuming you are talking about the highlighted key under releases - It is equivalent to passing a values.yaml file using helm install --values values.yaml. The benefit is (as the docs show), you can do it in a bunch of different ways, such as passing a values.yaml.gotmpl file with full templating power

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

I am not. I am referring to the helmfiles key as we’re including a nested state - however, it’s not clear where these values are used and what format and I’ve not found any way to override or influence values anywhere in nested state

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi
roth.andy avatar

The helmfiles.values: key is for overrides only, not for setting new values. I don’t actually use the values: key here as we use environment variables as inputs to the nested helmfiles.

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

overrides of what

roth.andy avatar

the values in the nested helmfile

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

Sure, so I have values - set via a yaml file, in the nested helmfile which includes several releases

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

I’m trying to override a value in that yaml file and there’s no documentation for how to key into that releases values and set the override

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

would an example our our helmfile structure help?

roth.andy avatar

I’ve never used the values key here. Perhaps the resident experts like @mumoshu or @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) might have more insight?

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

Thanks, I’ll create a sample repo in the mean time to outline what we’re attempting to do

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

An example layout of our repo: https://github.com/marcoceppi/nested-helmfiles We have nearly 100 sites which all start from the same base template and generally have the same config. Only a few values in a few configs need to be overwritten. Instead of duplicating the master 100 times we’re looking to use nested states to grab a master template and override a few sections of config

mumoshu avatar

@Marco Ceppi Hey! What’s you’re missing there is explicit propagation of helm state values to helm chart values here



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mumoshu avatar

https://github.com/marcoceppi/nested-helmfiles/blob/970aa58ad4ec638e71f6792b48d58ae479d093c3/deploy/site1/helmfile.yaml#L5 means that you’re delegating to models/unit1/helmfile.yaml with helm “state values” of


It’s now models/unit1/helmfile.yaml ‘s responsibility to use the state values to correctly render helm charts


Contribute to marcoceppi/nested-helmfiles development by creating an account on GitHub.

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

@mumoshu Thank you for the reply. We ended up coming to the same conclusion after /a lot/ of experimentation. The result feels a little wonky, but it works

mumoshu avatar

Usually, your model helmfile.yaml should look like this:

- name: vio
  url: <https://charts.vio.sh>

- name: {{ .Environment.Name }}-test
  namespace: default
  chart: vio/test
  version: 0.0.1
  - ./values/test.yaml.gotmpl
  - {{ .Values | toYaml | nindent 4}}

so that it will (internally) be rendered to

- name: {{ .Environment.Name }}-test
  namespace: default
  chart: vio/test
  version: 0.0.1
  - ./values/test.yaml.gotmpl
  - config:
mumoshu avatar

Glad it worked!

JFYI, many people asked that state values should “automatically” be propagated to helm chart values. That that breaks existing use-cases and also makes it fundamentally difficult to use helm state values as “intermediates” to render chart values

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

Yeah, we ended up with something like this:

    - site_name: {{ .Values.site_name | default "virt-gcp" }}
      site_domain: {{ .Values.site_domain | default "virt0" }}
      plc_host: {{ .Values.plc_host | default "" }}
      snmp_host: {{ .Values.snmp_host | default "" }}

At the top of the models/unit1 helm file. These values get sensible defaults but are also overridden by the deploy/site helmfiles. The values end up getting used in values.yaml.gotmpl for each of the releases when needed

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

Feels weird, but works consistently so I’m happy with it and it’s pretty explicit so it leaves a nice cookie trail for future developers

mumoshu avatar

I was going to suggest

- defaults.yaml

    - myenv.yaml

with overwrites myenv.yaml to defaults.yaml when run with helmfile -e myenv apply

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

The concept of helmfile state variables was a topic not clearly outlined and it took us a lot of example hoping to realize that you could leverage values in the helmfiles themselves (be it from environment, etc) once we grok’d that it was a lot more clear the path forward

mumoshu avatar

but yeah yours seems better for readers

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

We’ve not had as much success with environments cascading properly, but it was where we started first

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

I guess I didn’t realize we could just set values as a top level key

mumoshu avatar

maybe i’m not following you currectly, but they don’t cascade. but you can layer environment values as i’ve done

mumoshu avatar

that makes sense. i thought the top-level values isn’t well documented(either, our bad)

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

Right, we were setting the environment “overrides” in the site based helmfile but not seeing the values propagate to the model file

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

No worries. Once we finish up our deployment templates I’ll try to get it at least updated in the README.md template via PR

mumoshu avatar

Right, we were setting the environment “overrides” in the site based helmfile but not seeing the values propagate to the model file
i think i’m catching up now.

so, you tried “overriding” state values of the “model” helmfile.yaml via https://github.com/marcoceppi/nested-helmfiles/blob/970aa58ad4ec638e71f6792b48d58ae479d093c3/deploy/site1/helmfile.yaml#L3-L5 , right?


Contribute to marcoceppi/nested-helmfiles development by creating an account on GitHub.

mumoshu avatar

as you may already know as you got it to work, it DOES override state values of the model helmfile.yaml.

in your case, it was just that it doesn’t automatically cascade to helm “chart” values

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

We were declaring the environment in there


That was happening in that file, but we couldn’t seem to get that to properly propagate to the nested helmfile

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

So we went with the solution I outlined earlier

mumoshu avatar

ah yes, it doesn’t propagate automatically, either. it is basically “opt-in” or “selective”.

Marco Ceppi avatar
Marco Ceppi

Got it, thanks for clarifying!

mumoshu avatar

Just trying to input ideas that aren’t documented well, but if your values files are structured uniformly, you can make your site helmfile.yaml like this:

- site1.defaults.yaml

    # helmfile -e site1Prod makes .Values = site1.defaulst.yaml + site1.prod.yaml
    - site1.prod.yaml

- path: ../../models/unit1/helmfile.yaml
  # this way you don't need to repeat keys already defined in site1.defaults.yaml and site1.prod.yaml
  - {{ .Values | toYaml | nindent 4 }}

Not sure what works best for you, but please consider this as an option if you like


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Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Guys, i don’t know who are the maintainers, but please accept a great appreciation from our team to all of them. we’ve been able to adopt helmfile in a day (sure with some issues, i’ve asked in this chat) and this tool really enriched our CD pipelines, so many problems solved and so easy to adopt it’s really a great tool for k8s ecosystem pity, we’re not golang team and can’t contribute freely as we do to JVM OSS projects

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@scorebot let’s keep tabs!

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

excuse me, what does it mean ?

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Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

oh haha, you can ignore that. I just added the scorebot so we can reward everyone for helping out.

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk


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Richard Gomes avatar
Richard Gomes

Hello. this is my first post here. I would like to provision thousands of namespaces, one for each customer, or even several, namespaces per customer. Every day more and more customers would join and more and more namespaces would be created. Would helmfile accomodate that? What would be the best practices in this case, please? Thanks a lot

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

sure, but it may be more efficient to just script out the creation of namespaces based on your naming convention and flat yaml/json at those numbers.

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

Kubernetes community content. Contribute to kubernetes/community development by creating an account on GitHub.

Richard Gomes avatar
Richard Gomes

@Zachary Loeber: Thanks a lot


Bart M. avatar
Bart M.

@Richard Gomes thousands would be the point where I’d consider writing a dedicated thing in Go if all these things are very similar… you can for example use helm3 as a go library, and accessing the API is pretty easy…

roth.andy avatar

{{- $namespace := requiredEnv "GITLAB_KUBE_NAMESPACE" }}

How can I make that fail if the string is longer than 23 characters?

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

I’d suggest to use standard helm instead

• required • ternary • env So idea is - if env exists and longer than 23 or env var doesn’t exist - then you set set it to null from ternary and then use required on that value, that wil lfail

eventually resilting in what you want

roth.andy avatar

ended up going with

roth.andy avatar
{{- $namespace := requiredEnv "GITLAB_KUBE_NAMESPACE" }}
{{- if gt (len $namespace) 23 }}
  {{- fail "GITLAB_KUBE_NAMESPACE may not exceed 23 characters" }}
{{- end }}
Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

helmfile based framework for managing the desired state of apps with using the appdeploy & appconduits Helm charts - bitsofinfo/helmfile-deploy

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

That’s interesting

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Feels quite similar to what we are doing with Helmfile and monochart, but his more opinionated approach is appealing

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Igor Rodionov

joey avatar

maybe i’m doing it wrong, but i did not expect that with 2 releases with the same name, one in a cluster-specific helmfile and one later in a common helmfile, helmfile will take the later one?

joey avatar
joey@isp : ~/dev/personal/minikube/helmfile > tree
├── common
│   └── helmfile.yaml
└── v1.14.9
    ├── helm_values
    │   └── prometheus.yaml
    └── helmfile.yaml

3 directories, 3 files
joey@isp : ~/dev/personal/minikube/helmfile > cat v1.14.9/helmfile.yaml
  - name: prometheus
    namespace: monitoring
    chart: stable/prometheus
    version: ^9.0.0
      - helm_values/prometheus.yaml

  - path: ../common/helmfile.yaml
joey@isp : ~/dev/personal/minikube/helmfile > cat v1.14.9/helm_values/prometheus.yaml
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
joey@isp : ~/dev/personal/minikube/helmfile > cat common/helmfile.yaml
  - name: stable
    url: <https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com>

  - name: prometheus
    namespace: kube-system
    chart: stable/prometheus
    version: ^9.0.0

  - name: grafana
    namespace: monitoring
    chart: stable/grafana

in this case when running helmfile diff or helmfile apply in the v1.14.9 folder i would’ve expected helmfile to take the prometheus definition with alertmanager and pushgateway disabled and push prometheus in the monitoring namespace, but instead helmfile chose the last specification from ‘common’.

joey avatar

when i rearranged the cluster-specific helmfile.yaml to have the ‘common’ included first, prometheus was installed without alertmanager and pushgateway enabled, so i know it read the values from the releases in the cluster-specific folder, but it was still installed in the kube-system namespace, so it read the namespace from the first definition as opposed to the last definition of the release

joey avatar

is that working as intended?


btai avatar

anyone else thats deploying prometheus-operator getting this issue? It was supposedly fixed in helm 2.14 but even testing with more recent versions of helm2 (2.16.3) or helm3, I still get the error:

failed processing release prometheus-operator: helm exited with status 1:
  Error: validation failed: unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "ServiceMonitor" in version "monitoring.coreos.com/v1"


no matches for kind "ServiceMonitor" in version "monitoring.coreos.com/v1" · Issue #1866 · coreos/prometheus-operator

What did you do? minikube start –kubernetes-version=v1.11.1 –memory=8192 –bootstrapper=kubeadm –extra-config=kubelet.authentication-token-webhook=true –extra-config=kubelet.authorization-mode=…

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

What is your version of the chart?

no matches for kind "ServiceMonitor" in version "monitoring.coreos.com/v1" · Issue #1866 · coreos/prometheus-operator

What did you do? minikube start –kubernetes-version=v1.11.1 –memory=8192 –bootstrapper=kubeadm –extra-config=kubelet.authentication-token-webhook=true –extra-config=kubelet.authorization-mode=…

btai avatar

version: "6.2.1"

btai avatar

I guess I should bump the version to 8.9.2, i had taken it from the cloudposse helmfile

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

Hm, we had some troubles in the past, but cannot say about this one for sure. We are successfully deploying 8.7.0 with Helm 3.

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

I still run into this one every so often. Usually it is ordering of my deployments (so if I try to install something that includes a servicemonitor but don’t have prometheus installed, locally for instance). I’d ensure that you are not combining other charts with the operator deployment.

btai avatar

I am just installing the prometheus-operator helmfile. It includes the crd install hooks beforehand

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

Perhaps do it in phases then, first with just the operator, then once again with the default rules. Looks like their chart has been updated since I used it and it now enables a boat load of default rules to be installed in the same chart.

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

those default rules create the servicemonitors (I’m assuming at least)

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

typically the pre-hook install of crds would catch this I’d think….

btai avatar

@Zachary Loeber I also feel like the pre-hook installs of the crds should which is whats weird to me

btai avatar

I jumped to helm 3.1.1 and it seems to work now on the latest prometheus-operator version (8.9.2)

Sean Johnson avatar
Sean Johnson

there’s no more pre-hook CRD installs in helm3

Sean Johnson avatar
Sean Johnson

it’s been replaced by a directory in the helm chart called crds, which by their chart history was only created 8 days ago and 8.9.2 cut 5 days ago

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

would that apply to a helm 2 chart?

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

or would it honor prehook configs still (guessing not, the helm 3 upgrade has been a little goofy)

btai avatar

hrm. I will prob leave the prehook crd config in my chart although I am on 8.9.2

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

it’s been replaced by a directory in the helm chart called crds, which by their chart history was only created 8 days ago and 8.9.2 cut 5 days ago
The crd directory was created long ago: https://github.com/helm/charts/commit/89b233eef6dbc1b6fac418bde3a5a6f4e14406d4#diff-4dbc73be2076b0f18519c7c8b1add2b2

[stable/prometheus-operator] Introduce crds directory for compatibili… · helm/charts@89b233e

…ty with Helm v3 (#18721) * Introduce crds directory for compatibility with Helm v3 - This adds crds directory which has all 5 CRDs - As files from crds directory needs to be plain YAMLs, keeps…

btai avatar

I know its a race condition that I can easily script around, but it reads to me that it should be fixed?


